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kroosheemraden |
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1284.11.13 |
Grant Alphen, Randenburg, Snijdelwijk; Groesnwaard, Splinters Ambacht uten Waard the right to remove the sluice gate in the Gouwesluis at the Oude Rijn in Alphen as well as other rights associated with the Gouwe. |
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1356.04.18 |
Copy of a charter of 1356 issued by Count Willem V that authorized construction of and established maintenance responsibilities for the Gouwesluis at Alphen. |
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1361.01.04 |
Certified copy of a charter issued by Duke Albrecht giving permission to the residents of the polder on the eastside of the Gouwe at Alphen to construct a canal between the Oude Rijn and the IJssel, with rules for the naming of heemraden for schouwing the canal. |
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1385.04.01 |
A certified copy, made 3 January 1437, by Dirc van Wassenaar of a charter first issued in 1385 (original says 1384, but the court of Holland normally began the new year around Easter). The original charter regulated some differences between Hazerswoude and Leiden concerning jurisdiction over lands in Hazerswoude owned by Leidenaars, among other things. |
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1399.08.30 |
Establishes a new waterschap, represented by a drainage canal with construction and maintenance duties assigned to it, in the wild peatland lying between Hazerswoude and Benthorn which will drain via the Benthuizerwetering through the ambacht of Hazerswoude into the Oude Rijn; the new water board shall have the right to issue keuren, carry out inspections, apportion maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen), and levy fines as appropriate to the common good. |
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1400.12.28 |
Regulation of the authority and manner of schouw, most likely of the Gouwe and/or its kaden. |
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1401.05.19 |
Settlement of an action taken by the dijkgraaf and hoogheemraden of Rijnland against the schout of Alphen along with heemraden of Alphen, Haszerswoude, and Boskoop for an illegal schouw (inspection) that had done on the Bakwetering in Waddinxveen. |
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1410.00.00 |
Authorized the local water board of Alphen east of the Gouwe to issue rules concerning the inspections they carry out and the judgments they make and to levy fines up to 3 lb. |
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1416.02.29 |
Stipulation: how the ambacht of Zegwaard should carry out its inspections. |
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1417.08.12 |
Authorization for a culvert with a sluis or gate (scotdoer) to go under the Delft (a canal) so that the peatland between Hillegommerbeek and the Delft can drain into the low peatland. The water above, in the Delft, shall run unhindered toward the Haarlemmermeer, while the culvert underneath shall remain open between sinte Bertijns misse and sinte Pieters misse afterwhich it shall be closed. Similarly each year on 8 May the culvert gate will stand open as well as other times of the year, as long as no one else is damaged by it. And the scout and heemraden of Lisse shall inspect the new dike on the north side of the Delft and the waterschap of the Delft with the new culvert, with those in the peatland benefitting from the culvert bearing the costs of maintenance. Further, the Hillegommerweg which runs along the beek up to the woods (in the dunes?) shall remain closed (i.e., the embankment on which the path lies shall not be breached) so that external water will not flow onto the peatland in question. And the three bridges over the Lisserbeek which belong to Noorwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout shall be removed and not rebuilt as long as that is best for the larger generality. For all of this, the peatlands shall pay morgengeld just like all the other lands of Rijnland. |
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1421.05.25 |
The seven aldermen of Spaarnwoude promise the heemraad to construct or reconstruct of the zijl or sluice at Goert Jan Florijsz. before Pentecost and to inspect and maintain all canals. |
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1421.05.25 |
Regulate how morgengeld is to be levied along the Scafgaende weren in Zoeterwoude. |
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1421.05.25 |
Regulates how the scout and local heemraden of Zoeterwoude are to carry out their inspections |
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1422.00.00 |
Ordered changing the inspection days for Zoeterwoude and Voorschoten from May and St. Martin's Mass to mid-March and the Thursday after St. Bavo's day. |
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1422.00.00 |
Dijkgraaf and heemraden have inspected the damage to and suffering of the good people of Rijnland with respect to their hydraulic works because of warfare (especially south of the Rijn and along the Goude) and they now appoint special lower heemraden in the named ambachten to oversee the reconstruction and to issue keuren, orders, and commands to that effect as necessary. |
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1422.04.10 |
Ordered the heemraden of Leiderdorp to redo the assignment of prescribed work (verhoefslagen) for the Dwarswetering because the current assignment was so out of date that no one remembered anymore what work must be done by whom. |
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1425.ca |
