

Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland
OAR 11, 12, 13 : 1253 - 1564
OAR records in previous Year View: Record details
Year 1361
OAR records in next Year



Record #510     Date   next record  top of page
Location Type of Document
OAR12, 087r-a-087v Vonnis
[052] Allen den ghenen die desen brieff sullen sien off horen lesen doe ic condt Gherijt Voppen soen proesstpaep tot Alphen dat ic ghesien hebben ende ommegelesen een hantveste onghequest ende angemerct besegelt mit eene groots printen segel hertoghe Aelbrechts sprekende van woerde te woerde als hier nae gesreven staet: 'Aelbrecht bij goids ghenaden palensgrave upten Rijn, hertoghe in Beyeren, ruwaert van Henegouwen, van Hollant, van Zeelant ende van Vrieslant doen condt allen luyden dat wij gegeven hebben ende gheven voir ons ende voir onsen nacomelinghen onsen goeden luyden van Alphen die woenachtich ende gheerft zijn tusschen die Goudsluse ende Zwammerdamme tsheren gerechte van Brederrode enen ghemeenen waterganck ende enen vroen durende tot ewiliken dagen onverscyt van yemande te beghinnen anden Rijdijck wt te gaen tot der halver Ysel toe, den Yseldijc up ende toe te doen, behoudende onsen edelen hiemraedt hoert rechte, ende den Rijndijck dichte te houden tot enen waterkeer tusschen Swammerdamme ende die Goudsluse ten waer gheenen ongeval van slande, ende een kade te houden op der Goude twisschen den Rijndijck ende den abdissen gherecht van Rijnsburch tot enen waterkeer, ende voirt vander Goude te houden den Groenenwech tot enen waterkeer ende voirt streckende, streckende an Harper ambocht van Foreest dat gehieten is Spoelwijck. Ende mit deser vorisc. sluse so sullen onse goede lude voirscr. horen wille vrijlic doen tot ons ghemeens lands oerbaer dat nu tertijt becost dese sluse ende waterganc voirscr. ende hore nacomelinghen sonder yemands wederseggen. Ende ymmerrmeer ander luyden doer desen vorsc. waterganck wt te watern ten sij bij ghemeenen consente onser goeder lude vorisc., voirt hebben wij gegeven ende gheven onsen goeden luden voirscr. enen wielant iof aerde dese voirghen. waterganc off ka te doen hebben mochte tot enigher tijt dat sullen sij hebben mitter minster scade tot der hiemraden seggen die desen voirghen. water- [87v] ganc yoff kade scouwen zullen. Ende dese voirghen. waterganc, kade ende vpstal sel scouwen onse scoute van Alphen mit vijff heemraders die wonachtich zijn binnen den voirsc. waterganck. Ende onser scoute die nu is off namaels wesen sel kiesen die hiemraders mit den ghemeenen bueren van Alphen die inden voerscr. waterganck woenachtich zijn ende wij die daer in vallen mochte sal onse bailiu van Rijnlant besteden. Ende waert datmen den scoute voirneomde niet warven en mochte die hiemraders te kiesen als hijt achte dagen te voren wiste ende maken wij machdich onsen goeden luden voirghenoemt die woenachdich ende gheerft zijn inden voersc. waterghanghe dat sij kiesen sullen twie heemraders bij rade ons bailiuwes, ende die twie hiemraders sullen drie hiemraders tot hem kiesen, ende so wes die vijff hiemraders voersc. bij horen eede scouwen ende kueren dat onsen lands nutte ende oerbaer is, daer en sullen wij noch onse nacomelinghe niet teghens segghen noch nyemant behouden onsen edelen hiemraet horre rechte. Ende onse scoute voerscr. sal dese voerghen. hiemraders selve eeden als zij voer hem comen ghecoren als voirsc. is off nyemand recht te doen binnen Alphen. Ende in deser voersc. watergange zullen gaderen elke morgen morgen gelike. Vort so wie morgengelt off ongelt geven mochte up desen voersc. waterganck datter yemand ware diet niet ghelden en woude, soe ombieden wij onsen scoute voernoemd dat hijt wtlegghen voir onse wegen ende weder in neme also recht is sonder wederseggen. Gheviel oeck mede dat onder onsen scoute van Alphen ende hiemraders voirsc. enigherhande twij quame waer bij dat sij enige schouwe after laten wouden of after luyten daer onse voersc. landt oerbaer anlegghe, ende die voersc. hiemraders den scoute van Alphen niet werven en mochten als ment hem achte daghe te voren weten dede, so willen wij dat die vijf hiemraders die inden voers. waterganc horen kyesen sullen bij rade ons bailiuwes enen warden knaep dair si mede scouwen ende des lands oerbaer mede vorderen moghen gelikerwijs als een scoute van Alphen daen soude. Ende ware in allen yoff in enighen van desen voirsc. punten yet te verbeteren dat soude staen tot onser vorderinge ende al sonder argelist. In oerconde desen brieve besegelt mit onsen segele ghegeven inden Haghe des manendaghes na jairsdach int jaer ons heren m ccc ende tsestich.' In kennes der wairheit heb ic Gherijt voirnoemd priester dit vidimus open bezegelt, gegeven int jair ons heren m ccc twe ende tsestich des vrijdages na jairsdaghes. Item dese voirsc. hantvest is omscreven wt dit voirs. vidimus dat niet te waren en is off oeck concordeert ende hout van woerde te woerde gelijk die principael handvest inhout ende da om overmids dat hij niet machtich en is te ---------- ende te besegelen dat autentijck is daermen mede volstaen soude ende up wijsen soude mogen.
English Summary
Certified copy of a charter issued by Duke Albrecht giving permission to the residents of the polder on the eastside of the Gouwe at Alphen to construct a canal between the Oude Rijn and the IJssel, with rules for the naming of heemraden for schouwing the canal.
gerijt voppenzoon; priest; alphen; charters; handvesten; aelbrecht, duke; vidimus; alphen; gouwesluis; zwammerdam; brederode, heer van; canals; vroon; rijndijk; ijsseldijk; ijssel; sluices; rijnsburg, abbess of; groenenweg; spoelwijk; schouwen; maintenance; construction; schouten; buren; kroosheemraden; baljuw; morgen morgensgelijk; morgengeld; uitleggen en inhalen
This item is crossed out. Original OAR3804. Published in van Leeuwen, p. 173, van Mieris, III, p. 124, Meylink, Bewijsstukken, no. 173; see also van Amstel-Horßk and Lombarts, p. 3.
Keyword Threads Seq / Count First Prev Next
aelbrecht, duke 1 / 13     1361
alphen 5 / 44 1284 1358 1361
alphen 6 / 44 1284 1361 1391
baljuw 1 / 9     1400
brederode, heer van 1 / 2     1451
buren 2 / 31 1356 1356 1385
canals 3 / 67 1356 1358 1399
charters 2 / 26 1358 1358 1361
construction 1 / 73     1400
gouwesluis 4 / 12 1284 1358 1434
groenenweg 1 / 3     1436
handvesten 2 / 27 1358 1358 1361
ijssel 3 / 8 1356 1358 1363
ijsseldijk 2 / 3 1356 1356 1525
kroosheemraden 3 / 84 1284 1356 1385
maintenance 2 / 85 1356 1356 1408
morgen morgensgelijk 3 / 17 1284 1356 1400
morgengeld 1 / 31     1363
priest 1 / 2     1451
rijndijk 4 / 34 1330 1358 1399
schouten 3 / 88 1284 1356 1400
schouwen 4 / 101 1284 1356 1385
sluices 4 / 68 1253 1356 1363
uitleggen en inhalen 1 / 10     1399
vidimus 1 / 2     1385
zwammerdam 5 / 7 1255 1330 1429


Record #570 prev record   Date      top of page
Location Type of Document
OAR13, 17r-c Brief
Aelbrecht bider gouds genaden palensgraven bide Rijn, hertoge in Beyeren, ruwaert van Heneg., van Hollant, van Zeeland ende van Vrieslant maken cont alle luden dat wi geloeft hebben end loven voer ons ende onse nacomelingen onse welgeboren hiemraet ['van Rijnlant' added in another hand] die nu sijn of namaels wesen sullen allen hantveste ende privilegien te houden ende te doen houden die si hevven van onse vorvaderen roerende vander hiemraderscup van Sparendam. Ende si wat si koren behorende ome des ghemeent lants oorbaer dat vast ende stade te bliven als sede, ende costume? hier toe geweest heeft, in oirconde des brief besegelt mit onsen segel, ghegeven inden Hage des woensdaechs na sinte Thomas dach int jaer ons heren dusent driehondert ende lxi.
English Summary
Copy of a charter issued by Duke Aelbrecht confirming all the charters and privileges issued by his predecessors to the hoogheemraadschap.
aelbrecht, duke; charters; handvesten; privileges
Some unreadable notes in another hand were appended.
Keyword Threads Seq / Count First Prev Next
aelbrecht, duke 2 / 13 1361 1361 1363
charters 3 / 26 1358 1361 1385
handvesten 3 / 27 1358 1361 1385



Author Publication Home
William H. TeBrake
Maine, USA, June 2006
OAR11, OAR12, OAR13


Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland
OAR 11, 12, 13 : 1253 - 1564
OAR records in previous Year View: Record details
Year 1358
OAR records in next Year



Record #504     Date      top of page
Location Type of Document
OAR12, 084r-a Vonnis
[045] Jan van Bloys here van Scoenhoven ende vander Sande maken condt ende kenliken allen luyden want onse lieve here ende neve, hertoge Willem van Beyeren, grave van Henegouwen, van Hollant, van Zeelant ende here van Vrieslant, mit sinen openen brieven voir hem ende voir sinen nacomelingen gegeven heeft sinen goeden luyden van Alphen tusschen der Gouslus ende den Crommen sloot, sinen goeden van Hasertswoude tusschen den Crommen sloot ende der Groter sluse die gelegen is opten Bansloot dair Ketten kinder lant nu ter tijt up leyt, sinen goeden luyden van Waddinxveen die gelegen sijn tusschen Boscoep ende Waddinxveenre kae die gelegen is in Clais Dorrekijns wier enen ghemeenen ende eenen vrijen waterganck durende tot eweliken dagen te beginnen anden Rijndijck ende wt te gaen inder Ysell, welken waterganc wij hadden doen toe slaen ende dammen om dat hij outs onsen consent ende oirlof gestiert is ende gaet in enen deele doir onse lant ende heerscap vander Goude. Des ons die goeder luyden voirnoemt also vriendelike vervolgts hebben ende dair of alsoe mit ons gedaen die ons ghenoeghts, ende den voirseyden waterganc gewilkoert hebben ende wilkoren voir ons ende voir onse nacomelinge also verre alst ons anegaet tot ewiliken dagen in allen manieren dat die brieve spreken ende begrepen die onse lieve here ende neve die grave voirn. dair of gegeven heeft, ende al te verstaen sonder enigerhande argelist. In kennisse der wairheit, so hebben wij desen brief dair of gegeven ende besegelt mit onsen segelen, gedaen ende gegeven op onse borch Scoenhoven des vrijdachs na sinte Lucas dach int jair ons heren duysent driehondert acht ende vijftich, etc.
English Summary
After negotiations, Jan of Blois, lord of Schoonhoven and Gouda restores the right of Alphen, Boskoop, Hazwerswoude, and Waddinxveen to have and maintain a canal between the Oude Rijn and the IJssel. Apparently, he had ordered it closed at some time earlier.
bloys, jan van; willem v, count; alphen; gouwesluis; crommensloot; hazerswoude; grotesluis; bansloot; kettenkinder; boskoop; waddinxveen; waddinxveensekade; schoonhoven, heer van; sande, heer van; claes dorrekijnsweer; canals; rijndijk; ijssel; dam; gouda; charters; handvesten
Published in van Mieris, III, p. 65.
Keyword Threads Seq / Count First Prev Next
alphen 4 / 44 1284 1356 1361
bansloot 2 / 2 1356 1356  
boskoop 3 / 21 1330 1356 1400
canals 2 / 67 1356 1356 1361
charters 1 / 26     1361
claes dorrekijnsweer 2 / 4 1356 1356 1533
crommensloot 2 / 2 1356 1356  
dam 1 / 3     1431
gouda 1 / 4     1399
gouwesluis 3 / 12 1284 1356 1361
grotesluis 1 / 8     1441
handvesten 1 / 27     1361
hazerswoude 3 / 46 1330 1356 1385
ijssel 2 / 8 1356 1356 1361
kettenkinder 2 / 2 1356 1356  
rijndijk 3 / 34 1330 1356 1361
waddinxveen 2 / 27 1356 1356 1394
willem v, count 2 / 3 1356 1356 1400



