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alcmade, willem van |
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1429.05.15 |
Settlement of a dispute between the hoogheemraden and the heirs to Gerijt van Bosschuysens concerning money that the late Gerijt, a former colleague, owed to the Hoogheemraadschap. |
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1438.ca |
List of heemraden who served as rentmeester from 1432 to 1438, with their backups from 1432-1437 |
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1440.08.31 |
Heemraden arbitrate a dispute between Amsterdam and Sloten about payment of aardgeld. |
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1440.10.04 |
The stoeling (assessments, assignment of maintenance responsibilities) for Spaarnwoude shall remain as they are as long as they remain outside the territory of Rijnland. |
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1441.09.12 |
Order the cleanup of the Spaarne between Bamis (1 October) and Omnium Sanctorum (1 November). |
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1442.05.01 |
Symon Heinricxzoon and associates can disassociate themselves from Valkenburg in matters of drainage. |
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1443.03.13 |
Order Zoeterwoude and Voorschoten to repair the dike breach at Stompwijk (presumably along the Zoetermeer). |
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1443.03.13 |
Permission to take hydraulic measures in Stompwijc as long as they cause no damage to Boudwijn van Zwieten. |
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1443.03.13 |
Declare that the measurements taken at Hazerswoude shall stand as authentic and be recorded in three books. |
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1443.03.13 |
Regulation of a dispute with Woerden concerning how land is measured and morgengeld is assessed. |
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1443.05.19 |
Specifications for repair of the Alkemadersluis |
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1443.05.19 |
Specifications for repair of Aalsmeerdersluis. |
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1443.05.19 |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the Haarlemmersluis in the Spaarndam. |
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1443.05.19 |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the Grote Sluis in the Spaarndam. |
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1443.05.19 |
Specifications for reconstruction of a road or dike called the Wagenweg with dirt to be taken from the Droen. |
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1443.05.19 |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the ship lock (Kolksluis) in the Spaarndam: haul in dirt; repair shoring. |
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1443.05.19 |
Order the residents of Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout to repair the sluis doors in the Voorhouterwetering in Sassenheim and Warmond. |
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1443.05.19 |
Order digging of a ditch of 8 feet along the Voorhout side of the Zwiet, subject to inspection. |
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1443.05.19 |
Specifications for the construction/reconstruction of the new sluice known as the Hogesluis |
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1443.07.25 |
Regulate the maintenance of Kostverloren dike, part of sea dike at Amsterdam, in the wake of the death of Aernt Vechterszoon. Picked up by Reyner Reynerszoon. |
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1443.10.01 |
Municipal officials of Haarlem and Leiden complained in front of the governor of Holland, lord of Lalaing, about Rijnland's attempts to collect levies from the cities despite their charters which they claim exempt them from such payments. Rijnland countered with charters claiming such authority and also referred, at the very end, to a similar case with Amsterdam in which, presumably Rijnland's claims were upheld. |
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1444.02.24 |
Regularize the time and manner of collecting assessments in the ambachten of Rijnland. |
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1444.03.04 |
Permission for the schout of Leiderdorp to announce and carry out the inspection of the sluices and culverts between the Does bridge and the ambacht of Koudekerk. |
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1444.03.04 |
Schout of Koudekerk to announce and carry inspection of the sluices and culverts in the Hoge Rijndijk in the same manner as consented to for Leiderdorp. |
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1444.03.17 |
Specifications for rebuilding of the Alphen sluice in the Spaarndam |
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1444.05.05 |
Prohibit harrasment of officials or workers doing their duty. |
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1444.10.06 |
Settlement of a dispute over maintenance of part of the Kostverloren dike which was completely rebuilt: a pole must not be placed in the middle where the former sluice lay; maintenance henceforth to be carried out according to the provisions of the documents issued in this matter, outside the expense of the Rijnland. |
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1444.10.10 |
Outline the duties or obligations of the schout and heemraden of Leiderdorp |
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1445.04.05 |
Permission Jacob van Rijswijk to build a bridge in the Voorschoterwetering |
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1445.04.20 |
Settlement of a dispute between former and previous heemraden of Woerden |
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1445.05.04 |
Instructions on how to choose local heemraden. |
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1445.06.29 |
Clarification of an old keur concerning cleaning of waterways and canals -- removal of duckweed (kroos), etc. |
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1446.02.22 |
Permission for Schoot to announce upcoming inspections on one Sunday instead of three in the three nearest churches. |
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1446.02.27 |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the Gouwe sluice at Alphen |
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1446.05.03 |
Permission for Kaagdorp (Kaag) to perform inspections in the same manner as does Alkemade. |
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1446.10.04 |
Part of dispute between Rijnland and the cities of Leiden and Haarlem which involved, among other things, a certain Wernbout Janszoon reading out pronouncement in front of the city hall of Leiden after ringing the bells, as if he were a schout, telling the citizens of Leiden not to render morgengeld until the hoogheemraden first revealed their accounts to two members of the Council of Holland and to the cities of Haarlem and Leiden. Wernbout claimed he was authorized to do this by the Court of Holland. Rijnland's response was to fine Wernbout 10 lb. unless he could produce proof of his authorization, which he apparently could not. |
