Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland
OAR 11, 12, 13 : 1253 - 1564
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Year 1424
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Record #044     Date   next record  top of page
Location Type of Document
OAR11, 25v-a
OAR12, 013r-d
[097] Anno xiiii c xxiiii upten meyen dach coirden die dijckgrave mitten hiemr. tot hoeren weder zeggen dat die Rijpweteringe tende dat inden ambocht vanden Woude strecket tot heren Jacobs aen toe also wijt wesen sel aengaens als dat ander ende dat strect in ambocht van Alkemade.
English Summary
Establishes that the width of the Rijpwetering in the Woutambacht, stretching to Heer Jacobswoude, should be just as wide as the part that extends into the ambacht of Alkemade.
rijpwetering; woutambacht; alkemade; jacobswoude
Keyword Threads Seq / Count First Prev Next
alkemade 1 / 5     1434
jacobswoude 1 / 6     1440


Record #035 prev record   Date      top of page
Location Type of Document
OAR11, 20r-a
OAR12, 003v-c
[022] Anno xxiiii tsaterdages post conceptio Marie: Coirden die dijckgrave ende hiemr. dat die Rijndijc boven gebreet sel wesen al langes een roede voet ende beneden ii voete also upgaende ter goederscaep. Ende boven selmen een voet hoger dan dat hoechste ende dat beste nu is ende een ygelic sel sijn gaete stoppen die hij gemaect heeft. Ende dit sel gemaect wesen voir kersavont naest comende ende men sel een dijnsdages naest comende inden werk wesen opt Rijndijck. Ende dit sel wesen up een boeten van x lb.. Ende die damme die voir die slusen leggen selmen een voet hoger maken dan die dueren vander sluysen sien.
English Summary
Ordered that the Hoge Rijndijk be widened by a foot at the top and two feet at the base. In addition, the entire length is to be raised by a foot above the current highest parts and all breaches filled to full dimensions as stipulated. The work is to be done before the next Christmas eve, and all are to be at work on the next Tuesday. Failure to comply to be subject to a fine of 10 lb. And the dams that lie in front of the sluices are to be enlarged to one foot higher than the sluice doors themselves.
hoge rijndijk; repairs; construction; reconstruction; specifications; rijndijk; sluices
Oldest specifications for the Hoge Rijndijk are found in a keur of 1330 -- see record #004 and record #036.
Keyword Threads Seq / Count First Prev Next
construction 9 / 73 1361 1417 1425
hoge rijndijk 8 / 11 1330 1421 1425
reconstruction 7 / 71 1406 1423 1425
repairs 8 / 62 1372 1423 1425
rijndijk 12 / 34 1330 1421 1425
sluices 16 / 68 1253 1423 1425
specifications 6 / 48 1330 1423 1425



Author Publication Home
William H. TeBrake
Maine, USA, June 2006
OAR11, OAR12, OAR13