Author Publication Home
William H. TeBrake
Maine, USA, June 2006
OAR11, OAR12, OAR13


Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland
OAR 11, 12, 13 : 1253 - 1564
OAR records in previous Year View: Record details
Year 1356
OAR records in next Year



Record #286     Date      top of page
Location Type of Document
OAR11, 64v-a-65r
OAR12, 069r-b-070v
OAR13, 01r-2r
[024] Copie vander hantvest van Alphen: 'Willem van Beyeren van Heneg. van Hollant, van Zeelant ende her van Vrieslant maken cont allen luyden dat wij gegeven hebben ende geven voir ons ende voir onsen nacomelingen onsen goeden luyden van Alphen tusschen der Goutsluyse ende den Crommen sloot, onsen goeden luyden van Hazaertswoude tusschen den Crommen sloot ende den Goutsluyse die gelegen is op den Bansloot dair Ketten kinderen lant nu ter tijt up leyt, onsen goeden luyden van Bosscoop op die westzijde vander Goude ende onsen goeden luyden van Waddijnxveen die gelegen sijn tusschen Bosscoep Waddinxveenre ka die gelegen is in Claes Dorrekijns weer eenen gemeenen ende eenen vryen waterganck durende tot weeliken dage, beginnen an den Rijndijck ende eenen ka te leggen ende te behouden op Ketten kinder lant op die oestzijde vanden sloet diemen heet den Bansloet ende voirs. is doirgaende op die Goudwal op die westzijde dicht te houden tot Claes Dorrekijns kade toe ende wt ate gaen inder Yselle onverseit van yemande den Yseldijc op ende toe te doen ende dat te dammen ende dien dam up ende toe te doen also dicke als die sluyse noot hebben ende dat min ende oirbairlic is onsen goeden luyden voirs. Ende desen voirseyden dam sullen scouwen die hiemr. van desen voirseiden waterganc, ende dat te voirsien van desen voirs. hiemr dat ghemeen lant gene scade en crige mit gemeenre morgen van desen voirs. waterganc. Ende den Rijndijck tot een waterkeer ende mit deser voirseider sluyse, so sullen onse goede lude voirs. horen vrien wille doen tot ons gemeens lants oirbair dat nu ter tijt becost dese sluyse ende waterganc voirs. ende horen nacomelingen sonder yemans weder seggen ende nymermeer ander lude doirganc. voirt so sullen dijcke ymer also lange wese dat onsen goede lude waterganc hoir diepe behoirt tot oirbair onser goeder luyden voirs. Ende tot des voirs. waterganc hebben wij onse goede luyde voirs. gegeven ende geven also veel lants als sij behoeven tot der Ysel to up horen cost hoir wateringe ende waterkeringe of te maken ende te houden ende te gelden tot onsen edelen hiemr. seggen, ende dese voirseyde waterganc, waterkeringe ende ka die dair toe behoren wair dat sij gelegen sijn so sullen scouwen die scoute van Alphen die nu is of namels wesen sal mit tween hiemraders van Alphen, mit twien hiemr. van Hazaertswoude mit twien hiemr. van Waddinx veen ende mit eenen hiemr. van Bosscoep. Ende dese voirseide hiemr. so sullen kiesen int ambocht van Alphen die scoute van dien ambocht bijden bueren in dien ambocht ende inden voirseiden waterganc wonen, in Hazaertswoude die scoute van dien ambocht mitten buyren inden waterganc wonen, in Bosscoop die stout van dien ambocht bi den buyren inde waterganc wonen ende in Waddijnx veen so salse kiesen die scout van Poelgen bijden gemeenen buyren van Waddinx veen die in die [65r] waterganc wonen als voirs. is. Ende wes dese voirs. hiemr die dese waterganc voirs., waterkeringe ende ka die dair toe behoren scouwen ende kueren bij horen eede tot ons lants oirbair voirs. dair nyement weder te seggen, ende dese scoute ende hiemr. voirn. zullen scouwen also dicke als him nutte ende oirbair is tot ons lants behoiff voirs. Ende in dese voirs. waterganck so sal gelden elke morgen morgen gelijc sonder yemans weder seggen, ende alle onrecht water buten horen wateringe te keren ende houden wair dat hem deren mach. Ende die van Hazaertswoude sullen houden een ka ende een waterkeringe vanden veen anden Rijndijck opten van die voirs. is op die westzijde, ende voirt sullen die van Hasaertswoude voirs. den Rijndijc dicht houden vanden Bansloot ten Crommensloot toe, ende die van Alphen den Rijncijc dicht houden vanden Crommensloot ter Goudtsluyse toe. Voirt sullen die van Alphen voirseyt een ka ende een waterkeringe huden vander Goutsluyse tot Bosscoop toe. Ende die vanBosscoep sullen van Alphenre ban een ka ende een waterkeringe houden tot Waddinx veen toe. Ende die van Waddinxveeen zullen van Bosscooper ban een ka ende een waterkeringhe houden up die Goude tot an Claes Dorrekens ka toe. Geviel oick dat onser goeder luyden voirs. wateringe or waterkeer van horen wateringe te cleyn woirde, die souden sij meerren mitten naister aerden ende mitter minster schade, ende die aerde sullen onse goede luyden voirs. dan gelden tot hoirre hiemraet seggen. Gheviel oick mede dat onder dese scouten ende hiemr. voirs. enigherhande twij quame wair bij datsij enige scouwe after laten wouden of after lieten dair ons voirseits lants oirbair aenlage, dat soudmen brengen an onsen edelen heemr ende dair bij dien twij te eynden ende ymmer te scouwen. Wairt mede dat yemant visschede in onser goeder luyde sluyse voirs. alsoe dicke ende menichwerven als hij dair inne visschede dair men of betugen mocht mit twien wittachtigen luyden of meer also dicke verbuerde hij jegens ons x pont ende den scout ende heemr voirs. iiii lb., ende van dese iiii ponden voirs. sal die scout hebben x sc. ende elc heemr also veel. Ende want onse menige altois is mit onse heerlicheit te helpen te comen onsen goeden luyden voirs. in allen zaken wair dat zijts noot hebben tot ons lants oirbair ende aengesien hebben groot gebreck ende noot saken die onse goede luyden voirs. aenlagen alse van vreemde watere dair sij bij verderft waren gebleven wair wij hem te hulpe niet gecomen, hier ommee hebben wij onse consent heer toe gedaen. Ende onse goede luyden voirs. dese punten gegeven in alle manieren als voirs. staet sonder enigerhande argelist behouden onser edelen heemr. van Rijnlant ende van Scielant alle hoirs rechts. In oirkonden desen brief bezegelt mit onsen zegel, gegeven in Middelburch des manendages na palmen sonnendach int jair ons heren m ccc lvi. Jussio domini comitis. Per dominum Florentium de Borsalia et dominum H. Popponis.'
English Summary
Copy of a charter of 1356 issued by Count Willem V that authorized construction of and established maintenance responsibilities for the Gouwesluis at Alphen.
willem v, count; crommensloot; alphen; gouwesluis; hazerswoude; poelien; bansloot; kettenkinder; boskoop; gouwe; waddinxveen; claes dorrekijnsweer; canals; rijndijk; ijssel; ijsseldijk; dams; sluices; kroosheemraden; buren; schouwen; schouten; selection; maintenance; venen; kaden; morgen morgensgelijk; waterkering; aardhaling; fishing; waddinxveense kade
The copy in OAR12 has a date of 1371. See also record #226 and record #494. The copy in OAR13 is preceded by 'Ic heer Reyner Luutgen soon priester ende vic[ecureit van] Alphen doe condt ende kenelic dat ic gesien ende [............] onser wel bezegelt mit des edelen princen zegel [..............] van Beyeren der saliger gedachten ongecanzeliert? [..............] ende oversient in ghenen seiden s------- hebbende in [..............] worden te worden als hier na gescreven staet.' and followed by 'Ende want ic heer Reyner Luutgens soen priester ende vicecureit voirs. die hantveste gesien, gelesen ende bezegelt mit des edelen pri--- zegel als voirs. is soe heb ic minnen zegel [andit -- crossed out] tot ene zekere kennisse ende vaste orkonde an dit vidimus gehangen des saterdages op alre siele dach int jaer ons heren dusent vierhondert seven ende dertich.' Published in van Mieris, II, p. 870
Keyword Threads Seq / Count First Prev Next
aardhaling 1 / 37     1372
alphen 3 / 44 1284 1330 1358
bansloot 1 / 2     1358
boskoop 2 / 21 1330 1330 1358
buren 1 / 31     1361
canals 1 / 67     1358
claes dorrekijnsweer 1 / 4     1358
crommensloot 1 / 2     1358
dams 1 / 5     1443
fishing 3 / 13 1286 1310 1399
gouwe 2 / 10 1284 1284 1410
gouwesluis 2 / 12 1284 1284 1358
hazerswoude 2 / 46 1330 1330 1358
ijssel 1 / 8     1358
ijsseldijk 1 / 3     1361
kaden 1 / 17     1423
kettenkinder 1 / 2     1358
kroosheemraden 2 / 84 1284 1284 1361
maintenance 1 / 85     1361
morgen morgensgelijk 2 / 17 1284 1284 1361
poelien 2 / 13 1330 1330 1422
rijndijk 2 / 34 1330 1330 1358
schouten 2 / 88 1284 1284 1361
schouwen 3 / 101 1284 1286 1361
selection 1 / 6     1438
sluices 3 / 68 1253 1284 1361
venen 1 / 7     1434
waddinxveen 1 / 27     1358
waterkering 2 / 5 1284 1284 1446
willem v, count 1 / 3     1358



Author Publication Home
William H. TeBrake
Maine, USA, June 2006
OAR11, OAR12, OAR13


Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland
OAR 11, 12, 13 : 1253 - 1564
OAR records in previous Year View: Record details
Year 1330
OAR records in next Year



Record #004     Date      top of page
Location Type of Document
OAR11, 13v-a
OAR12, 003v-b
OAR13, 10r-d
[021] Anno domini m ccc xxx achtedaghe na sinte Maertijns translatio coirden die hyemraders van Rijnlant enen dijc loepende van Zwamerdam tot Catwijc ant hoge vanden sande buten dair of vijf roede voete hoge ende v breet, ii voet vanden wtercant leggende, ende op gaende an beyden siden scoudwijs. [Included in OAR9508: 'Dit is die delinghe ende die hoefslach vanden ambochten nader coer die en houden sullen. Inden Eersten Die van Valkenburch sellen maken al dien dijc van horen ambocht, weghenomen heren Dirc van Zwtdwijc die sel hun nemen vanden mienen sul noertwaert lopende, i-1/2 c roeden. Item heren Dircs ambocht voerscreven sel daer an vanden mienen sul zutwaert lopende int ambocht van Voerscoten, ii c roeden. Item Voerscoten daer an mit alle zinen diken ende Wassenaer daer an Voerscoten lopende tot an die porte('van Leyden' added in another hand) te houden eyghen ghelike. Item Zoeterwoude op die oestside an Leyden mit xviii c xxxiii roeden. Item Hasartsoude daer an mit xi c lxiiii roeden. Item Zegwaerde daer an mit iii c viii roeden. Item Zoetermeer daer an mit iiii c xxx roeden. Item Benthusen daer an i c lxii roeden. (In another hand: 'Alfen viii c lxxii roeden'.) Item Groensvoerde daer an xciii roeden. Item Poelgen daer an i c xlv roeden. Item Sindelwijc daer an i c xi roeden. Item Danels ambocht uten waerde xxviii roeden. Item Middelburch daer an xlix roeden. Item Randenburch daer an lxi roeden. Item Boscop daer an ii c roeden.']
English Summary
Requirement that the Hoge Rijndijk, running along the left or south bank of the Oude Rijn, from Zwammerdam to Katwijk, be maintained at 5 feet (roede voete) high and 5 feet wide and lying 2 feet from the water's edge.
hoge rijndijk; specifications; rijndijk; zwammerdam; katwijk; valkenburg; zuidwijk; voorschoten; wassenaar; leiden; zoeterwoude; hazerswoude; zegwaard; zoetermeer; benthuizen; groenswaard; poelien; snijdelwijk; alphen; middelburg; randenburg; boskoop
These are the oldest-surviving specifications for the Hoge Rijndijk; it was raised and widened in 1424 -- see record #035 and record #036. There is a more complete version found in OAR9508, 9r-v, appended here and published in Fockema Andreae (1932), pp. 639-40.
Keyword Threads Seq / Count First Prev Next
alphen 2 / 44 1284 1284 1356
benthuizen 1 / 24     1394
boskoop 1 / 21     1356
groenswaard 2 / 15 1284 1284 1422
hazerswoude 1 / 46     1356
hoge rijndijk 1 / 11     1399
katwijk 1 / 10     1384
leiden 1 / 29     1384
middelburg 1 / 7     1437
poelien 1 / 13     1356
randenburg 2 / 11 1284 1284 1437
rijndijk 1 / 34     1356
snijdelwijk 2 / 13 1284 1284 1422
specifications 1 / 48     1406
valkenburg 1 / 6     1371
voorschoten 1 / 16     1371
wassenaar 1 / 8     1447
zegwaard 1 / 28     1394
zoetermeer 1 / 16     1406
zoeterwoude 1 / 37     1384
zuidwijk 1 / 4     1448
zwammerdam 4 / 7 1255 1286 1361



