Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland
OAR 11, 12, 13 : 1253 - 1564
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naeldwijk, heynric van 1 Keyword Summaries 1483  
navigation 1 Keyword Summaries 1463  
nesse 1 Keyword Summaries 1523  
nets 1 Keyword Summaries 1399  
nieuwe rijn 2 Keyword Summaries 1445 1450
nieuwe wetering 2 Keyword Summaries 1444 1444
nieuwendijk 4 Keyword Summaries 1422 1425
nieuwerkerk 8 Keyword Summaries 1392 1457
nieuwermeer 3 Keyword Summaries 1431 1431
nieuwersluis 1 Keyword Summaries 1435  
nieuweweg 1 Keyword Summaries 1436  
nieuwewetering 4 Keyword Summaries 1423 1431
nieuwkoop 2 Keyword Summaries 1394 1429
no schouw 1 Keyword Summaries 1445  
nobles 1 Keyword Summaries 1443  
noodweg 1 Keyword Summaries 1455  
noordaa 2 Keyword Summaries 1441 1472
noorde, jan van 2 Keyword Summaries 1444 1451
noordertrekvaart 1 Keyword Summaries 1469  
noordveen 1 Keyword Summaries 1408  
noordwijk 14 Keyword Summaries 1408 1495
noordwijkerhout 9 Keyword Summaries 1408 1495
noordwijkersluis 2 Keyword Summaries 1457 1457
noort 1 Keyword Summaries 1421  
noortgen 2 Keyword Summaries 1443 1443
noortich, jan van 13 Keyword Summaries 1438 1495
noortich, symon van 1 Keyword Summaries 1441  
noortzijde vanden rijn 1 Keyword Summaries 1447  
nootweg 2 Keyword Summaries 1450 1452
notsloot 1 Keyword Summaries 1455  
nuwe kade 1 Keyword Summaries 1474  
nuwen water molen 1 Keyword Summaries 1483  
nuwer kade 1 Keyword Summaries 1474  
nuwewatering 4 Keyword Summaries 1448 1462
nuwewech 2 Keyword Summaries 1448 1456


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  naeldwijk, heynric van  
Date Summary Rec details
1483.07.15 Permission for Heinric van Naeldwijc to replace the horse mills with windmills to pump water from his lordship in Waddinxveen.


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Date Summary Rec details
1463.10.04 In an attempt to regulate boat passage through the Grotesluis at Spaarndam, and to avoid damage to the sluice, the heemraden have decided that all wishing to pass through must first get a kerfstok (numbered stick) to determine their turn.


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Date Summary Rec details
1523.11.10 Settlement of dispute between residents of Alphen west of the Gouwe and village officials of the south end of Waddinxveen and Coenencoop concerning the Binnenkade and the overtocht (inclined plane with winch to lift a boat over a dike) of the Goudkade to the Nesse, alongside the culvert.


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Date Summary Rec details
1399.03.16 Prohibition: no fishing nets to be set (touw setten) in front of sluices from Haarlem to Gouda (thus all of Rijnland) with the exception of the Mare and Zijl bridges at Leiden.


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  nieuwe rijn  
Date Summary Rec details
1445.10.05 Permission for the Friars Minor in the Waard section of Leiden to construct a bridge over the Nieuwe Rijn on the condition that the bridgeheads do not narrow the river.
Date Summary Rec details
1450.05.05 Order the cleaning of the south side of the Oude Rijn as far into the water as can be reached by houwen and layken (the pruning knives and implements used to haul plants out of water).


