Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland
OAR 11, 12, 13 : 1253 - 1564
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taemes 1 Keyword Summaries 1434  
temporary dijkgraaf 1 Keyword Summaries 1457  
ter aar 7 Keyword Summaries 1443 1469
ter aar, kerk van 1 Keyword Summaries 1452  
ter wadding 1 Keyword Summaries 1448  
term of heemraad 1 Keyword Summaries 1442  
testimony 2 Keyword Summaries 1426 1433
tetrode 1 Keyword Summaries 1422  
tetrode, dirc van 1 Keyword Summaries 1371  
tol, florijs janszoon van 1 Keyword Summaries 1458  
tol, florijs van 4 Keyword Summaries 1415 1419
tolls 1 Keyword Summaries 1253  
touwe 1 Keyword Summaries 1439  
traffic 3 Keyword Summaries 1437 1437
tragedy of commons 1 Keyword Summaries 1460  
transport 8 Keyword Summaries 1421 1472
treasurer 1 Keyword Summaries 1401  
trude baven 1 Keyword Summaries 1410  
turnstile 8 Keyword Summaries 1432 1461
tuylnesse 1 Keyword Summaries 1528  


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Date Summary Rec details
1434.05.00 Testimony in a dispute taken by heemraad Meynert Claeszoon concerning the priest Jan Allertsz. of Spaarnwoude who was charged with using more land for the church than he was authorized to use. In early 1430, priest Jan and associates had agreed to rebuild the badly damaged Kerkendijk at Spaarnwoude.


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  temporary dijkgraaf  
Date Summary Rec details
1457.05.03 If the dijkgraaf is absent from a schouw- or rechtsdag, the heemraden will appoint one of their own who is rentmeester to be dijkgraaf, and if the rentmeester also is absent, those present will cast lots to choose a dijkgraaf.


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  ter aar  
Date Summary Rec details
1443.05.19 Specifications for the construction/reconstruction of the new sluice known as the Hogesluis
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1450.05.05 Permission for Martin Dircxz. to maintain the shoring in t,e same manner as is done at Leidmuiden and Ter Aar, at his own cost.
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1451.05.04 Settlement of dispute between Mertijn Dircxzoon and his nephew, Clais Heijnricxzoon concerning responsibility for maintaining the shoring on the Spaarndammerdijk, behind the Kolk (Grote sluis), formerly maintained by Leimuiden and Ter Aar.
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1452.10.02 Permission for Ter Aar to give the vruchtgebruik of border embankment (zijdwinde), located in Langeraar, to the church at Ter Aar.
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1458.10.03 Permission for Ter Aar to schouw with five instead of seven heemraden.
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1462.07.06 Permission for Ter Aar and Schoot to inspect and assign maintenance responsibilities 14 days after it was announced in the three nearest churches.
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1469.05.02 Invitation to tender offers for reconstruction of the Riedwijk, Vriesekoop, Ter Aar, Schoot, Albrechts Vierendeel van Bosch, and Outshoorn sluice and the Alphen, Leiderdorp, Warmond, Groenswaard, and Hillegom sluis, with specifications for the work to be done. Dirk Janszoon van der Hoerne took on the Riedwijk sluice for 582 lb., and Willem Reynerszoon took on the Alphen sluice for 598 lb.


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  ter aar, kerk van  
Date Summary Rec details
1452.10.02 Permission for Ter Aar to give the vruchtgebruik of border embankment (zijdwinde), located in Langeraar, to the church at Ter Aar.


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  ter wadding  
Date Summary Rec details
1448.05.06 For schout of Zoeterwoude to inspect the sloot alongside the Zandweg between Leiden and Ter Wadding.


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  term of heemraad  
Date Summary Rec details
1442.06.26 Bartout van Assendelf temporarily appointed as kroosheemraad for Haarlem


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Date Summary Rec details
1426.00.00 Testimony taken in inquest done at Lisse into the matter of water being allowed to drain into Rijnland because several had dug through a dune at the request of the houtvesters -- possibly to relieve flooding.
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1433.00.00 An investigation into a dispute between Rijnland and the city of Amsterdam whose merchants had breached the Overtoom (an overtocht or inclined plane with winch to lift a boat over a dike) in the Kostverloren wetering on the southwestern side of the city to facilitate the transport of some bags of wool. Both sides claimed to own the dike in question and each appealed to old charters granting them jurisdiction. In the end, the arbitrators sided with Rijnland.


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Date Summary Rec details
1422.06.24 Ordered the residents of Tetrode and Albrechtsberg to make 20 roeden (rods) of the Nieuwendijk at Spaarnwoude one roede wide and as high as the heemraden shall indicate, and they shall complete this between now and next St. Mary Magdalene day on pain of the highest fine, that is to say twice 70 lb.


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  tetrode, dirc van  
Date Summary Rec details
1371.11.13 A list of certain incomes attached to lands and buildings perhaps in the neighborhood of Voorschoten and Valkenburg.


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  tol, florijs janszoon van  
Date Summary Rec details
1458.03.14 Specifications for the reconstruction of the Alkmade [Oegstgeest, Lisse, Voorhout, Vennep, and Splinters Ambacht] sluice, to be completed by St. Bartholomew's day (25 August). Adriaen Ghysbrecht and Engebrecht Pieterszoon took on the contract for 685 lb., with Gerijt Rijswijck, Willem vander Does, Florijs Janszoon van Tol, and Ysbrant Symonszoon standing as surety for them, with Zeger Staeszoon as carpenter.