Author Publication Home
William H. TeBrake
Maine, USA, June 2006
OAR11, OAR12, OAR13


Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland
OAR 11, 12, 13 : 1253 - 1564
OAR records in previous Year View: Record details
Year 1310
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Record #566     Date      top of page
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OAR13, 15v-b-16r Brief
Wij Willam grave van Hennegouwen van Holland van Zeeland ende here van Frieslant maken cont allen luden dat voir ons quamen onse lieve ende ghetrouwe mannen ende ridder Heynric die burchgrave van Leyden op die een side ende ons hyemrad. van Sparendam op die ander side ende beloven an ons van allen dinghen die sij onderlingen hadden van eenre viskerie die men hiet die Wendeldijc, daer wij een seggen of seyden in manieren die hier na belopt, dats te verstaen dat wij die viskerij vanden Wendeldijk ewelic quite ende vri geseyt hebben tot ghemeens lants behoef datter bi ende onder leyt. Daer bi sij soude ale ghemenen lant voerseyt ons ende den burchgrave voirseit geven ende oersaken vier hondert pont holants daert ghemene lant voirseit, ons ende den burchgrave voirs. ghenoech of gedaen heeft ende wel besaelt hebben. Voirt so wijsden onde hiemr. voer onse ende veel onser manen vonnes dat hem gevraget was van onse wegen alset touwe ende al hant touwe dar men mede vischet ende alre wateringn wt allen wateringe binnen den vier merken van horen hiemraderscap ende niement daer binnet te visschen sonder mit brec tou of mit drijf tou wt ghenome [16r] die Zijlbrugge die Maren brugge daer visschede [...........................] ende wijsden waert yement die hier tegen ov over d-- [.....................] hiemrader voirs. x lb. hollants ende teghen ons also verre [...............] ende ghebieden onsen bailiu die noch of wie hi wijsen sel [................] boeten voirs. in sijn baliuscap verboert dat hi se hem of nemen [..........] wt panden ende willen naerstelic ende ghebieden alst ons baliu [...........] sijn of wesen sullen binnen der merken voirs. dat si dat voirs. [..........] onsen wegen houden ende doen houden sonder verbrec ende boeten [...........] want si by rechte ende vonness ende om oerbaer ende baet ons ende onsen gh[....] Noerthollant geseyt ende geboden sijn ende om dat wi alle punten [......] vast ende wel gescade gehouden willen hebben voer ons ende onsen ------- [......] luden van onsen lande ende horen nacomelingen, so hebben wij in ----- [.....] kennes desen lettera besegelt gheven mit onsen segel wthangende [....] gemaect inden Hage des sonnendages of sint Jans dach ewangelist in d--- int jaer ons heren m ccc ende tiene.
English Summary
Copy (partially unreadable) of an original document issued by Count Willem III as arbiter in a dispute between Hendrik, burggraaf of Leiden and the heemraden of Rijnland concerding the fishery in the Wendeldijk; after payment of 400 lb. Hollands to the burggraaf, the right to fish there or anywhere else in Rijnland's territory now belongs exclusively to the heemraden, except for the fisheries of the Zijlbrug and Marebrug.
willem iii, count; burggraaf van leiden, heynric; fishing; wendeldijk; zijlbrug; marebrug
Original in OAR1563. Published in van Mieris, II, p. 115, among others. See van Amstel-Horßk and Lombarts, p. 2.
Keyword Threads Seq / Count First Prev Next
fishing 2 / 13 1286 1286 1356
marebrug 1 / 2     1399
willem iii, count 2 / 2 1253 1253  
zijlbrug 1 / 7     1399



Author Publication Home
William H. TeBrake
Maine, USA, June 2006
OAR11, OAR12, OAR13


Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland
OAR 11, 12, 13 : 1253 - 1564
OAR records in previous Year View: Record details
Year 1286
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Record #567     Date       top of page
Location Type of Document
OAR13, 16v-a Brief
[Wi Florens grave van Hollant] maken cont allen den ghenen die dese lettern sullen [sien ofte horen dat wij] bij rade onser boeder luden van onse lande oirlof hebben [ghegheven ......] een water heyet die Spaerne daer die wilde see in vloeyde ende [vele ons lands plach te] bederven, dese oirlof hebben wij gegeven allen die ghenen die [wonachtich sijn] ----- enen zijdwinde ende Zwademburgerdam ende den see [dijc, ende desen voirgen]oemden Sparendam. Voert so hebben wij oirlof gegeven dien omedijc vanden [lande te maken al]so lanc ende also breet ende also hoech alse hem die hiemraden vinden bij [horen eede die daer toe] ghesworen hebben, ende waer si en vinden behouden elkes mans sijns [rechts. Voirt so] hebben wi ----- beloeft den genen die binnen desen voernoemben terminen [wonen dat onse] bailiu van Rijnlant so wie so inden tiden is desen dijc ende die slusen die in dese [desen dijc legghen sul]len bi wijsinge der hiemraden die daer toe gesworen hebben bescouwen sal ende [berechten sal] die nameliken dijc ende die slusen ende daer mede den omedijc ende den Scenkel [dijc met alle] verboete dat daer toe behoert als recht is tot des lants oerbaer ende tot [diere liede vrome] bi sulken boeten als die hiemrade daer op setten ende wijsen bi horen ede. Waer [die vischerie] sal die voerghenoemde bailiu verhueren bi rade onser boden. Ende inde slusen [.......] voor die slusen en salmen niet vischken ten si ten wtgange vanden wateren. Voert ist [..... ge]sproken dat dat die voirseide bailiu ende die gesworen hiemradern dese dijc ende desen slusen mit alle dier toebehoert scouwen sullen ten drien tiden vanden jaren, te sinte Pieters misse inden lenten, te ingaende meye ende te sinte Martijns misse inden winter, ende daer te enden tot alre noet. Waer oec dat sake dat dese voerghenoemden bailiu ghenaemt van twien hiemraden ende woede een werven ende ander werve bi oergonde goeder lude ende derde werven slap gevonden worde ofte traech ter scouwe te bedriven, so willen wij dat hi des ongelde also veel als ons ende dien hiemraderen goet dunket. Voert so willen wij dat dese bailiuwe machtich sijn te panden all boeten die die hiemraden wisen up die ghene diet behoren binnen der voerseyder terminen. Voert so willen wi dat alle die ghene die [hoef]slagen an nemen op dien dam bi onsen bailiu ende bi onsen boden dat si den dijc verwa[ren] op horen vresen ende op horen scade after dien dat si se anghenomen hebben. Voert so [heft] gesproken dat die bailiu scouwen mach mit vier hiemraden of meer een volle scouwe sonder yemants wederseggen. Voert so is dat gesproken so welc tijt so dat ghewast dat een vanden hiemraderen stierf, so sellen die ander kiesen een ander in sijnre stat ende sel die grave eeden binnen die ses weken wie hi so oec is die daer toe gecoren wordt. Ghevielt oec dat yement craft dede an desen voerghenoemden dijc ofte an die slusen die daer in leggen ofte an dien ommedijc, dat sellen wi houden an sijn lijf ende an sijn goet ende also berechten dats hem een ander hoede. Alle dese voersproken voerwaerden die hebben si geloeft in goeder trouwen desen voerghenoemden luden die vonen binnen desen terminen, wie ende onse nacomelingen hem ende horen naecomelingen vast te houden ende gescade bi oerconde van onsen segel die gehangen is an desen tegenwoerdigen leterre, ghegeven in ons heren jaer dusent twehondert ende vive ende tachtich des manendaechs na sinte Valentijns dage in onser woninge ter Hage.
English Summary
Copy of an original charter issued by Count Floris V confirming that the residents of the territory of Rijnland may construct and maintain a dam in the Spaarne, to be inspected annually by the dijkgraaf (the count's bailiff) and the heemraden and control fishing in the sluices. Further, the heemraden shall name their own replacements and the count shall confirm them by taking an oath of office within six weeks.
floris v, count; zijdwinde; hoge zeedijk; spaarndam; spaardammerdijk; zwammerdam; schinkeldijk; fishing; inspections; schouwen; oath of office
Original in OAR855. Published in OHZ, IV, no. 2254, and van Mieris, I, p. 447, among others. Fockema Andreae (1934) published a facsimile of the original, facing p. 40. For the oath administered by the count, see record #060 in this database.
Keyword Threads Seq / Count First Prev Next
fishing 1 / 13     1310
floris v, count 2 / 5 1284 1284 1437
hoge zeedijk 2 / 34 1255 1255 1405
inspections 1 / 5     1421
oath of office 1 / 3     1437
schinkeldijk 1 / 7     1429
schouwen 2 / 101 1284 1284 1356
spaarndam 4 / 55 1253 1255 1363
zijdwinde 3 / 9 1255 1255 1392
zwammerdam 3 / 7 1255 1255 1330



Author Publication Home
William H. TeBrake
Maine, USA, June 2006
OAR11, OAR12, OAR13


Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland
OAR 11, 12, 13 : 1253 - 1564
OAR records in previous Year View: Record details
Year 1284
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Record #494     Date       top of page
Location Type of Document
OAR12, 068r-b-068v
OAR13, 16r-a
[021] Wij grave Florens van Hollant maken kont allen den genen die desen brief sullen sien of horen lesen dat wij onsen getruuen luden die wonachtich sijn inden ambocht van Alphen, in Randenborch des heren ambocht van Brederoeden, in Snidelwijck heren Dircx ambocht van Sassenem, in Groensvoerde, in Scilant der abdissen gerechte ende in Snidewijck Splinters gerechte wt den wairde gegeven hebn alder gedaen rechte ende alder gedaen vriheit dat sij die duer die leget ter Goude inder sluse opten Rijn wt doen [68v] mogen ende afnemen altois in der manier dat sij mit enen waterkere off mit enen somer dijck tiegens dat somer water bewaren tlant dat leget bij beide zijden vander Goude. Ende die waterkeer sal gaen vanden Rijn up ende strecken also verre als die vier paer hiemraders goetduncket ende den lande oirbair is. Voirt gebieden wij dat die vier scoute van desen voirgenoemden ambochten op die Goude comen mit horen gezworenen den waterkeer te deilen eer ment ane vaet elken rechter tsijn ontfaen margen margens gelijck aldaert ten recht hebn sal, ende elken rechter tsijn te bescouwen mit sinen hiemraders. Voirt willen wij dat die gene die dese brugge te voren makeden voirt ane maken ende bescouwen ende anders nyemant. In oirkonde van deser vryheit ende des rechts so hebn wij desen brief bezegelt mit onsen zegele ende geg. inden Hage inden jare ons heren mcc ende lxxxiiii des manendage na sinte Mather dach.
English Summary
Grant Alphen, Randenburg, Snijdelwijk; Groesnwaard, Splinters Ambacht uten Waard the right to remove the sluice gate in the Gouwesluis at the Oude Rijn in Alphen as well as other rights associated with the Gouwe.
floris v, count; alphen; randenburg; snijdelwijk; groenswaard; splinters ambacht uten waard; gouwe; sluices; rijn; removal of sluice; gouwesluis; waterkering; kroosheemraden; schouten; morgen morgensgelijk; schouwen; bridges
This old charter was used in a matter dating from 1446 -- see record #221. See also OAR14, 15r-d -- continued in 16v-a, 19v-d, 22r-a, 27r-b, 32r-b, 34r-a, 37r-a, 38r-e, 40r-b. There is another copy of the charter in OAR3588.
Keyword Threads Seq / Count First Prev Next
alphen 1 / 44     1330
bridges 1 / 54     1406
floris v, count 1 / 5     1286
gouwe 1 / 10     1356
gouwesluis 1 / 12     1356
groenswaard 1 / 15     1330
kroosheemraden 1 / 84     1356
morgen morgensgelijk 1 / 17     1356
randenburg 1 / 11     1330
removal of sluice 1 / 3     1446
rijn 1 / 30     1363
schouten 1 / 88     1356
schouwen 1 / 101     1286
sluices 2 / 68 1253 1253 1356
snijdelwijk 1 / 13     1330
splinters ambacht uten waard 1 / 2     1446
waterkering 1 / 5     1356



