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maintenance |
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1356.04.18 |
Copy of a charter of 1356 issued by Count Willem V that authorized construction of and established maintenance responsibilities for the Gouwesluis at Alphen. |
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1361.01.04 |
Certified copy of a charter issued by Duke Albrecht giving permission to the residents of the polder on the eastside of the Gouwe at Alphen to construct a canal between the Oude Rijn and the IJssel, with rules for the naming of heemraden for schouwing the canal. |
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1408.06.11 |
Arbitration of a dispute that Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout had with Lisse concerning a canal named the Delft. |
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1412.00.00 |
Reaffirmation of an arbitration of 1408 concerning a canal named the Delft over which Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout were in dispute with Lisse. |
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1416.02.22 |
Settlement of a dispute between Liclaes Dirc Feyen z. and Jan vander Meer over a dike in Spaarnwoude. |
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1417.02.22 |
Requirement: all who dig peat in Rijnland must plant alder [els] between now and Easter on two hont of every morgen they hold, without exception. The same goes for those near the lakes, and no pit may be wider than four feet [one hont = one-sixth of a morgen]. |
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1417.03.05 |
After taking much testimony, settlement of a dispute: disposition of responsibilities for the dike in Quadelinge |
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1421.05.25 |
Regulate the planting of alder [els] where turf has been mined. |
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1421.05.25 |
Restrictions on digging peat; must be linked to alder [els] planting |
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1421.05.25 |
The seven aldermen of Spaarnwoude promise the heemraad to construct or reconstruct of the zijl or sluice at Goert Jan Florijsz. before Pentecost and to inspect and maintain all canals. |
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1421.05.25 |
Regulate how local communities should enforce prescribed maintenance work requirements. |
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1421-1434 |
How the Woerdersluis at Spaarndam is to be maintained: specifications, etc. |
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1421-1434 |
Instructions to inspect prescribed maintenance work in Alphen for which no one accepts resonsibility. |
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1423.00.00 |
Settled dispute and made a pronouncement concerning it: the dispute was between the village of Spaarnwoude and the village of Hofambacht concening the sleeper (i.e., backup) dike and new dike at Spaarnwoude which is apportioned to Hofambacht -- 140 roeden of the dike lies in Hofambacht and the latter must maintain it in perpetuity according to the keuren that are made concerning it. Further, the heemraden pronounce that the land inside the inlaag should be treated the same as that outside it. And the land within the dike that belongs to Spaarnwoude shall be free of obligation to the dike in question. Should any unforseen things occur, then Spaarnwoude will participate as do the rest of Rijnland. |
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1429.00.00 |
Maintenance responsibilities for the Zwammerdam: the Land of Woerden for one half and Rijnland for the other, with Nieuwkoop doing the earthwork. |
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1429.00.00 |
Maintenance responsibilities for the Molenaarsbrug or Heimansbrug in Alphen-Oudshoorn, split evenly between the Land of Woerden and Rijnland. |
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1429.00.00 |
Maintenance responsibilities for the Does, Zijl, and Klein bridges |
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1431.09.05 |
Part of an agreement between Rijnland and Aernt Vechtersz. by which the latter assumes responsibility for maintenance for a portion of the the Spaarndammerdijk near Amsterdam, called Kostverloren, while Rijnland compensates him by giving him a portion of the kade by Kostverloren as a possession. |
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1431.09.05 |
Part of an on-going regulation of the Kostverloren dike, part of the sea dike at Amsterdam. |
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1431.09.05 |
Aernt Vechterszoon acknowledges his rights and responsibilities in the Kostverloren dike at Amsterdam. |
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1431.09.05 |
Aernt Vechterszoon acknowledges his rights and responsibilities in the Kostverloren dike at Amsterdam. |
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1432.00.00 |
Regulate maintenance of a road, location unspecified. Pieter Jorgelszoon is responsible for half of it (i.e., both ends), and the other half in between is assigned to those responsible for it in the past. |