Permission for the heemraden of Oegstgeest to inspect from Oegstgeesterkerk to Saelmonsberch and to issue rules/bylaws concerning the Hogedijk on the Rijwech to be brought to such width and height as is best and most useful for the common good subject to customary fines. Further, they shall inspect from the Oegstgeesterkerk to the Burchgravencamp of the Old Hoeve and establish an dike in the manner above. And this shall remain in effect until the heemraden rescind it. At the same time they are given consent to place posts on the dike to prevent passage if they wish. |
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1434.02.03 |
Florijs van Boschuijsen declares that he has permission from the dijkgraaf and heemraden to restore a canal in Poelien so that the wild peat lands of Waddinxveen can be drained into the Gouwe. Florijs agrees to maintain it himself according to the requirements specified by the schout of Alphen and the heemraden of the Alphenerwetering (heemraden from Alphen, Boskoop, Hazarswoude, and Waddinxveen). |
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1434.02.03 |
The dijkgraaf and heemraden of Rijnland and the Schout of Alphen and the heemraden of the Alphenerwetering (heemraden from Alphen, Boskoop, Hazarswoude, and Waddinxveen) confirm that Florijs van Boschuijsen has permission to restore a canal in Poelien so that the wild peat lands of Waddinxveen can be drained into the Gouwe. |
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1434.06.29 |
Sets payment to heemraden and schout of Alkemade for their inspection work: 12 p and 2 sc., respectively |
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1434.10.03 |
A clarification that the wetering that Florijs van Boschuijsen had been authorized to restore earlier in the year is to be inspected by the schout and heemraden of the Alphenerwetering (heemraden from Alphen, Boskoop, Hazarswoude, and Waddinxveen). |
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1435.00.00 |
Regulate how local officials should inspect their roads (dikes) in Alphen. |
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1435.00.00 |
Authorization for a new canal in Vriesekoop, 12 feet wide, beginning at the Billerdammer weg and running to Heynric Jacopszoons wetering in Rijnsaterswoude. |
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1435.00.00 |
Heynric Jacopszoon to carry out inspections in Leimuiden, Vriesekoop, and Rijnsaterswoude with five heemraden instead of seven and to do so twice, once at the expense of the ambachten and the other according to custom. |
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1436.02.28 |
Orders schout and heemraden of Hasertswoude to inspect Boudwijn Steens polder according to old custom. |
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1436.02.28 |
Regulate how the scout and heemraden of Lisse must inspect the oude beek in the oude veen which drained into the lakes and apportion maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen). |
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1437.05.07 |
Permission to Zoetermeer to build and inspect a canal (maintain to 8 feet wide) above the Groenenwech stretching from the Clootstael westward to the wetering. |
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1437.06.24 |
Orders schout and heemraden of each ambacht to inspect all canals at appointed times to ensure they are kept clean and free to drain; to see to it that residents carry out their duties in this regard. |
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1437.09.16 |
Authorized a canal (waterscup) to be used by Schoot and Korteraar running from the Aar to the Oude Aar. |
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1437.09.24 |
Kroosheemraden of Oegstgeest issue a keur concerning how they will inspect all hydraulic works in the ambacht and stipulate how much it will cost. |
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1437.12.20 |
Regulate how Hazerswoude should inspect roads and canals. |
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1437.12.20 |
Procedures: from now on, officials of Boskoop, Middelburg, and Randenburg may apportion prescribed maintenance work for the Spaarndam and the Doeswetering with one instead of three officials. |
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1437.12.20 |
Procedures: officials of Boskoop must record all expenses they incur separately from those recorded jointly with Alphen. |
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1437.12.20 |
Procedures: how the officials of Boskoop, Middelburg, and Randenburg are to carry out their inspections |
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1438.05.06 |
Procedures: order the schout of Aalsmeer to inspect the road from Burggravenveen to the Rijsdrecht and to authorize bridges for the road if needed for water transport. |
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1438.05.06 |
General rule on keeping all ditches and canals clean. |
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1438.06.24 |
Schoot to carry out inspections with five kroosheemraden. |
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1439.07.06 |
Order construction of a waterway (the Zandsloot) at Katwijk |
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1439.07.06 |
Procedures: the Zandsloot in Katwijk to be inspected in the customary manner. |
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1440.06.28 |
Extended the jurisdiction that Koudekerk had from 50 to 100 roeden or more as needed along certain ditches. |
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1440.10.04 |
Permission for Leiderdorp to lease out their kadijk to three or four men who will reconstruct it as they see fit; those protected by it will pay the costs. |