Author Publication Home
William H. TeBrake
Maine, USA, June 2006
OAR11, OAR12, OAR13


Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland
OAR 11, 12, 13 : 1253 - 1564
OAR records in previous Year View: Record details
Year 1255
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Record #565     Date   next record   top of page
Location Type of Document
OAR13, 15v-a Brief
Willhelmus dei gratia Romanorum rex, semper augustus, univers. present. litteras inspecturis sou auditur gratiam suam et omne bonum. Utilitatem et comodum nostrorum fidelium plurimum affectantes, pro com. utilitate ipsorum sic duximus statuendum, tenore presentium protestantes et firmitur promittentes quod nullum mea[tum] aquarum sive transitum qui spoya vulgariter nuncupatur, apud Sparendam fieri faciemus nec vel aliquid et iam immutabimus vel faciemus circa Sparendam, Zijdewinde et Aggerem Marinum qui Zedijc vulgariter nuncupatur, ende Zuademburgdam absque communi consilio eorum consiliariorum nuncupantur, videlicet eorum qui nunc sunt et qui pro tempore sunt futuri. Ad cuius rei testimonium et memoriam evidentem, ut prenissa omnia firma et illibata permaneant, presentes literas exinde conscribi et sigillo maiestatis nostre jussimus communiri. Datem Leyde V id. octobris, indictione xiiii, anno domini m cc lv.
English Summary
Copy of the original charter issued by Count (and emporer-elect) Willem II in which he agreed in the future not to interfere in hydraulics within the boundaries of Rijnland without the consent of the heemraden of Rijnland.
willem ii, count; spaarndam; zeedijk; spaarndammerdijk; zwammerdam; zijdwinde; jurisdiction; heemraden
Original in OAR854. Published in OHZ, II, no. 1067; van Mieris, I, p. 293, among many others. See van Amstel-HorƟk and Lombarts), p. 1.
Keyword Threads Seq / Count First Prev Next
heemraden 1 / 13     1255
jurisdiction 1 / 11     1255
spaarndam 2 / 55 1253 1253 1255
spaarndammerdijk 1 / 36     1255
willem ii, count 2 / 3 1253 1253 1255
zijdwinde 1 / 9     1255
zwammerdam 1 / 7     1255


Record #568 prev record   Date       top of page
Location Type of Document
OAR13, 17r-a Brief
Willem bider ghenaden goidt der Romeynen [..................................] die desen sullen sien of horen lesen sijn genad [...........................] onser lande ghetouwer om horen ghemenen oerbair heb[........................] brieve ende vastelic to lovende datmen ghenre waterganc die spo[............] sullen laten maken noch wi en sullen oec niet verwandelen of de [.......Zijd] wijnde, Zee dijc ende Zwamerdam sonder ghemenen raet der ghe[...............] sijn of namaels wesen sullen. Tot welkertuge ende ghemeenre den [..........] dinghen vast ende gestade bliven hebben si dese brieff doen scriven ende [..] moghentheyt doen vestigen, ghegheven te Leyden in jaer ons heren m [cc xxv]
English Summary
Translation of the original charter issued by Count (and emporer-elect) Willem II in which he agreed in the future not to interfere in hydraulics within the boundaries of Rijnland without the consent of the heemraden of Rijnland.
willem ii, count; spaarndam; hoge zeedijk; spaarndammerdijk; zwammerdam; zijdwinde; jurisdiction; heemraden
Original in OAR854.
Keyword Threads Seq / Count First Prev Next
heemraden 2 / 13 1255 1255 1394
hoge zeedijk 1 / 34     1286
jurisdiction 2 / 11 1255 1255 1394
spaarndam 3 / 55 1253 1255 1286
spaarndammerdijk 2 / 36 1255 1255 1405
willem ii, count 3 / 3 1253 1255  
zijdwinde 2 / 9 1255 1255 1286
zwammerdam 2 / 7 1255 1255 1286



Author Publication Home
William H. TeBrake
Maine, USA, June 2006
OAR11, OAR12, OAR13


Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland
OAR 11, 12, 13 : 1253 - 1564
  View: Record details
Year 1253
OAR records in next Year



Record #569     Date       top of page
Location Type of Document
OAR13, 17r-b Brief
Wij willem grave van Henegouwen, van Hollant, van zeelant ende [here van Vrieslant doen condt] allen lude dat wi een hantveste vanden ------ onse vordere -- [............] sprekende van woerde te woerde als hier na gescreven staet. 'Wij [bi der ghenade God coni]ic der Romeynen altoes denkende al den ghenen die desen brief s[ullen zien zine grascie ende] all goet. Totte kennesse uwer gemenlicheden willen wi dat comme dat [wi oerconden slechts] mitter hebbinge deser lettere also da wi van ghemenen rade onser [dienst liede, edel ende onedel] in Hollant ende bi rade anders goeder luden die den stat des landts begheren goed te[wesene, zulln] ordineren ende doen maken enen waterganc die men heet een watering of spoye [of] een gat hebbende inder voide xxiiii voete daer die mereste scepen met horen lasten [lichteleke moghen] doer liden tot Sparendam of daer bi soe waer dat wijs te worden ende willen dat alle die scepe die desen waterganc doer liden sculdich sijn weder te gelden den cost diemen leit an dus danighen wateringen [also] lange hout die cost volcomen si betailt, ende aldus elc scip datmen hiet elfscute of des ghelike gelden [sal] xii d., elc scip dat turf voert of riet viii d., een scip mit een hangende roeder vi d., mit een [hand] roeder iii d.,ende ander scepekijns ene d. om tlijden ende weder comen som wijl. Ende als die [cost ] des wateringe volcomelic is betailt, so sullen onse lude van Holland vrij ende quijt bliven van [dusdanich] gelt als te voren is gescit ende also lange alst ons ende onsen rade oerbair dunket wesen. In o[r]conde des dinges so hebben wi doen segelen des letteren. Ghevgeven te Leyden des viften ides van aprille op die elfte indictie in ons heren haer m cc ende liii.' Welke hantvesten voiringesien wi Willem, grave van Henegouwen ende van Hollant voirs. sullen houden ende doen houden vast ende stade inder manieren dat voirs. is sonder argelist, in oerconden desen brieve besegelt mit onse segel, ghegheven inden Hage des woensdachs voor paesdach in jaer ons here m ccc ende xvi.
English Summary
Incomplete translation of a charter issued by Willem II (1253) confirmed by Count Willem III in 1316 in which Willem II authorized the construction of a ship lock in the Spaarndam. Ships from Holland will pay tolls until the cost of the lock is recovered; other ships will continue pay tolls thereafter with the revenue collected to be used for the maintenance of the lock.
willem ii, count; willem iii, count; spaarndam; ship lock; sluices; ships; boats; tolls
Original of the 1316 confirmation, containing the 1253 document, in OAR7287. See OHZ, II, no. 964, pp. 643-48 for details and complete text of the original charter. Also published in van Mieris, I, p. 276. See van Amstel-HorƟk and Lombarts, p. 1.
Keyword Threads Seq / Count First Prev Next
boats 1 / 13     1434
ship lock 1 / 4     1407
ships 1 / 15     1430
sluices 1 / 68     1284
spaarndam 1 / 55     1255
willem ii, count 1 / 3     1255
willem iii, count 1 / 2     1310



Author Publication Home
William H. TeBrake
Maine, USA, June 2006
OAR11, OAR12, OAR13


Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland
OAR 11, 12, 13 : 1253 - 1564
previous Keyword summaries View: Keywords
Starting with Z ...



zanden, willem van 1 Keyword Summaries 1417  
zandhorst, hofstede van 1 Keyword Summaries 1472  
zandweg 1 Keyword Summaries 1448  
zanen, pieter van 7 Keyword Summaries 1416 1438
zanen, vranck van 10 Keyword Summaries 1415 1447
zanen, vrancken kinder van 1 Keyword Summaries 1447  
zanen, willem van 1 Keyword Summaries 1430  
zanen, willems weduwe van 2 Keyword Summaries 1438 1447
zeedijk 1 Keyword Summaries 1255  
zeger staeszoon 1 Keyword Summaries 1458  
zegwaard 28 Keyword Summaries 1330 1473
zevenhuizen 1 Keyword Summaries 1472  
zijburch dirck ysbrantszoons wijff 1 Keyword Summaries 1431  
zijdwinde 9 Keyword Summaries 1255 1473
zijl 3 Keyword Summaries 1446 1483
zijl, gerijt van 24 Keyword Summaries 1415 1453
zijlbrug 7 Keyword Summaries 1310 1452
zijlpoort 1 Keyword Summaries 1410  
zijlsluis 2 Keyword Summaries 1444 1445
zijpe 1 Keyword Summaries 1388  
zijvert winzoon 1 Keyword Summaries 1528  
zoetermeer 16 Keyword Summaries 1330 1457
zoeterwoude 37 Keyword Summaries 1330 1527
zoeterwoude, kerk van 1 Keyword Summaries 1449  
zuidwijk 4 Keyword Summaries 1330 1469
zuidwijk splinters ambacht 1 Keyword Summaries 1525  
zuutbroeck 1 Keyword Summaries 1436  
zuytzijde vanden rijn 1 Keyword Summaries 1447  
zwammerdam 7 Keyword Summaries 1255 1448
zwammerdammerbrugge 1 Keyword Summaries 1429  
zwet 3 Keyword Summaries 1434 1448
zwiet 2 Keyword Summaries 1441 1448
zwieten, adriaen van 2 Keyword Summaries 1481 1486
zwieten, aernt van 1 Keyword Summaries 1470  
zwieten, boudijn van 37 Keyword Summaries 1430 1448
zwieten, dirc boudwijnszoon van 1 Keyword Summaries 1448  
zwieten, dirc van 12 Keyword Summaries 1399 1482
zwieten, hughe hugenzoon van 1 Keyword Summaries 1495  
zwieten, hughe van 4 Keyword Summaries 1469 1481
zwieten, jan van 1 Keyword Summaries 1461  
zwieten, symon vrederic van 7 Keyword Summaries 1438 1465
zwieten, symon vrederick van 15 Keyword Summaries 1446 1459


     Keyword Next  
  zanden, willem van  
Date Summary Rec details List of those in Heemstede who were delinquent in paying their morgengeld.


  Prev  Keyword Next  
  zandhorst, hofstede van  
Date Summary Rec details
1472.06.30 Permission to Wassenaar to place a stone bridge in the Papenwech over the watering near Zandhorst Manor in the same manner as the bridge approved recently for Voorschoten (5 May 1472)


  Prev  Keyword Next  
Date Summary Rec details
1448.05.06 For schout of Zoeterwoude to inspect the sloot alongside the Zandweg between Leiden and Ter Wadding.


  Prev  Keyword Next  
  zanen, pieter van  
Date Summary Rec details
1416.01.09 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details
1421.01.08 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details
1437.00.00 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details
1437.00.00 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details
1437.06.21 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details
1438.07.01 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).


  Prev  Keyword Next  
  zanen, vranck van  
Date Summary Rec details
1415.01.09 A promisory note -- the hoogheemraden owe Witte Jacob Buzenz. 142 lb. 10 sc. for food and drink
Date Summary Rec details
1415.01.09 A promisory note: heemraden owe Robbrecht Claesz. of Haarlem 172 lb. 5 sc. for food and/or drink.
Date Summary Rec details
1416.01.09 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details
1419.10.02 A promisory note: heemraden owe Willem Dobbez. 100 English nobles for which he will be repaid 10 nobles each year plus unspecified interest until the entire principal is paid.
Date Summary Rec details
1421.01.08 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details
1426.09.26 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details
1437.00.00 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details
1438.07.01 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details
1447.00.00 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).


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  zanen, vrancken kinder van  
Date Summary Rec details
1447.00.00 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).


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  zanen, willem van  
Date Summary Rec details
1430.01.13 Concerning the reconstruction of the Kerkendijk at Spaarnwoude. Had previously asked if anyone was willing to take on the task for a good financial reward., but no one came forward. Now, Jan Allertszoon, priest and vice curate at Spaarnwoude, with some friends, will take up the task of restoring a section of 15 roeden and 1 foot, for which the hoogheemraden agree to pay 7 nobels per roede. After thinking about it for 14 days and both secretly and publically trying to find others who might do it for less, the hoogheemraden now have agreed. Priest Jan and associates will rebuild the dike to proper specifications. The city of Haarlem offered advice and consent in this matter.