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1434.00.00 |
How the Gouwesluis is to be reconstructed and maintained.. |
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1434.05.01 |
Prohibit the stacking of freight on or dragging it over the shoring (plaatwerk) at or around the Spaarndam. |
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1435.00.00 |
Authorization for a new canal in Vriesekoop, 12 feet wide, beginning at the Billerdammer weg and running to Heynric Jacopszoons wetering in Rijnsaterswoude. |
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1435.00.00 |
Before digging peat, must plant alder [els]. |
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1435.00.00 |
Order residents of the 'hogen wilden veen' and Benthoorn (in Benthuizen) to accept their apportionment of maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen) or face the damming off of their drainage outlet. |
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1436.00.00 |
Heemraden instruct the dijkgraaf to block the drainage canal and sluice at Diewer Stientgens that serves Hazerswoude and Benthuizen. |
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1437.05.07 |
Decision to grant to Clais Jan Wouters z. a section of the embankment on his land at Kostverloren stretching to the Halverwetering |
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1437.06.25 |
Procedures for getting neighbors to cooperate in keeping ditches in good order. |
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1437.12.20 |
Procedures: officials of Boskoop must record all expenses they incur separately from those recorded jointly with Alphen. |
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1437.12.20 |
Procedures: how the officials of Boskoop, Middelburg, and Randenburg are to carry out their inspections |
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1438.05.06 |
General rule on keeping all ditches and canals clean. |
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1440.10.04 |
Permission for Leiderdorp to lease out their kadijk to three or four men who will reconstruct it as they see fit; those protected by it will pay the costs. |
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1441.09.12 |
Order: unless the rentmeester of Rijnsburg sees to it that the low road at Noordwijk is repaired within 14 days, the dijkgraaf and heemraden will do it at Rijnsburg's expense. |
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1441.10.03 |
Order the repair of the overtocht (inclined plane with winch to lift a boat over a dike) at the grote slius at Spaarndam. |
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1442.10.02 |
Regulate the construction and maintenance of a new canal and encircling dike at Koudekerk and Oudshoorn. The new construction is to be at the expense of all of Koudekerk except for the Hooge Waard, while its upkeep will be shared by all, including the Hooge Waard. The old dike along the Heymanswetering may be sold off. |
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1443.05.19 |
Specifications for repair of the Alkemadersluis |
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1443.05.19 |
Specifications for repair of Aalsmeerdersluis. |
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1443.05.19 |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the Haarlemmersluis in the Spaarndam. |
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1443.05.19 |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the Grote Sluis in the Spaarndam. |
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1443.05.19 |
Specifications for reconstruction of a road or dike called the Wagenweg with dirt to be taken from the Droen. |
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1443.05.19 |
Order the residents of Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout to repair the sluis doors in the Voorhouterwetering in Sassenheim and Warmond. |
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1443.07.25 |
Regulate the maintenance of Kostverloren dike, part of sea dike at Amsterdam, in the wake of the death of Aernt Vechterszoon. Picked up by Reyner Reynerszoon. |
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1445.04.05 |
Specifications for reconstruction of the Kleine Zijlbrug |
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1445.05.04 |
Permission for Koudekerk to sell part of an embankment to be maintained at no expense to the ambacht. |
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1446.10.04 |
Some decisions in a long-standing dispute between the small villages along the Gouwe and Alphen concerning the maintenance of the Gouwe sluice at Alphen. It was put in order in this year as described, and it was concluded that, for the moment, this is probably the best way to continue doing it. |
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1447.00.00 |
Regulate maintenance of the Ghierendijk according to provisions established earlier. |
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1447.00.00 |