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1443.06.29 |
Instructions on how officials in Alkemade shall announce and conduct their inspections. |
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1443.06.29 |
Officials in Heer Jacobswoude, Leimuiden, Rijnsaterswoude, and Vriesekoop shall announce and carry out their inspections in the same manner as specified for Alkemade. |
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1444.03.04 |
Permission for the schout of Leiderdorp to announce and carry out the inspection of the sluices and culverts between the Does bridge and the ambacht of Koudekerk. |
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1444.10.10 |
Outline the duties or obligations of the schout and heemraden of Leiderdorp |
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1445.10.05 |
Permission for Schoot to perform inspections with 4 instead of 5 people because of lack of residents. |
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1446.02.22 |
Permission for Schoot to announce upcoming inspections on one Sunday instead of three in the three nearest churches. |
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1446.02.22 |
Leiderdorp must obey the rules and regulation established by the old keuren |
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1446.05.03 |
Permission for Woubrugge to carry out inspecticions as simply and cheaply as possible |
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1446.06.28 |
Take testimony in a dispute between the residents of Alphen and those of Randenburg, Groenswaard, and Snijdelwijk concerning maintenance requirements in the Gouwesluis at Alphen, with a copy of an old charter from 1284 brought into play |
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1446.10.04 |
Some decisions in a long-standing dispute between the small villages along the Gouwe and Alphen concerning the maintenance of the Gouwe sluice at Alphen. It was put in order in this year as described, and it was concluded that, for the moment, this is probably the best way to continue doing it. |
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1447.00.00 |
Creation of a polder focussed on a drainage canal (waterschap) to be created in Benthuizen, beginning at the Heinlaan and running across to the Gheer then extending between Engbrecht's holding and the windmill holding up to the mill road and then back to the Heinlaan. Those resident in the polder and benefitting from this canal shall maintain it. This polder, with its bridges (9 feet wide) will be inspected by the schout of Benhuizen with 5 heemraden who are resident in the polder. |
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1447.06.27 |
Permission for Benthuizen to carry out inspections from now on with 5 instead of 7 heemraden. |
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1447.06.27 |
Permission for Zoetermeer to carry out inspections in same manner as does Zoeterwoude. |
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1447.06.27 |
Permission for heemraden of Alphen to inspect the Lage dijk in a single inspection whenever they deem it necessary. |
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1447.06.27 |
Amounts to be paid for redeeming livestock seized (schutten) because they were grazing on the Rijndijk. |
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1448.10.08 |
Permission for Gelderswoude to dig a new canal, 9 feet wide, on the north side of the Broekweg, running from the Kerklaan to the dam for the reservoir (boezemwater) of Zegwaard, to be inspected by the schout of Zoeterwoude along with the heemraden of Gelderswoude in the same manner as is done with other roads and canals. |
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1449.05.06 |
For the schout and heemraden of Oegstgeest to establish an inspection of all roads and canals. |
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1450.06.30 |
Schout, kroosheemraden, and community of Benthuizen ask heemraden of Rijnland to settle a question concerning the keeping of a nootweg (access road for agricultural purposes) and a ditch. Schout Jan van Heemstede, village lord, gave permission for it in the past, but now much of the land near it has disappeared and the nootweg may be next. Some want to keep it, the ditch, and an 8-foot buffer because they still keep dwellings there. |
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1450.06.30 |
Schout, heemraden, and community of Benthuizen request permission for a drainage ditch to drain 500 roeden of its meadow lands. Permission was granted. 600 roeden equaled on morgen. |
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1452.05.02 |
Order the construction of a kade in Wassenaar and Voorschoten from Wassenaarsgeest to the Hoge Rijndijk along the north side of the Dodijnslaan. |
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1452.05.02 |
Permission for schout and village officials of Noordwijk and Noordwijkerhout to schouw from now on when they think best, without consulting with the villagers. |
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1453.02.25 |
Written arguments that were part of longer processes involving Sasbout Aelwijnszoon and also Daem Janszoon against Vranc Jacobszoon and Eggert Vranckenszoon concerning levies and dues in Zegwaard. |
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1453.05.08 |
Permission for schout and heemraad of Hazerswoude to inspect and apportion maintenance on its roads and canals 8 or 14 days after publically announcing their intent with a follow up inspection 8 days later to ensure that all required work was completed. |