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  zanen, willems weduwe van  
Date Summary Rec details Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details
1447.00.00 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).


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Date Summary Rec details
1255.10.11 Copy of the original charter issued by Count (and emporer-elect) Willem II in which he agreed in the future not to interfere in hydraulics within the boundaries of Rijnland without the consent of the heemraden of Rijnland.


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  zeger staeszoon  
Date Summary Rec details
1458.03.14 Specifications for the reconstruction of the Alkmade [Oegstgeest, Lisse, Voorhout, Vennep, and Splinters Ambacht] sluice, to be completed by St. Bartholomew's day (25 August). Adriaen Ghysbrecht and Engebrecht Pieterszoon took on the contract for 685 lb., with Gerijt Rijswijck, Willem vander Does, Florijs Janszoon van Tol, and Ysbrant Symonszoon standing as surety for them, with Zeger Staeszoon as carpenter.


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Date Summary Rec details
1330.07.12 Requirement that the Hoge Rijndijk, running along the left or south bank of the Oude Rijn, from Zwammerdam to Katwijk, be maintained at 5 feet (roede voete) high and 5 feet wide and lying 2 feet from the water's edge.
Date Summary Rec details
1394.06.26 Limits on peat digging and burning: forbidden within 10 roeden of the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other).
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1406.06.10 Authorization of canal: from the Noordkade to the city of Leiden; with two bridges with sluices
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1416.02.29 Stipulation: how the ambacht of Zegwaard should carry out its inspections.
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1440.04.01 Permission for Zegwaard and Zoetermeer to use a ditch as long as its kade is maintained at two spades high.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.05.06 Hoogheemraden inform the village officials of Zegwaard that they have begun a process against the hoogheemraden of Schieland because the latter, despite the prohibitions of Rijnland as well as previous agreements, convened oversight sessions in Zegwaard (which spanned the two hoogheemraadschappen) and, as a result, the Rijnland residents of Zegwaard now refuse to pay Rijnland's assessments.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.10.08 Permission for Gelderswoude to dig a new canal, 9 feet wide, on the north side of the Broekweg, running from the Kerklaan to the dam for the reservoir (boezemwater) of Zegwaard, to be inspected by the schout of Zoeterwoude along with the heemraden of Gelderswoude in the same manner as is done with other roads and canals.
Date Summary Rec details
1449.07.01 Ordering the removal of woods along the Schinkelweg in Zegwaard to a distance of 2 rods from the road, because the shade from the woods leaves about 30 rods of the road in bad shape for parts of the year.
Date Summary Rec details
1449.11.18 Permission for the schout and heemraden of Zegwaard to inspect the the section of the new canal built by Rotterdammers that runs through Zegwaard between the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other) and Eggertsland.
Date Summary Rec details
1449.11.18 Decision regarding Hogeveen which had long refused to assume its responsibilities in Rijnland's common works and, as a consequence, had been threatened with having its drainage route dammed off. In February 1449 (OAR14, 38v-a) it had been delayed until Easter. Now, a group from Hogeveen has petitioned to have it further delayed while some sort of agreement is worked out. The heemraden, with this keur, agree that the damming will be put off until St. Peter's schouw (24 February 1450) if the Hogeveeners agree to pay morgengeld at the same rate as do their neighboring ambachten and also abide by peat digging regulations such as posting bond, etc.
Date Summary Rec details
1450.06.30 Permission for Jongvrouw of Egmond to leave two parcels of good land in Zegwaard un-dug until a ground rent as bond (waarborg) can be established as the heemraden have requested from her. The matter was continued until 4 May 1451.
Date Summary Rec details
1450.12.17 Copy of a keur issued by the Hoogheemraadschap of Schieland establishing rules concerning peat digging in the Binnenwegsepolder of Zegwaard.
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1452.10.17 Permission for Dirc Humanszoon and Olivier Aerntszoon to schouw a canal in Zegwaard (runs through middle of the land and empties into another watering near the Hoefweg), with their schouw beginning at the land of Egghert Vranckenszoon to that of Meeuw Pieterszoon
Date Summary Rec details
1452.10.24 A number of people oppose the permission for Dirc Humanszoon and Olivier Aerntszoon to inspect and apportion maintenance responsibility for a canal in Zegwaard; the latter two respond that many others support them.
Date Summary Rec details
1453.02.25 Written arguments that were part of longer processes involving Sasbout Aelwijnszoon and also Daem Janszoon against Vranc Jacobszoon and Eggert Vranckenszoon concerning levies and dues in Zegwaard.
Date Summary Rec details
1453.02.25 Written arguments that were part of longer processes involving Daem Janszoon and also Sasbout Aelwijnszoon against Vranc Jacobszoon and Eggert Vranckenszoon concerning levies and dues in Zegwaard.
Date Summary Rec details
1453.05.08 Despite some opposition, Dirc Humanszoon and Olivier Aerntszoon may continue schouw of a canal in Zegwaard.
Date Summary Rec details
1455.05.06 Permission for residents of Zegwaard who live along the Dwars Nieuwevaart to construct bridges over the canal so they can do their sowing and planting for 14 days beginning with St. Servaas Day [13 May] and again for 14 days in August beginning on St. Lawrence Day [10 August].
Date Summary Rec details
1455.05.06 Permission for 5 or 6 residents of Zegwaard to decide the levy needed for payment to hoogheemraadschap of Schieland for turf digging.
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1456.06.29 Permission for Zegwaard to use and maintain a piece of the Banwetering lying near the road in the Ruckenveen.
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1457.03.01 Permission for Zegwaard to inspect and maintain roads and canals in that same manner as Hazerswoude does.
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1457.03.17 Invitation for contracts with specifications for the rebuilding of the Aalsmeer [Hazerswoude, Sassenheim, and Randenburg] sluice and the Noordwijk [Aarlanderveen, Zegwaard, and Zoetermeer] sluis. The final section, describing how some work was not done to specification on the Aalsmeer sluice may actually date to the required completion, St. Bartholomew's day (25 August). See also next item which seems to approve of the work order for the Noordwijk sluice.
Date Summary Rec details
1457.08.25 Hoogheemraden approve the reconstruction work done to the Noordwijk sluice at Spaarndam according to the specifications and contract issued on 17 March of this year.
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1458.10.03 Order the heemraad's bode to go to Zegwaard to settle the matter of who is responsible for maintaining a certain canal that, according to some, is not being contributed to by the very ones who benefit the most from it.
Date Summary Rec details
1460.05.06 Permission for Zegwaard to pump with windmills into the Schieland drainage level even though the windmills were located in Rijnland territory where windmill use was limited by Rijnland's regulations.
Date Summary Rec details
1462.10.09 A few months earlier, permission had been granted to residents of the Blocklanden in Benthuizen to dig a new canal on the end of the Blocklanden, beginning on the Gelderswoudse canal through Allart Meeszoons dam and continuing to the road near Benthuizerhorn -- 8 feet wide, with specifications for any bridges, etc. But, because some now opposed it, two heemraden of Rijnland, Jacob van Woude and Jan van Poelgeest, went to have a look. and ordered, in the name of entire college of hoogheemraden, that Allart Meeszoon's dam be raised and provisioned with two hoofden 7 roeden feet apart at the expense of the schout and heemraden of Zegwaard, and the latter shall schouw the canal and road ditch. The old canal belonging to the Blocklanden shall be left un-schouwed.
Date Summary Rec details
1463.05.03 For any land changing hands in Zegwaard, the seller must notify the schout and heemraden of Zegwaard who will note the names of buyer and seller in a book which they must keep.
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1473.10.05 Prohibit running of wagons on the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other) that extends from the Zijdwinde to the end of Zegwaard ambacht, to be regularly inspected by the schout and kroosheemraden of Zegwaard.


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Date Summary Rec details
1472.05.05 Permission for Katwijk aan de Rijn to put a fence on the road in Zevenhuizen, in the bend near Luttickgeest. The fence must be made so it can be opened and closed but remain unlocked.


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  zijburch dirck ysbrantszoons wijff  
Date Summary Rec details
1431.00.00 List of individuals banished in 1431


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Date Summary Rec details
1255.10.11 Copy of the original charter issued by Count (and emporer-elect) Willem II in which he agreed in the future not to interfere in hydraulics within the boundaries of Rijnland without the consent of the heemraden of Rijnland.
Date Summary Rec details
1255.10.11 Translation of the original charter issued by Count (and emporer-elect) Willem II in which he agreed in the future not to interfere in hydraulics within the boundaries of Rijnland without the consent of the heemraden of Rijnland.
Date Summary Rec details
1286.02.18 Copy of an original charter issued by Count Floris V confirming that the residents of the territory of Rijnland may construct and maintain a dam in the Spaarne, to be inspected annually by the dijkgraaf (the count's bailiff) and the heemraden and control fishing in the sluices. Further, the heemraden shall name their own replacements and the count shall confirm them by taking an oath of office within six weeks.
Date Summary Rec details
1392.07.11 Limits on peat digging: dig no more than two days worth of peat on either the west or east side of the road between Riedwijker Nuwenwech and Kercklaen; no digging within 40 roeden of the Haarlemmermeer; no transport of peat outside the ambacht of Nieuwerkerk.
Date Summary Rec details
1394.06.26 Limits on peat digging and burning: forbidden within 10 roeden of the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other).
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1436.03.04 Permission to residents of Zoetermeer to dig peat in the Groenen Erve section as long as they discharge all perform all prescribed maintenance work and pay all morgengeld.
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1452.10.02 Permission for Ter Aar to give the vruchtgebruik of border embankment (zijdwinde), located in Langeraar, to the church at Ter Aar.
Date Summary Rec details
1469.09.28 Copy of a charter from Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, to the hoogheemraden of Rijnland concerning the need to prosecute those digging peat too closely to the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other) . The heemraden should not allow digging within 4 roeden; an old charter set at least a buffer of 10 roeden which must be maintained and the landscheiding itself is to be 10 feet wide.
Date Summary Rec details
1473.10.05 Prohibit running of wagons on the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other) that extends from the Zijdwinde to the end of Zegwaard ambacht, to be regularly inspected by the schout and kroosheemraden of Zegwaard.


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Date Summary Rec details
1446.05.03 Order that the sluice on the end of the Schinkeldijk remain closed so no water can enter Rijnland through it
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1469.02.28 In light of keur of 26 February 1460 prohibiting establishment of pumping mills without the consent of hoogheermaden, permission is now granted to pump with horse mills into the Oude Rijn, the Zijl, or into ones own canal.
Date Summary Rec details
1483.07.15 Authorize a canal in Warmond from the deep Lede to the Zijl, 12 feet wide at water's edge, with additional specifications concerning its use and prescribed maintenance work.