Must plant alder [els] before digging peat. |
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1447.00.00 |
Order the Kerksloot near Haarlem to be restored to one roede wide and as deep as is thought necessary. |
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1447.06.27 |
Verdict in the matter of Jan Boem, procurator of the Commanderij van Sint-Jan, in a dispute with the heemraden of Hogeveen concerning land they both claim. In the end, the hoogheemraden sided with Hogeveen. |
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1448.05.06 |
The earlier keur to clean all ditches for a length of 50 roeden applies only to those directly connected to the ditches involved until some other regulation is provided. |
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1449.02.25 |
Permission for Jacob Claeszoon of Zoeterwoude to put a bridge/culvert through the road on the south side of the church where his prescribed maintenance share is located, on the condition that he maintain it himself, outside of anyone else's cost. |
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1449.05.06 |
For the schout and heemraden of Oegstgeest to establish an inspection of all roads and canals. |
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1449.06.05 |
Permission to put a sluice [zijl] through the Spaarndammerdijk between Florijs[van Sparenwoude]waal and Mijchielswaal. |
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1449.11.18 |
Decision regarding Hogeveen which had long refused to assume its responsibilities in Rijnland's common works and, as a consequence, had been threatened with having its drainage route dammed off. In February 1449 (OAR14, 38v-a) it had been delayed until Easter. Now, a group from Hogeveen has petitioned to have it further delayed while some sort of agreement is worked out. The heemraden, with this keur, agree that the damming will be put off until St. Peter's schouw (24 February 1450) if the Hogeveeners agree to pay morgengeld at the same rate as do their neighboring ambachten and also abide by peat digging regulations such as posting bond, etc. |
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1450.05.05 |
Hoogheemraden authorized the moving of a turnstile on Mijchiels wael |
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1450.05.05 |
Permission for Martin Dircxz. to maintain the shoring in t,e same manner as is done at Leidmuiden and Ter Aar, at his own cost. |
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1450.06.30 |
Permission for some residents of Oegstgeest to dig a canal through the Hofbroek, from the sluice in the Hofdijk to the Poel. |
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1450.06.30 |
Settlement of a dispute between Poelien, Groenswaard, and Snijdelwijk, plaintiffs, against Alphen and Boskoop, defendents, concerning maintenance of the Poelienwatering. The canal, near Gouda, has remained useless and uninspected since the war, and the plaintiffs want the old rules (costumen) to be reinstated and enforced. Alphen, referring to old charters, claimed the right to block outside water from entering their waterschap, but the plaintiffs maintained on the basis of the same charters that according to common law they have a right to drain their land as with all other land within the borders of Rijnland -- plaintiffs, after all, contribute to Rijnland's works. The hoogheemraden sided with the plaintiffs -- latter may drain the area 170 morgen large (measured by Ghijstgen the surveyor, and they must make put an embankment around the upper veen to prevent water from it flowing into the area authorized to drain through the canal in question. |
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1453.05.08 |
All houses Dirc Haviczoon'x house to those at the end of the Spaarndam must be raised to same height as the street, and 4 roeden wide behind them. |
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1453.05.08 |
Order construction of a protective door in front of all the sluices at Spaarndam, that can be raised and lowered with a block and tackle, to protect the sluices from damage by waves. |
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1455.10.07 |
Permission for Zoetermeer to assume oversight responsibilities for a bridge already construced in the Broekweg. |
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1456.06.29 |
Permission for Zegwaard to use and maintain a piece of the Banwetering lying near the road in the Ruckenveen. |
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1458.10.03 |
Order the heemraad's bode to go to Zegwaard to settle the matter of who is responsible for maintaining a certain canal that, according to some, is not being contributed to by the very ones who benefit the most from it. |
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1460.02.26 |
Order the restoration of the Rijndijk along both banks to be maintained at minimally 18 roede feet wide, and all plantings that have impinged on this width must be removed. Reiteration of earlier orders. |
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1460.02.26 |