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  nieuwe wetering  
Date Summary Rec details
1444.05.05 The schout of Koudekerk may inspect the new wetering and sluice in the Lage Waard section of Koudekerk until heemraden say otherwise.
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1444.10.10 Outline the duties or obligations of the schout and heemraden of Leiderdorp


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Date Summary Rec details
1422.06.24 Ordered the residents of Tetrode and Albrechtsberg to make 20 roeden (rods) of the Nieuwendijk at Spaarnwoude one roede wide and as high as the heemraden shall indicate, and they shall complete this between now and next St. Mary Magdalene day on pain of the highest fine, that is to say twice 70 lb.
Date Summary Rec details
1423.00.00 Settled dispute and made a pronouncement concerning it: the dispute was between the village of Spaarnwoude and the village of Hofambacht concening the sleeper (i.e., backup) dike and new dike at Spaarnwoude which is apportioned to Hofambacht -- 140 roeden of the dike lies in Hofambacht and the latter must maintain it in perpetuity according to the keuren that are made concerning it. Further, the heemraden pronounce that the land inside the inlaag should be treated the same as that outside it. And the land within the dike that belongs to Spaarnwoude shall be free of obligation to the dike in question. Should any unforseen things occur, then Spaarnwoude will participate as do the rest of Rijnland.
Date Summary Rec details
1425.00.00 Ordered Hofambocht to reconstruct the road that runs from Heynric Baertsz. buitendijks onto the Nieuwendijk as wide as necessary so that it can accomodate wagons with a good load, and it shall be as high as the outer edg of the Nieuwendijk and shall be completed by 24 June (sinte Jans dach te midsomer).
Date Summary Rec details
1425.06.24 Instructions concerning payments for dirt, where dirt is to be taken, and other matters related to repairing breaches in dikes.


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Date Summary Rec details
1392.07.11 Limits on peat digging: dig no more than two days worth of peat on either the west or east side of the road between Riedwijker Nuwenwech and Kercklaen; no digging within 40 roeden of the Haarlemmermeer; no transport of peat outside the ambacht of Nieuwerkerk.
Date Summary Rec details
1443.05.19 Specifications for the construction/reconstruction of the new sluice known as the Hogesluis
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1444.02.24 Forgive some of the penninggeld due from Riedwijk and Nieuwerkerk because of the losses they have suffered from flooding by the lakes [Haarlemmermeer].
Date Summary Rec details
1445.05.04 Permission for Katwijk, Oegstgeest, Rietwijk, and Nieuwekerk to carry out inspections in same manner as was allowed for Zoeterwoude in 1435 [actually, 1421].
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1452.05.02 Permission for Nieuwerkerk and Rietwijk to move a road on advice of the residents.
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1457.05.03 Order the rerouting and repair of the Heerweg near the church in Nieuwerkerk because of destruction by water of the lakes.
Date Summary Rec details
1457.05.03 Order rerouting and repair of the road (Heerweg) near the church in Nieuwerkerk because of destruction by water of the lakes.
Date Summary Rec details
1457.05.03 Order rerouting, repair, and apportionment of maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen) of the Heerweg near the church in Nieuwerkerk because of destruction by water of the lakes.


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Date Summary Rec details
1431.09.05 Part of an agreement between Rijnland and Aernt Vechtersz. by which the latter assumes responsibility for maintenance for a portion of the the Spaarndammerdijk near Amsterdam, called Kostverloren, while Rijnland compensates him by giving him a portion of the kade by Kostverloren as a possession.
Date Summary Rec details
1431.09.05 Part of an on-going regulation of the Kostverloren dike, part of the sea dike at Amsterdam.
Date Summary Rec details
1431.09.05 Aernt Vechterszoon acknowledges his rights and responsibilities in the Kostverloren dike at Amsterdam.


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Date Summary Rec details
1435.00.00 Order Spaarnwoude to carry out its responsibilities with respect to the Nieuwersluis or face a fine of 10 lb.


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Date Summary Rec details
1436.00.00 Prohibition of peat digging behind Heemstede, Bennebroek, with 4 dagvelds per morgen allowed between the Nieuweweg near Benebroek and Lisse. One dagveld was the quantity of peat excavated from a pit 15 rods long and 10 turves wide and deep.


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Date Summary Rec details
1423.08.12 Ordered the removal of the sluice behind Claes Stientgens in the Dwarswetering where it flows into the Nieuwewetering and the Rijn. And the kade encircling the polder known as the Barle shall be four feet wide and two feet high above the water.
Date Summary Rec details
1431.09.05 Part of an agreement between Rijnland and Aernt Vechtersz. by which the latter assumes responsibility for maintenance for a portion of the the Spaarndammerdijk near Amsterdam, called Kostverloren, while Rijnland compensates him by giving him a portion of the kade by Kostverloren as a possession.
Date Summary Rec details
1431.09.05 Part of an on-going regulation of the Kostverloren dike, part of the sea dike at Amsterdam.
Date Summary Rec details
1431.09.05 Aernt Vechterszoon acknowledges his rights and responsibilities in the Kostverloren dike at Amsterdam.