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  zijl, gerijt van  
Date Summary Rec details
1415.01.09 A promisory note -- the hoogheemraden owe Witte Jacob Buzenz. 142 lb. 10 sc. for food and drink
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1415.01.09 A promisory note: heemraden owe Robbrecht Claesz. of Haarlem 172 lb. 5 sc. for food and/or drink.
Date Summary Rec details
1416.01.09 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details
1419.10.02 A promisory note: heemraden owe Willem Dobbez. 100 English nobles for which he will be repaid 10 nobles each year plus unspecified interest until the entire principal is paid.
Date Summary Rec details
1430.01.13 Concerning the reconstruction of the Kerkendijk at Spaarnwoude. Had previously asked if anyone was willing to take on the task for a good financial reward., but no one came forward. Now, Jan Allertszoon, priest and vice curate at Spaarnwoude, with some friends, will take up the task of restoring a section of 15 roeden and 1 foot, for which the hoogheemraden agree to pay 7 nobels per roede. After thinking about it for 14 days and both secretly and publically trying to find others who might do it for less, the hoogheemraden now have agreed. Priest Jan and associates will rebuild the dike to proper specifications. The city of Haarlem offered advice and consent in this matter.
Date Summary Rec details
1431.09.05 Part of an on-going regulation of the Kostverloren dike, part of the sea dike at Amsterdam.
Date Summary Rec details
1434.02.03 The dijkgraaf and heemraden of Rijnland and the Schout of Alphen and the heemraden of the Alphenerwetering (heemraden from Alphen, Boskoop, Hazarswoude, and Waddinxveen) confirm that Florijs van Boschuijsen has permission to restore a canal in Poelien so that the wild peat lands of Waddinxveen can be drained into the Gouwe.
Date Summary Rec details
1438.07.01 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details List of heemraden who served as rentmeester from 1432 to 1438, with their backups from 1432-1437
Date Summary Rec details
1443.07.25 Regulate the maintenance of Kostverloren dike, part of sea dike at Amsterdam, in the wake of the death of Aernt Vechterszoon. Picked up by Reyner Reynerszoon.
Date Summary Rec details
1443.10.01 Municipal officials of Haarlem and Leiden complained in front of the governor of Holland, lord of Lalaing, about Rijnland's attempts to collect levies from the cities despite their charters which they claim exempt them from such payments. Rijnland countered with charters claiming such authority and also referred, at the very end, to a similar case with Amsterdam in which, presumably Rijnland's claims were upheld.
Date Summary Rec details
1444.10.10 Outline the duties or obligations of the schout and heemraden of Leiderdorp
Date Summary Rec details
1445.06.29 Clarification of an old keur concerning cleaning of waterways and canals -- removal of duckweed (kroos), etc.
Date Summary Rec details
1446.05.03 Permission for Kaagdorp (Kaag) to perform inspections in the same manner as does Alkemade.
Date Summary Rec details
1447.05.02 The dijkgraaf had accused Willem Kuser of Boshuizen for fishing with eel traps in Rijnland. The latter claimed he did so just as the rentmeester of Noordholland did, referring to old customs. Further he claimed that he should be judged by an offical of the Court of Holland, not of the Hoogheemraadschap. After looking into the matter, the hoogheemraaden claimed jurisdiction and decided that the dijkgraaf should proceed according to old charters.
Date Summary Rec details
1447.10.03 Regulate responsibility for and maintenance of a dike and ditch that ran from the Rijndijk into the ambacht of Wassenaar, with warnings against breaching the dike (presumably for ease of water transport).
Date Summary Rec details
1447.11.14 Against Pieter and Clais Vogelair for destroying a turnstile on the Spaarndammerdijk.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.05.06 Permission for Lodewijc van Montfoorde, lord of Hazerswoude, to regulate usage and maintenance of a canal and bridge in Hazerswoude. All who drain through it will pay their share in Rijnlands assessments.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.06.25 Verdict in the dispute between Vechter Clasezoon, an official of Zoeterwoude, and the burgemeesters of Leiden concerning the assessment of 50 morgens of land that was taken up within the city walls. The hoogheemraden sided with Leiden because, by Vechter's admission, no assessments had been collected on this land for over 50 years, and the rule in place says that if morgengeld is not collected for a third of 100 years, the right to assess the land is forfeited.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.10.08 Decision to block the drainage from Hogeveen into the Oude Rijn because Hogeveen, even after 3 warnings, has refused accept its apportionment of maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen) or to pay its share in the drainage costs of Rijnland.
Date Summary Rec details
1449.05.06 For the schout and heemraden of Oegstgeest to establish an inspection of all roads and canals.
Date Summary Rec details
1451.02.22 Hoogheemraden agree to free residents of Hogeveen between Benthorn and Waddinxveense greppel and between the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other) and the count's greppel of Hazerswoude from paying morgengenld because the later have paid 60 English nobels which heemraden have invested in land purchased from Adriaen van der Meije and Jan Splinterszoon located in Alphenerhorn. The residents had insisted they were not required to pay morgengeld because of a charter from Duke Albrecht. This agreement came about because of the arbitration of the stadhouder and Raad of Holland.
Date Summary Rec details
1452.11.21 Hoogheemraden agree to summon witnesses to a hearing (dagvaarden) at Haarlem on 15 January 1453 to collect information and issue orders concerning how the breaches in the dike between Spaarndam and Amsterdam are to be closed.
Date Summary Rec details
1453.01.15 At a hearing at Haarlem on Monday, 15 January, the hoogheemraden ordered the closing of all dike breaches, both east and west of Amsterdam, as soon as possible, all at the same time, to be coordinated with the trustees of the water board Amstelland. An appended note said the work was to begin on the following Sunday


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Date Summary Rec details
1310.12.27 Copy (partially unreadable) of an original document issued by Count Willem III as arbiter in a dispute between Hendrik, burggraaf of Leiden and the heemraden of Rijnland concerding the fishery in the Wendeldijk; after payment of 400 lb. Hollands to the burggraaf, the right to fish there or anywhere else in Rijnland's territory now belongs exclusively to the heemraden, except for the fisheries of the Zijlbrug and Marebrug.
Date Summary Rec details
1399.03.16 Prohibition: no fishing nets to be set (touw setten) in front of sluices from Haarlem to Gouda (thus all of Rijnland) with the exception of the Mare and Zijl bridges at Leiden.
Date Summary Rec details
1429.00.00 Maintenance responsibilities for the Does, Zijl, and Klein bridges
Date Summary Rec details
1444.03.04 Permission for the schout of Leiderdorp to announce and carry out the inspection of the sluices and culverts between the Does bridge and the ambacht of Koudekerk.
Date Summary Rec details
1444.03.04 Specifications for the reconstruction of the Zijlsluis and the Zijlbrug, both in bad condition, to be completed by the middle of May.
Date Summary Rec details
1445.04.05 Specifications for reconstruction of the Kleine Zijlbrug
Date Summary Rec details
1452.10.02 Permission for Zoeterwoude and Leiderdorp to construct a bridge over the Oude Rijn on condition that it be as high as the Zijlbrug and as wide as necessary.


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Date Summary Rec details
1410.00.00 Finding in favor of Trude Baven and Jan van Leiden and associates who hold land outside the Zijlpoort at Leiden -- they may use the bridge and canal as in the past.


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Date Summary Rec details
1444.03.04 Specifications for the reconstruction of the Zijlsluis and the Zijlbrug, both in bad condition, to be completed by the middle of May.
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1445.04.05 Specifications for reconstruction of the Kleine Zijlbrug


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Date Summary Rec details
1388.08.18 Copy of a charter issued by Duke Aelbrecht in which those within Rijnland who had previously paid morgengeld to build and/or maintain a section of a dike of the Zijpe, between Petten and Oghe, and of the Schagerdijk near Oghe, will now be free of this obligation.


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  zijvert winzoon  
Date Summary Rec details
1528.10.22 Settlement of dispute between Waddinxveen, Broek, Tuylnesse and Korterakkeren vs. Coenencoop over building of windmills and horse mills in Coenencoop.


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Date Summary Rec details
1330.07.12 Requirement that the Hoge Rijndijk, running along the left or south bank of the Oude Rijn, from Zwammerdam to Katwijk, be maintained at 5 feet (roede voete) high and 5 feet wide and lying 2 feet from the water's edge.
Date Summary Rec details
1406.06.10 Authorization of canal: from the Noordkade to the city of Leiden; with two bridges with sluices
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1416.02.29 Stipulation: how the ambacht of Zegwaard should carry out its inspections.
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1429.00.00 Permission for Zoetermeer to combine two canals into one.
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1434.00.00 For Zoeterwoude to recover unpaid morgengeld by seizing property of those in arrears.
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1436.03.04 Permission to residents of Zoetermeer to dig peat in the Groenen Erve section as long as they discharge all perform all prescribed maintenance work and pay all morgengeld.
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1437.05.07 Permission to Zoetermeer to build and inspect a canal (maintain to 8 feet wide) above the Groenenwech stretching from the Clootstael westward to the wetering.
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1440.04.01 Order the construction/reconstruction of the embankment between Zoeterwoude and the Zoetermeer.
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1440.04.01 Permission for Zegwaard and Zoetermeer to use a ditch as long as its kade is maintained at two spades high.
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1440.06.28 Order Voorschoten to repair the breach in its ommedijk that Reyner marked with a pole, etc.
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1441.06.28 Zoetermeer has set an example of how the apportion maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen) should be done.
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1447.00.00 Forbid the removal of the road near Floertgen along Zoetermeer lake.
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1447.06.27 Permission for Zoetermeer to carry out inspections in same manner as does Zoeterwoude.
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1455.10.07 Permission for Zoetermeer to assume oversight responsibilities for a bridge already construced in the Broekweg.
Date Summary Rec details
1457.03.17 Invitation for contracts with specifications for the rebuilding of the Aalsmeer [Hazerswoude, Sassenheim, and Randenburg] sluice and the Noordwijk [Aarlanderveen, Zegwaard, and Zoetermeer] sluis. The final section, describing how some work was not done to specification on the Aalsmeer sluice may actually date to the required completion, St. Bartholomew's day (25 August). See also next item which seems to approve of the work order for the Noordwijk sluice.
Date Summary Rec details
1457.08.25 Hoogheemraden approve the reconstruction work done to the Noordwijk sluice at Spaarndam according to the specifications and contract issued on 17 March of this year.


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Date Summary Rec details
1330.07.12 Requirement that the Hoge Rijndijk, running along the left or south bank of the Oude Rijn, from Zwammerdam to Katwijk, be maintained at 5 feet (roede voete) high and 5 feet wide and lying 2 feet from the water's edge.
Date Summary Rec details
1384.00.00 Apparently information concerning the handling (or mishandling) of certain properties in Katwijk, Leiden, Voorschoten, and Zoeterwoude held in trust for the benefit of the heirs of Aven Dirc Soytgens
Date Summary Rec details
1399.03.08 Authorization: construction of and specifications for the Barrepolder and the Wilk canal.
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1399.03.08 Authorization: construction of and specifications for a sluice in the Wilk canal.
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1421.05.25 Regulate how morgengeld is to be levied along the Scafgaende weren in Zoeterwoude.
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1421.05.25 Regulates how the scout and local heemraden of Zoeterwoude are to carry out their inspections
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1422.00.00 Ordered changing the inspection days for Zoeterwoude and Voorschoten from May and St. Martin's Mass to mid-March and the Thursday after St. Bavo's day.
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1423.08.12 Ordered the removal of the sluice behind Claes Stientgens in the Dwarswetering where it flows into the Nieuwewetering and the Rijn. And the kade encircling the polder known as the Barle shall be four feet wide and two feet high above the water.
Date Summary Rec details
1434.00.00 Permission for Zoeterwoude to build a road near the St. Nicholas House.
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1436.02.28 Orders schout and heemraden of Hasertswoude to inspect Boudwijn Steens polder according to old custom.
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1437.06.25 Testimony concerning land against which a lien had been placed because of prescribed maintenance work left undone.
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1437.06.25 Pieter van Busch is ordered to seize land in Zoeterwoude
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1440.04.01 Order the construction/reconstruction of the embankment between Zoeterwoude and the Zoetermeer.
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1441.06.28 Bosch Jans z. may cut peat on his own land in Zoeterwoude under certain conditions.
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1443.03.13 Order Zoeterwoude and Voorschoten to repair the dike breach at Stompwijk (presumably along the Zoetermeer).
Date Summary Rec details
1445.05.04 Permission for Katwijk, Oegstgeest, Rietwijk, and Nieuwekerk to carry out inspections in same manner as was allowed for Zoeterwoude in 1435 [actually, 1421].
Date Summary Rec details
1445.10.05 Permission for Zoeterwoude and Benthuizen to renew a footbridge (kwakelbrug) on the condition that it be the same as the original.
Date Summary Rec details
1447.06.27 Permission for Zoetermeer to carry out inspections in same manner as does Zoeterwoude.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.02.27 Permission for Zoeterwoude to inspect the Nieuwe Wetering and the Ommedijk from the Nieuwe Weterting to Meestgen Vranckenszoon in the same manner as they inspect other canals and roads.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.05.06 To schout of Zoeterwoude to henceforth inspect the Zwiet and the Zwette on the Friday instead of the Tuesday after St. John's day (June 24).
Date Summary Rec details
1448.05.06 For schout of Zoeterwoude to inspect the sloot alongside the Zandweg between Leiden and Ter Wadding.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.05.06 Permission for the schout of Zoeterwoude to put his son in charge of keeping livestock off (schutten) the Rijndijk.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.06.25 Verdict in the dispute between Vechter Clasezoon, an official of Zoeterwoude, and the burgemeesters of Leiden concerning the assessment of 50 morgens of land that was taken up within the city walls. The hoogheemraden sided with Leiden because, by Vechter's admission, no assessments had been collected on this land for over 50 years, and the rule in place says that if morgengeld is not collected for a third of 100 years, the right to assess the land is forfeited.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.10.08 Permission for Gelderswoude to dig a new canal, 9 feet wide, on the north side of the Broekweg, running from the Kerklaan to the dam for the reservoir (boezemwater) of Zegwaard, to be inspected by the schout of Zoeterwoude along with the heemraden of Gelderswoude in the same manner as is done with other roads and canals.
Date Summary Rec details
1449.02.25 Permission for Jacob Claeszoon of Zoeterwoude to put a bridge/culvert through the road on the south side of the church where his prescribed maintenance share is located, on the condition that he maintain it himself, outside of anyone else's cost.
Date Summary Rec details
1449.11.18 Decision regarding Hogeveen which had long refused to assume its responsibilities in Rijnland's common works and, as a consequence, had been threatened with having its drainage route dammed off. In February 1449 (OAR14, 38v-a) it had been delayed until Easter. Now, a group from Hogeveen has petitioned to have it further delayed while some sort of agreement is worked out. The heemraden, with this keur, agree that the damming will be put off until St. Peter's schouw (24 February 1450) if the Hogeveeners agree to pay morgengeld at the same rate as do their neighboring ambachten and also abide by peat digging regulations such as posting bond, etc.
Date Summary Rec details
1452.05.02 Permission for Vechter Claeszoon, official of Zoeterwoude, to breach a nootweg (access road for agricultural purposes) near the Zoeterwoude church on the condition that villagers are not harmed by this. Further, he may do so yearly, as necessary, presumably so that he can sail/float to his land.
Date Summary Rec details
1452.10.02 Permission for Zoeterwoude and Leiderdorp to construct a bridge over the Oude Rijn on condition that it be as high as the Zijlbrug and as wide as necessary.
Date Summary Rec details
1454.02.26 Permission for schout of Zoeterwoude with his heemraden to inspect and apportion maintenance responsibility for the Kerkweg between the Weipoort and the church of Zoeterwoude, with the size of fines the same as on the other roads in Zoeterwoude.
Date Summary Rec details
1456.04.06 Permission for Zoeterwoude to construct a dam in the canal that the residents of Stompwijk had made from the Brede weer on the Ommedijk because the residents of Zoeterwoude have suffered from too much water coming through the canal.
Date Summary Rec details
1458.02.28 Permission for a dam in a canal, dug by residents of Stompwijk through Zoeterwoude, to be removed because of the many damaged by it, with the understanding that those damaged by its removal have the right to seek compensation.
Date Summary Rec details
1458.10.03 Permission for Esselijkerwoude to inspect and prescribe maintenance work in the same manner as Zoeterwoude does.
Date Summary Rec details
1462.07.06 Permission for Leiderdorp to schouw in the same manner as Hazerswoude and Zoeterwoude
Date Summary Rec details
1468.06.28 Permission for Zoeterwoude to breach the Ommedijk in the piece of land lying between Vranck Meeszoon and Jan Ailwijnszoon and to place a bridge in the gap on condition that they maintain it themselves.
Date Summary Rec details
1472.03.03 Permission for Jan Aelwiunszoon and Gerijt Vechterszoon to place a huel (small bridge or culvert) through the road that runs from the church to the Noordaa in Zoeterwoude. The two are responsible for its maintenance and no one must be damaged by it.
Date Summary Rec details
1472.05.05 Permission for Jan Clais Dircxzoon to breach the banweg in the West End of Zoeterwoude, near the Hofweg, put in two bridge heads, and install a bridge deck so no one is hindered or made to pay.
Date Summary Rec details
1527.03.16 Settlement of dispute between Jan van Wijngarden and village officials of Zoeterwoude concerning maintenance of the road/dike between Lambrecht Jacobszoon northward to Koemanskerk.