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  tol, florijs van  
Date Summary Rec details
1415.01.09 A promisory note -- the hoogheemraden owe Witte Jacob Buzenz. 142 lb. 10 sc. for food and drink
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1415.01.09 A promisory note: heemraden owe Robbrecht Claesz. of Haarlem 172 lb. 5 sc. for food and/or drink.
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1416.01.09 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details
1419.10.02 A promisory note: heemraden owe Willem Dobbez. 100 English nobles for which he will be repaid 10 nobles each year plus unspecified interest until the entire principal is paid.


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Date Summary Rec details
1253.04.09 Incomplete translation of a charter issued by Willem II (1253) confirmed by Count Willem III in 1316 in which Willem II authorized the construction of a ship lock in the Spaarndam. Ships from Holland will pay tolls until the cost of the lock is recovered; other ships will continue pay tolls thereafter with the revenue collected to be used for the maintenance of the lock.


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Date Summary Rec details
1439.06.24 Proclaim in all churches: no fishing paraphernalia may be set in any waterways according to the the evidence from the charters and keuren regarding the Oude Rijn.


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Date Summary Rec details
1437.06.29 Regulatation of boat passage through the sluices at Spaarndam: first to arrive is the first to go through.
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1437.06.29 Regulation of boat and barge traffic in and around Spaarndam: no one may stand on the sluice in order to drag a vessel through the sluices.
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1437.06.29 Must pull mast in to six feet before entering the sluice at Spaarndam.


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  tragedy of commons  
Date Summary Rec details
1460.02.26 Because of the damage that they can do to low-lying lands, windmills may be established only with the consent of the hoogheemraden, and all windmills already in place must be stopped until approved.


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Date Summary Rec details
1421.05.25 Regulations concerning transport of peat through sluices in the Rijndijk: only while flowing out. Also, as necessary, must build spoyen (ship locks) with kadijken so that no one will be damaged.
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1438.06.24 Order turnstiles to be set on the Zeedijk to prevent wagon traffic on it.
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1450.10.06 Order the buren of Spaarndam to reconstruct the wangen (wings) of the Grote sluis on behalf of the Capel van Spaarndam so that people can ride along it, along with a turnstile that it can be closed if necessary. The capelmeesters get to collect a quarter of a stuiver for every passing car or wagon.
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1455.07.01 Permission for those of Benthuizen to put bridge heads 7 feet wide at water level in the Notsloot and two new canals to allow the transfer of cows and hay.
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1460.02.26 Authorization for Dirc Hoochstraet to maintain the Lage brug (Low Bridge) in Waddinxveen with dirt and wood provided at his own expense at sufficient height for peat and other materials to be transported under it.
Date Summary Rec details
1460.05.06 Hoogheemraden order those responsible for keeping livestock from the Spaarndammerdijk (the sea dike running from Spaarndam to Amsterdam) to appear before them and declare openly what they have done with respect to enforcing the grazing prohibition and that they will enforce the prohibition by fining those who disobey and keep the turnstiles that prevent access in good working order.
Date Summary Rec details
1461.10.13 Permission for Jan van Zwieten to install a turnstile in the Reijnegommerwatering (Zoeterwoude) that can be closed to prevent boat passage through the canal on the condition that he digs a wider and deeper passage next to his manor house, Hofstede Reijnegom.
Date Summary Rec details
1472.05.05 Permission for Voorschoten to put two stone bridges in the Papenwech over the canals at such height and width that an aelman (small, flat-bottomed boat) loaded with peat or wood can sail through them.


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Date Summary Rec details
1401.05.19 Settlement of an action taken by the dijkgraaf and hoogheemraden of Rijnland against the schout of Alphen along with heemraden of Alphen, Haszerswoude, and Boskoop for an illegal schouw (inspection) that had done on the Bakwetering in Waddinxveen.


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  trude baven  
Date Summary Rec details
1410.00.00 Finding in favor of Trude Baven and Jan van Leiden and associates who hold land outside the Zijlpoort at Leiden -- they may use the bridge and canal as in the past.


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Date Summary Rec details
1432.00.00 Permission for Koudekerk to install a turnstile on the Heimansbrug
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1438.06.24 Order turnstiles to be set on the Zeedijk to prevent wagon traffic on it.
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1447.11.14 Against Pieter and Clais Vogelair for destroying a turnstile on the Spaarndammerdijk.
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1450.05.05 Hoogheemraden authorized the moving of a turnstile on Mijchiels wael
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1450.10.06 Order the buren of Spaarndam to reconstruct the wangen (wings) of the Grote sluis on behalf of the Capel van Spaarndam so that people can ride along it, along with a turnstile that it can be closed if necessary. The capelmeesters get to collect a quarter of a stuiver for every passing car or wagon.
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1452.05.02 Permission for Spaarnwoude to place a turnstile on the road behand Pieter Hillebrantazonns house.
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1460.05.06 Hoogheemraden order those responsible for keeping livestock from the Spaarndammerdijk (the sea dike running from Spaarndam to Amsterdam) to appear before them and declare openly what they have done with respect to enforcing the grazing prohibition and that they will enforce the prohibition by fining those who disobey and keep the turnstiles that prevent access in good working order.
Date Summary Rec details
1461.10.13 Permission for Jan van Zwieten to install a turnstile in the Reijnegommerwatering (Zoeterwoude) that can be closed to prevent boat passage through the canal on the condition that he digs a wider and deeper passage next to his manor house, Hofstede Reijnegom.


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Date Summary Rec details
1528.10.22 Settlement of dispute between Waddinxveen, Broek, Tuylnesse and Korterakkeren vs. Coenencoop over building of windmills and horse mills in Coenencoop.



Author Publication Home
William H. TeBrake
Maine, USA, June 2006
OAR11, OAR12, OAR13