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1453.10.17 |
Prohibit grazing of livestock along the Gouwekade in Alphen and the Oostkade in Hazerswoude. Livestock found on these dikes will be impounded (schutten). |
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1453.10.17 |
Permission for schout and local heemraden of Alphen to order the repair and closing of kaden which often have been left to lie open during the winter. |
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1454.02.26 |
Permission for schout of Zoeterwoude with his heemraden to inspect and apportion maintenance responsibility for the Kerkweg between the Weipoort and the church of Zoeterwoude, with the size of fines the same as on the other roads in Zoeterwoude. |
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1458.10.03 |
Permission for Ter Aar to schouw with five instead of seven heemraden. |
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1460.02.26 |
Reinforce earlier keuren that instruct local heemraden to justify their collections of morgen- and penninggeld by submitting accounts for inspection by the hoogheemraden, etc. |
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1461.10.13 |
Permission for Koudekerk to schouw the entire ambacht from now on in the same manner as was approved for Hazerswoude in the past (1438). |
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1462.10.09 |
A few months earlier, permission had been granted to residents of the Blocklanden in Benthuizen to dig a new canal on the end of the Blocklanden, beginning on the Gelderswoudse canal through Allart Meeszoons dam and continuing to the road near Benthuizerhorn -- 8 feet wide, with specifications for any bridges, etc. But, because some now opposed it, two heemraden of Rijnland, Jacob van Woude and Jan van Poelgeest, went to have a look. and ordered, in the name of entire college of hoogheemraden, that Allart Meeszoon's dam be raised and provisioned with two hoofden 7 roeden feet apart at the expense of the schout and heemraden of Zegwaard, and the latter shall schouw the canal and road ditch. The old canal belonging to the Blocklanden shall be left un-schouwed. |
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1463.03.01 |
Standardize how schouten and local heemraden are to conduct their business in Rijnland, including inspection procedures, choosing of heemraden, and compensation for expenses. |
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1463.05.03 |
For any land changing hands in Zegwaard, the seller must notify the schout and heemraden of Zegwaard who will note the names of buyer and seller in a book which they must keep. |
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1465.03.12 |
Permission for schout and kroosheemraden of Benthuizen to decide the extent of the schouw (inspections and assignment of maintenance responsibilities) of all the canals and waterways within their ambacht and to do so in such a manner that the entire ambacht will benefit. |
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1469.06.27 |
Permission for Benthuizen to dig a canal 8 feet wide (7 feet wide at bridge heads) beginning near the koster's (sextons's) house and extending to the Hemsloot. Those along the canal are responsible for its upkeep. The schout and heemraden of Benthuizen will schouw (inspect and maintain) it like all other roads and canals in the ambacht. |
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1471.10.08 |
Permission for schout and heemraden of Lisse to schouw (inspect and maintain) and put in order the beek next to Pouwels Dammeszoon -- should be dredged to old depth beginning at the heul (small bridge or culvert) next to Pouwels house to the Meer. Those residents who don't do their work may be assessed 9 sc. |
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1472.03.10 |
Try to regulate the buying and selling of land that has been mined for peat, in particular to insure that owed taxes are paid by the buyer; such transactions must be overseen by schout and heemraden |
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1473.10.05 |
Prohibit running of wagons on the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other) that extends from the Zijdwinde to the end of Zegwaard ambacht, to be regularly inspected by the schout and kroosheemraden of Zegwaard. |
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1474.06.28 |
Order the seizure of livestock (schutten) grazing on the Nieuwe Kade at Alphen against a payment of 5 sc. |
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1482.07.02 |
Permission for heemraden of Hillegom and Lisse, who now schouw (inspect and maintain) at their own cost to henceforth do three annual schouws and in return receive 1 lb. per schouw -- on 10 July 1498 this apparently was amended to four shouwen per year. |
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1483.07.15 |
Authorize a canal in Warmond from the deep Lede to the Zijl, 12 feet wide at water's edge, with additional specifications concerning its use and prescribed maintenance work. |
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1523.11.10 |
Settlement of dispute between residents of Alphen west of the Gouwe and village officials of the south end of Waddinxveen and Coenencoop concerning the Binnenkade and the overtocht (inclined plane with winch to lift a boat over a dike) of the Goudkade to the Nesse, alongside the culvert. |
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1533.03.14 |
Schout and villagers of Alphen farm out the Goudkade and Binnekade to Jacob Janssoen Moel and his heirs. |
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1564.01.25 |
Schout and villagers of Alphen farm out Goudkade and Binnenkade. |