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  zoeterwoude, kerk van  
Date Summary Rec details
1449.02.25 Permission for Jacob Claeszoon of Zoeterwoude to put a bridge/culvert through the road on the south side of the church where his prescribed maintenance share is located, on the condition that he maintain it himself, outside of anyone else's cost.


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Date Summary Rec details
1330.07.12 Requirement that the Hoge Rijndijk, running along the left or south bank of the Oude Rijn, from Zwammerdam to Katwijk, be maintained at 5 feet (roede voete) high and 5 feet wide and lying 2 feet from the water's edge.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.02.27 Permission for Zuidwijk [Wassenaar] to narrow the distance between bridgeheads of a bridge over the Kersch (Kaswetering?) from 10 feet to 8 feet.
Date Summary Rec details
1469.10.03 Permission for Dirck Dircxzoon van Beest to encircle his land along the Gouwekade in the ambacht of Zuidwijk known as Splintersambacht (Boskoop) with a dike. Thereafter he may put a culvert or small bridge (heulkijn) through the Gouwekade to let water in and out without damage to anyone else. All damage caused must be compensated via the hoogheemraden.
Date Summary Rec details
1469.10.03 Permission for Jan die Backer to do as Dirck Dircxzoon van Beest has done -- to encircle his land along the Gouwekade in the ambacht of Zuidwijk known as Splintersambacht (Boskoop) with a dike. Thereafter he may put a culvert or small bridge (heulkijn) through the Gouwekade to let water in and out without damage to anyone else. All damage caused must be compensated via the hoogheemraden.


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  zuidwijk splinters ambacht  
Date Summary Rec details
1525.09.14 Settlement of a dispute between the achterdorpen that drain into the IJssel and the commons of Rijnland over payment of levies and apportionment of maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen).


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Date Summary Rec details
1436.02.28 Regulate how the scout and heemraden of Lisse must inspect the oude beek in the oude veen which drained into the lakes and apportion maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen).


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  zuytzijde vanden rijn  
Date Summary Rec details
1447.00.00 Must plant alder [els] before digging peat.


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Date Summary Rec details
1255.10.11 Copy of the original charter issued by Count (and emporer-elect) Willem II in which he agreed in the future not to interfere in hydraulics within the boundaries of Rijnland without the consent of the heemraden of Rijnland.
Date Summary Rec details
1255.10.11 Translation of the original charter issued by Count (and emporer-elect) Willem II in which he agreed in the future not to interfere in hydraulics within the boundaries of Rijnland without the consent of the heemraden of Rijnland.
Date Summary Rec details
1286.02.18 Copy of an original charter issued by Count Floris V confirming that the residents of the territory of Rijnland may construct and maintain a dam in the Spaarne, to be inspected annually by the dijkgraaf (the count's bailiff) and the heemraden and control fishing in the sluices. Further, the heemraden shall name their own replacements and the count shall confirm them by taking an oath of office within six weeks.
Date Summary Rec details
1330.07.12 Requirement that the Hoge Rijndijk, running along the left or south bank of the Oude Rijn, from Zwammerdam to Katwijk, be maintained at 5 feet (roede voete) high and 5 feet wide and lying 2 feet from the water's edge.
Date Summary Rec details
1361.01.04 Certified copy of a charter issued by Duke Albrecht giving permission to the residents of the polder on the eastside of the Gouwe at Alphen to construct a canal between the Oude Rijn and the IJssel, with rules for the naming of heemraden for schouwing the canal.
Date Summary Rec details
1429.00.00 Maintenance responsibilities for the Zwammerdam: the Land of Woerden for one half and Rijnland for the other, with Nieuwkoop doing the earthwork.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.02.27 Prohibit riding on the Hoge Rijndijk between Katwijk and Zwammerdam (fine of 1/3 of 10 lbs.) and removing any protective poles on the dike (fine of 10 lb..


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Date Summary Rec details
1429.00.00 Maintenance responsibilities for the Zwammerdam: the Land of Woerden for one half and Rijnland for the other, with Nieuwkoop doing the earthwork.


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Date Summary Rec details
1434.06.29 Permission for Noordwijk to close the Zwet with a dam as they did in the past.
Date Summary Rec details
1443.05.19 Order digging of a ditch of 8 feet along the Voorhout side of the Zwiet, subject to inspection.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.05.06 To schout of Zoeterwoude to henceforth inspect the Zwiet and the Zwette on the Friday instead of the Tuesday after St. John's day (June 24).


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Date Summary Rec details
1441.06.27 Allows Dirc van Zwieten to fish on the Noord Aa, but not the Zwiet.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.05.06 To schout of Zoeterwoude to henceforth inspect the Zwiet and the Zwette on the Friday instead of the Tuesday after St. John's day (June 24).


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  zwieten, adriaen van  
Date Summary Rec details
1481.06.26 Selection of a new hoogheemraad, Adriaen van Zwieten, in place of Hughe van Zwieten, his nephew.
Date Summary Rec details
1486.09.06 Selection of a new hoogheemraad, Adriaen van der Does, in place of the late Adriaen van Zwieten.


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  zwieten, aernt van  
Date Summary Rec details
1470.02.27 Hoogheemraden issue a decision concerning unauthorized peat digging, too close to the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other), by residents of Waddinxveen, with a brief review of what has happened so far, going back to when Jan van Rietvelt was dijkgraaf (1467-1469).


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  zwieten, boudijn van  
Date Summary Rec details
1430.01.13 Concerning the reconstruction of the Kerkendijk at Spaarnwoude. Had previously asked if anyone was willing to take on the task for a good financial reward., but no one came forward. Now, Jan Allertszoon, priest and vice curate at Spaarnwoude, with some friends, will take up the task of restoring a section of 15 roeden and 1 foot, for which the hoogheemraden agree to pay 7 nobels per roede. After thinking about it for 14 days and both secretly and publically trying to find others who might do it for less, the hoogheemraden now have agreed. Priest Jan and associates will rebuild the dike to proper specifications. The city of Haarlem offered advice and consent in this matter.
Date Summary Rec details
1431.09.05 Part of an on-going regulation of the Kostverloren dike, part of the sea dike at Amsterdam.
Date Summary Rec details
1434.02.03 The dijkgraaf and heemraden of Rijnland and the Schout of Alphen and the heemraden of the Alphenerwetering (heemraden from Alphen, Boskoop, Hazarswoude, and Waddinxveen) confirm that Florijs van Boschuijsen has permission to restore a canal in Poelien so that the wild peat lands of Waddinxveen can be drained into the Gouwe.
Date Summary Rec details
1438.07.01 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details
1438.11.15 Establish how expenses incurred by heemraden while performing their duties are to be reimbursed; certain associates and guests can also be covered.
Date Summary Rec details List of heemraden who served as rentmeester from 1432 to 1438, with their backups from 1432-1437
Date Summary Rec details
1440.04.01 Order the construction/reconstruction of the embankment between Zoeterwoude and the Zoetermeer.
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1440.10.04 The stoeling (assessments, assignment of maintenance responsibilities) for Spaarnwoude shall remain as they are as long as they remain outside the territory of Rijnland.
Date Summary Rec details
1441.09.12 Order the cleanup of the Spaarne between Bamis (1 October) and Omnium Sanctorum (1 November).
Date Summary Rec details
1442.05.01 Symon Heinricxzoon and associates can disassociate themselves from Valkenburg in matters of drainage.
Date Summary Rec details
1443.03.13 Permission to take hydraulic measures in Stompwijc as long as they cause no damage to Boudwijn van Zwieten.
Date Summary Rec details
1443.05.19 Specifications for repair of the Alkemadersluis
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1443.05.19 Specifications for repair of Aalsmeerdersluis.
Date Summary Rec details
1443.05.19 Specifications for the reconstruction of the Haarlemmersluis in the Spaarndam.
Date Summary Rec details
1443.05.19 Specifications for the reconstruction of the Grote Sluis in the Spaarndam.
Date Summary Rec details
1443.05.19 Specifications for reconstruction of a road or dike called the Wagenweg with dirt to be taken from the Droen.
Date Summary Rec details
1443.05.19 Specifications for the reconstruction of the ship lock (Kolksluis) in the Spaarndam: haul in dirt; repair shoring.
Date Summary Rec details
1443.05.19 Order the residents of Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout to repair the sluis doors in the Voorhouterwetering in Sassenheim and Warmond.
Date Summary Rec details
1443.05.19 Order digging of a ditch of 8 feet along the Voorhout side of the Zwiet, subject to inspection.
Date Summary Rec details
1443.07.25 Regulate the maintenance of Kostverloren dike, part of sea dike at Amsterdam, in the wake of the death of Aernt Vechterszoon. Picked up by Reyner Reynerszoon.
Date Summary Rec details
1443.10.01 Municipal officials of Haarlem and Leiden complained in front of the governor of Holland, lord of Lalaing, about Rijnland's attempts to collect levies from the cities despite their charters which they claim exempt them from such payments. Rijnland countered with charters claiming such authority and also referred, at the very end, to a similar case with Amsterdam in which, presumably Rijnland's claims were upheld.
Date Summary Rec details
1444.02.24 Regularize the time and manner of collecting assessments in the ambachten of Rijnland.
Date Summary Rec details
1444.03.04 Permission for the schout of Leiderdorp to announce and carry out the inspection of the sluices and culverts between the Does bridge and the ambacht of Koudekerk.
Date Summary Rec details
1444.03.04 Schout of Koudekerk to announce and carry inspection of the sluices and culverts in the Hoge Rijndijk in the same manner as consented to for Leiderdorp.
Date Summary Rec details
1444.05.05 Prohibit harrasment of officials or workers doing their duty.
Date Summary Rec details
1444.10.10 Outline the duties or obligations of the schout and heemraden of Leiderdorp
Date Summary Rec details
1445.04.05 Permission Jacob van Rijswijk to build a bridge in the Voorschoterwetering
Date Summary Rec details
1445.04.20 Settlement of a dispute between former and previous heemraden of Woerden
Date Summary Rec details
1445.06.29 Clarification of an old keur concerning cleaning of waterways and canals -- removal of duckweed (kroos), etc.
Date Summary Rec details
1445.10.05 Permission for Zoeterwoude and Benthuizen to renew a footbridge (kwakelbrug) on the condition that it be the same as the original.
Date Summary Rec details
1446.02.27 Specifications for the reconstruction of the Gouwe sluice at Alphen
Date Summary Rec details
1446.05.03 Permission for Kaagdorp (Kaag) to perform inspections in the same manner as does Alkemade.
Date Summary Rec details
1447.02.28 Must not harrass officials performing their duty
Date Summary Rec details
1447.05.02 The dijkgraaf had accused Willem Kuser of Boshuizen for fishing with eel traps in Rijnland. The latter claimed he did so just as the rentmeester of Noordholland did, referring to old customs. Further he claimed that he should be judged by an offical of the Court of Holland, not of the Hoogheemraadschap. After looking into the matter, the hoogheemraaden claimed jurisdiction and decided that the dijkgraaf should proceed according to old charters.
Date Summary Rec details
1447.11.14 Against Pieter and Clais Vogelair for destroying a turnstile on the Spaarndammerdijk.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.02.27 Prohibit riding on the Hoge Rijndijk between Katwijk and Zwammerdam (fine of 1/3 of 10 lbs.) and removing any protective poles on the dike (fine of 10 lb..
Date Summary Rec details
1448.02.27 Heemraden accept the resignation of heemraad Boudwijn van Zwieten for health reasons and choose Jan van Poelgeest, schout of Leiden, as his replacement.