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1447.02.28 |
Must not harrass officials performing their duty |
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1447.05.02 |
The dijkgraaf had accused Willem Kuser of Boshuizen for fishing with eel traps in Rijnland. The latter claimed he did so just as the rentmeester of Noordholland did, referring to old customs. Further he claimed that he should be judged by an offical of the Court of Holland, not of the Hoogheemraadschap. After looking into the matter, the hoogheemraaden claimed jurisdiction and decided that the dijkgraaf should proceed according to old charters. |
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1447.10.03 |
Regulate responsibility for and maintenance of a dike and ditch that ran from the Rijndijk into the ambacht of Wassenaar, with warnings against breaching the dike (presumably for ease of water transport). |
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1447.11.14 |
Against Pieter and Clais Vogelair for destroying a turnstile on the Spaarndammerdijk. |
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1448.02.27 |
Prohibit riding on the Hoge Rijndijk between Katwijk and Zwammerdam (fine of 1/3 of 10 lbs.) and removing any protective poles on the dike (fine of 10 lb.. |
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1448.05.06 |
Permission for Lodewijc van Montfoorde, lord of Hazerswoude, to regulate usage and maintenance of a canal and bridge in Hazerswoude. All who drain through it will pay their share in Rijnlands assessments. |
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1448.06.25 |
Verdict in the dispute between Vechter Clasezoon, an official of Zoeterwoude, and the burgemeesters of Leiden concerning the assessment of 50 morgens of land that was taken up within the city walls. The hoogheemraden sided with Leiden because, by Vechter's admission, no assessments had been collected on this land for over 50 years, and the rule in place says that if morgengeld is not collected for a third of 100 years, the right to assess the land is forfeited. |
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1448.07.04 |
Permission for Dirck Aelbrechtszoon of Stompwijk to construct a huel (bridge or culvert) through the road/dike in front of his door. |
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1449.02.25 |
Permission for Jacob Claeszoon of Zoeterwoude to put a bridge/culvert through the road on the south side of the church where his prescribed maintenance share is located, on the condition that he maintain it himself, outside of anyone else's cost. |
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1449.05.06 |
For the schout and heemraden of Oegstgeest to establish an inspection of all roads and canals. |
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1449.05.29 |
Unless she repays twice the amount of money that the schout of Vriesekoop put up on her behalf, Geertruyt Geryt Goemen will be banned from Rijnland. |
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1450.05.05 |
Order the cleaning of the south side of the Oude Rijn as far into the water as can be reached by houwen and layken (the pruning knives and implements used to haul plants out of water). |
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1451.02.22 |
Hoogheemraden agree to free residents of Hogeveen between Benthorn and Waddinxveense greppel and between the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other) and the count's greppel of Hazerswoude from paying morgengenld because the later have paid 60 English nobels which heemraden have invested in land purchased from Adriaen van der Meije and Jan Splinterszoon located in Alphenerhorn. The residents had insisted they were not required to pay morgengeld because of a charter from Duke Albrecht. This agreement came about because of the arbitration of the stadhouder and Raad of Holland. |
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1453.01.15 |
Hoogheemraden decide that Willem van Alcmade and Jan van Poelgeest will keep an accounting of all the expenses incurred in the repair and reconstruction of the Zeedijk. Later, these costs will be spread proportionally over all of Rijnland. |
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1454.03.12 |
Permission for Jan Pieterszoon, village official of Wassenaar, and his associates to construct a 4-foot wide stone culvert or bridge in the road in Druijtswael. |
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1457.03.17 |
Invitation for contracts with specifications for the rebuilding of the Aalsmeer [Hazerswoude, Sassenheim, and Randenburg] sluice and the Noordwijk [Aarlanderveen, Zegwaard, and Zoetermeer] sluis. The final section, describing how some work was not done to specification on the Aalsmeer sluice may actually date to the required completion, St. Bartholomew's day (25 August). See also next item which seems to approve of the work order for the Noordwijk sluice. |
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1458.03.14 |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the Alkmade [Oegstgeest, Lisse, Voorhout, Vennep, and Splinters Ambacht] sluice, to be completed by St. Bartholomew's day (25 August). Adriaen Ghysbrecht and Engebrecht Pieterszoon took on the contract for 685 lb., with Gerijt Rijswijck, Willem vander Does, Florijs Janszoon van Tol, and Ysbrant Symonszoon standing as surety for them, with Zeger Staeszoon as carpenter. |
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1459.04.24 |
Selection of a new hoogheemraad to replace one who died is made by the surviving hoogheemraden. The person chosen will pay for 32 masses at the monastery in Warmond for the soul of the one who died, as well as other expenses involved in memorializing their late colleague. |
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1460.04.20 |
Offers to the residents of Waddinxveen above the Backwatering (i.e., Zuid Waddinxveen) the right to drain via the Alphen wetering (canal from the Oude Rijn to the IJssel at Gouda). |
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1469.02.28 |
Invitation for bids to repair the Haarlemmersluis (Koudekerk, 'sBurchgravenveen, Heer Dirks Ambacht van Zuidwijk, Middelburch, Benthuizen, and Valkenburg) with specifications for the work. Clais Dircxzoon van Schoerl took on the work for 719 lb., with Pieter Dirxzoon and Jan Gerijtszoon standing surety for him. |
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1469.05.02 |
Invitation to tender offers for reconstruction of the Riedwijk, Vriesekoop, Ter Aar, Schoot, Albrechts Vierendeel van Bosch, and Outshoorn sluice and the Alphen, Leiderdorp, Warmond, Groenswaard, and Hillegom sluis, with specifications for the work to be done. Dirk Janszoon van der Hoerne took on the Riedwijk sluice for 582 lb., and Willem Reynerszoon took on the Alphen sluice for 598 lb. |
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1527.03.16 |
Settlement of dispute between Jan van Wijngarden and village officials of Zoeterwoude concerning maintenance of the road/dike between Lambrecht Jacobszoon northward to Koemanskerk. |