Reemphasize the need to remove obstructions or impingements on the Rijn at Leiden. |
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1460.02.26 |
Authorization for Dirc Hoochstraet to maintain the Lage brug (Low Bridge) in Waddinxveen with dirt and wood provided at his own expense at sufficient height for peat and other materials to be transported under it. |
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1461.10.13 |
Permission for Willem van der Does to construct a stone bridge 14 feet wide in the Rijndijk, next to his house in Leiderdorp, and maintain it at his own expense. |
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1462.07.06 |
Permission for Florijs van Boshiujsen to breach the Hoge Rijndijk next to his house in Alphen and put a stone bridge into it. The stretch of water that thereby will connect with the Oude Rijn must remain closed off on the back side so that no water from the Oude Rijn is released into the interior. The heemraden will issue further directions before work actually begins. |
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1464.06.27 |
Order that the Oude Rijn must be inspected east of Leiden as well where, until then, none had been done: must be cleaned on both sides as specified for sections currrently subjected to inspections. In particular, the north bank from Heimansbrug to the Gouwesluis must be maintained as it now is with vegetation sufficient to prevent erosion of banks by ship wakes. |
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1467.06.30 |
Dijkgraaf and heemraden concluded that the Oude Rijn, between the Heimansbrug and the Gouwesluis, probably doesn't need to be inspected by them any longer. |
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1469.02.28 |
Settlement of dispute between residents of Hogeveen concerning maintenance of the Kijfvairte. The canal must be put in order by all residing between the Westvaart and the geordineerde Oostvaart (Hazerswoude) beginning at the northern streckvaart to the fens (venen) of Florijs van Boschuijsen. All associated costs should be spread over the community members, or at least the majority of them. |
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1471.10.08 |
Permission for schout and heemraden of Lisse to schouw (inspect and maintain) and put in order the beek next to Pouwels Dammeszoon -- should be dredged to old depth beginning at the heul (small bridge or culvert) next to Pouwels house to the Meer. Those residents who don't do their work may be assessed 9 sc. |
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1472.03.03 |
Order the repair of the sluices at Spaarndam before the St. Bartholomew's inspection (25 August). |
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1472.03.03 |
Permission for Jan Aelwiunszoon and Gerijt Vechterszoon to place a huel (small bridge or culvert) through the road that runs from the church to the Noordaa in Zoeterwoude. The two are responsible for its maintenance and no one must be damaged by it. |
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1473.07.20 |
Permission for Willem Sijmonszoon and sons to put a bridge in the Woutweg (Esselijkerwoude) so they can sail through, on condition that they maintain it themselves. |
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1479.03.02 |
Resolve to enforce penalities for those not promptly performing their prescribed maintenance work on the Hogendijk (Hoge Zeedijk; Spaarndammerdijk) between Amsterdam and Spaarndam. |
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1479.03.02 |
Resolve to enforce penalities for those not promptly performing their prescribed maintenance work along the Oude Rijn (Hoge Rijndijk). |
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1479.03.02 |
Order Koudekerk and Alphen to maintain Hoge Rijndijk to specifications and not allow a narrowing of the channel itself. |
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1523.11.10 |
Settlement of dispute between residents of Alphen west of the Gouwe and village officials of the south end of Waddinxveen and Coenencoop concerning the Binnenkade and the overtocht (inclined plane with winch to lift a boat over a dike) of the Goudkade to the Nesse, alongside the culvert. |
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1525.09.14 |
Settlement of a dispute between the achterdorpen that drain into the IJssel and the commons of Rijnland over payment of levies and apportionment of maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen). |
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1527.03.16 |
Settlement of dispute between Jan van Wijngarden and village officials of Zoeterwoude concerning maintenance of the road/dike between Lambrecht Jacobszoon northward to Koemanskerk. |
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1528.10.22 |
Settlement of dispute between Waddinxveen, Broek, Tuylnesse and Korterakkeren vs. Coenencoop over building of windmills and horse mills in Coenencoop. |
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1564.01.25 |
Schout and villagers of Alphen farm out Goudkade and Binnenkade. |