  Prev  Keyword Next  
  zwieten, dirc boudwijnszoon van  
Date Summary Rec details
1448.02.27 Heemraden accept the resignation of heemraad Boudwijn van Zwieten for health reasons and choose Jan van Poelgeest, schout of Leiden, as his replacement.


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  zwieten, dirc van  
Date Summary Rec details
1399.03.16 Prohibition: no fishing nets to be set (touw setten) in front of sluices from Haarlem to Gouda (thus all of Rijnland) with the exception of the Mare and Zijl bridges at Leiden.
Date Summary Rec details
1403.10.08 Authorization: a sluice in the Rijndijk between the Mye bridge and the church at Leiderdorp.
Date Summary Rec details
1408.06.11 Arbitration of a dispute that Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout had with Lisse concerning a canal named the Delft.
Date Summary Rec details
1441.06.27 Allows Dirc van Zwieten to fish on the Noord Aa, but not the Zwiet.
Date Summary Rec details
1456.04.06 Permission for Zoeterwoude to construct a dam in the canal that the residents of Stompwijk had made from the Brede weer on the Ommedijk because the residents of Zoeterwoude have suffered from too much water coming through the canal.
Date Summary Rec details
1459.04.24 Selection of a new hoogheemraad to replace one who died is made by the surviving hoogheemraden. The person chosen will pay for 32 masses at the monastery in Warmond for the soul of the one who died, as well as other expenses involved in memorializing their late colleague.
Date Summary Rec details
1460.04.20 Offers to the residents of Waddinxveen above the Backwatering (i.e., Zuid Waddinxveen) the right to drain via the Alphen wetering (canal from the Oude Rijn to the IJssel at Gouda).
Date Summary Rec details
1469.05.02 Invitation to tender offers for reconstruction of the Riedwijk, Vriesekoop, Ter Aar, Schoot, Albrechts Vierendeel van Bosch, and Outshoorn sluice and the Alphen, Leiderdorp, Warmond, Groenswaard, and Hillegom sluis, with specifications for the work to be done. Dirk Janszoon van der Hoerne took on the Riedwijk sluice for 582 lb., and Willem Reynerszoon took on the Alphen sluice for 598 lb.
Date Summary Rec details
1474.05.14 Selection of a new hoogheemraad, Gerijt van Poelgeest, in place of the late Phillips van Wassenaer.
Date Summary Rec details
1477.12.29 Request that Amsterdam, Diemen, and Weesp consult with Rijnland on possibilities for coordinated action against dike breaks both north and east of Amsterdam.
Date Summary Rec details
1478.06.30 The hoogheemraden issue a decision concerning compensation for dirt requisitioned for dike maintenance (aardhaling) and acknowledge that value of the land played a role in the amouts set. A list of individuals and amounts of aardgeld paid follows.
Date Summary Rec details
1482.06.16 Selection of a new hoogheemraad, Gijsbrecht van Raphorst, in place of Dirc Boudijnszoon van Zwieten.


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  zwieten, hughe hugenzoon van  
Date Summary Rec details
1495.06.30 Verdict in a dispute Hughe Hugenzoon van Zwieten, on behalf of Rijnland, and Dirc van Bosche, schout, concerning certain penninggeld


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  zwieten, hughe van  
Date Summary Rec details
1469.05.02 Invitation to tender offers for reconstruction of the Riedwijk, Vriesekoop, Ter Aar, Schoot, Albrechts Vierendeel van Bosch, and Outshoorn sluice and the Alphen, Leiderdorp, Warmond, Groenswaard, and Hillegom sluis, with specifications for the work to be done. Dirk Janszoon van der Hoerne took on the Riedwijk sluice for 582 lb., and Willem Reynerszoon took on the Alphen sluice for 598 lb.
Date Summary Rec details
1477.12.29 Request that Amsterdam, Diemen, and Weesp consult with Rijnland on possibilities for coordinated action against dike breaks both north and east of Amsterdam.
Date Summary Rec details
1478.06.30 The hoogheemraden issue a decision concerning compensation for dirt requisitioned for dike maintenance (aardhaling) and acknowledge that value of the land played a role in the amouts set. A list of individuals and amounts of aardgeld paid follows.
Date Summary Rec details
1481.06.26 Selection of a new hoogheemraad, Adriaen van Zwieten, in place of Hughe van Zwieten, his nephew.


  Prev  Keyword Next  
  zwieten, jan van  
Date Summary Rec details
1461.10.13 Permission for Jan van Zwieten to install a turnstile in the Reijnegommerwatering (Zoeterwoude) that can be closed to prevent boat passage through the canal on the condition that he digs a wider and deeper passage next to his manor house, Hofstede Reijnegom.


  Prev  Keyword Next  
  zwieten, symon vrederic van  
Date Summary Rec details List of heemraden who served as rentmeester from 1432 to 1438, with their backups from 1432-1437
Date Summary Rec details
1446.02.27 Specifications for the reconstruction of the Gouwe sluice at Alphen
Date Summary Rec details
1449.07.01 Hoogheemraden agree to the transfer of the sea dike near Amsterdam, known as the Kostverloren, from the heirs of Reijnier Reijnierszoon to Pieter Willemszoon, resident of Sloterdijk. Pieter may not sell nothing up to the last sluice in Kostverloren without permission of the Hoogheemraden. The old act, from which it appeared that the dike belonged to Aernt Vechterszoon, Vechter Aerntszoon, Reyner Reynerszoon and widow Lijsbeth, is hereby cancelled.
Date Summary Rec details
1451.02.22 Hoogheemraden agree to free residents of Hogeveen between Benthorn and Waddinxveense greppel and between the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other) and the count's greppel of Hazerswoude from paying morgengenld because the later have paid 60 English nobels which heemraden have invested in land purchased from Adriaen van der Meije and Jan Splinterszoon located in Alphenerhorn. The residents had insisted they were not required to pay morgengeld because of a charter from Duke Albrecht. This agreement came about because of the arbitration of the stadhouder and Raad of Holland.
Date Summary Rec details
1460.04.20 Offers to the residents of Waddinxveen above the Backwatering (i.e., Zuid Waddinxveen) the right to drain via the Alphen wetering (canal from the Oude Rijn to the IJssel at Gouda).
Date Summary Rec details
1460.04.20 Offers to the residents of Waddinxveen above the Backwatering (i.e., Zuid Waddinxveen) the right to drain via the Alphen wetering (canal from the Oude Rijn to the IJssel at Gouda).
Date Summary Rec details
1465.10.09 Simon Vrederick van Zwieten, droosaart of the land of Arkel and bailiuw of the land of Voorne, a member of the hoogheemraadschap since 1446, resigns, citing duties he owes the lord of Charlerois (i.e., Charles the Bold or Karel de Stoute).


  Prev  Keyword    
  zwieten, symon vrederick van  
Date Summary Rec details
1446.02.22 Permission for Schoot to announce upcoming inspections on one Sunday instead of three in the three nearest churches.
Date Summary Rec details
1446.05.03 Permission for Kaagdorp (Kaag) to perform inspections in the same manner as does Alkemade.
Date Summary Rec details
1446.08.24 Inspection of the Hoge Zeedijk (Spaarndammerdijk)
Date Summary Rec details
1446.10.04 Part of dispute between Rijnland and the cities of Leiden and Haarlem which involved, among other things, a certain Wernbout Janszoon reading out pronouncement in front of the city hall of Leiden after ringing the bells, as if he were a schout, telling the citizens of Leiden not to render morgengeld until the hoogheemraden first revealed their accounts to two members of the Council of Holland and to the cities of Haarlem and Leiden. Wernbout claimed he was authorized to do this by the Court of Holland. Rijnland's response was to fine Wernbout 10 lb. unless he could produce proof of his authorization, which he apparently could not.
Date Summary Rec details
1447.05.02 The dijkgraaf had accused Willem Kuser of Boshuizen for fishing with eel traps in Rijnland. The latter claimed he did so just as the rentmeester of Noordholland did, referring to old customs. Further he claimed that he should be judged by an offical of the Court of Holland, not of the Hoogheemraadschap. After looking into the matter, the hoogheemraaden claimed jurisdiction and decided that the dijkgraaf should proceed according to old charters.
Date Summary Rec details
1447.10.03 Regulate responsibility for and maintenance of a dike and ditch that ran from the Rijndijk into the ambacht of Wassenaar, with warnings against breaching the dike (presumably for ease of water transport).
Date Summary Rec details
1447.11.14 Against Pieter and Clais Vogelair for destroying a turnstile on the Spaarndammerdijk.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.02.27 Prohibit riding on the Hoge Rijndijk between Katwijk and Zwammerdam (fine of 1/3 of 10 lbs.) and removing any protective poles on the dike (fine of 10 lb..
Date Summary Rec details
1448.05.06 Permission for Lodewijc van Montfoorde, lord of Hazerswoude, to regulate usage and maintenance of a canal and bridge in Hazerswoude. All who drain through it will pay their share in Rijnlands assessments.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.06.25 Verdict in the dispute between Vechter Clasezoon, an official of Zoeterwoude, and the burgemeesters of Leiden concerning the assessment of 50 morgens of land that was taken up within the city walls. The hoogheemraden sided with Leiden because, by Vechter's admission, no assessments had been collected on this land for over 50 years, and the rule in place says that if morgengeld is not collected for a third of 100 years, the right to assess the land is forfeited.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.07.04 Permission for Dirck Aelbrechtszoon of Stompwijk to construct a huel (bridge or culvert) through the road/dike in front of his door.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.10.08 Decision to block the drainage from Hogeveen into the Oude Rijn because Hogeveen, even after 3 warnings, has refused accept its apportionment of maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen) or to pay its share in the drainage costs of Rijnland.
Date Summary Rec details
1449.02.25 Permission for Jacob Claeszoon of Zoeterwoude to put a bridge/culvert through the road on the south side of the church where his prescribed maintenance share is located, on the condition that he maintain it himself, outside of anyone else's cost.
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1450.05.05 Order the cleaning of the south side of the Oude Rijn as far into the water as can be reached by houwen and layken (the pruning knives and implements used to haul plants out of water).
Date Summary Rec details
1459.04.24 Selection of a new hoogheemraad to replace one who died is made by the surviving hoogheemraden. The person chosen will pay for 32 masses at the monastery in Warmond for the soul of the one who died, as well as other expenses involved in memorializing their late colleague.



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William H. TeBrake
Maine, USA, June 2006
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