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Date Summary Rec details
1394.04.26 Confirmation by Duke Albrecht of an agreement between the dijkgraaf (and baljuw) and hoogheemraden of Rijnland and the free ambacht of Nieuwkoop concerning the drainage of Nieuwkoop at Spaarndam. Nieuwkoop will remain under the jurisdiction of Rijnland and may freely drain via the Spaarndam according to old practices because the old ruling concerning Nieuwkoop's earthworks at Zwammerdam remains in force.
Date Summary Rec details
1429.00.00 Maintenance responsibilities for the Zwammerdam: the Land of Woerden for one half and Rijnland for the other, with Nieuwkoop doing the earthwork.


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  no schouw  
Date Summary Rec details
1445.10.05 No schouw of the Hoge Zeedijk or Spaandammerdijk because of disorder in Amsterdam.


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Date Summary Rec details
1443.10.01 Municipal officials of Haarlem and Leiden complained in front of the governor of Holland, lord of Lalaing, about Rijnland's attempts to collect levies from the cities despite their charters which they claim exempt them from such payments. Rijnland countered with charters claiming such authority and also referred, at the very end, to a similar case with Amsterdam in which, presumably Rijnland's claims were upheld.


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Date Summary Rec details
1455.07.01 Verdict in a long-running dispute between Willem van Oestgeest and his companions and the officials of Oegstgeest concerning morgengeld, penninggeld, and more; the hoogheemraden side with the officials of Oegstgeest.


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Date Summary Rec details
1441.06.27 Allows Dirc van Zwieten to fish on the Noord Aa, but not the Zwiet.
Date Summary Rec details
1472.03.03 Permission for Jan Aelwiunszoon and Gerijt Vechterszoon to place a huel (small bridge or culvert) through the road that runs from the church to the Noordaa in Zoeterwoude. The two are responsible for its maintenance and no one must be damaged by it.


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  noorde, jan van  
Date Summary Rec details
1444.03.17 Specifications for rebuilding of the Alphen sluice in the Spaarndam
Date Summary Rec details
1451.03.05 An act by Jan van Noorde and Heinric Paedsenszoon, magistrates (schepenen) of Leiden, recording the sale by Adriaen van der Mye of 6 morgens of land in Alphen to the hoogheemraden of Rijnland, with mention of nearest neighbors (belengingen).


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Date Summary Rec details
1469.02.28 Settlement of dispute between residents of Hogeveen concerning maintenance of the Kijfvairte. The canal must be put in order by all residing between the Westvaart and the geordineerde Oostvaart (Hazerswoude) beginning at the northern streckvaart to the fens (venen) of Florijs van Boschuijsen. All associated costs should be spread over the community members, or at least the majority of them.


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Date Summary Rec details
1408.06.11 Arbitration of a dispute that Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout had with Lisse concerning a canal named the Delft.


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Date Summary Rec details
1408.06.11 Arbitration of a dispute that Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout had with Lisse concerning a canal named the Delft.
Date Summary Rec details
1412.00.00 Reaffirmation of an arbitration of 1408 concerning a canal named the Delft over which Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout were in dispute with Lisse.
Date Summary Rec details
1417.08.12 Authorization for a culvert with a sluis or gate (scotdoer) to go under the Delft (a canal) so that the peatland between Hillegommerbeek and the Delft can drain into the low peatland. The water above, in the Delft, shall run unhindered toward the Haarlemmermeer, while the culvert underneath shall remain open between sinte Bertijns misse and sinte Pieters misse afterwhich it shall be closed. Similarly each year on 8 May the culvert gate will stand open as well as other times of the year, as long as no one else is damaged by it. And the scout and heemraden of Lisse shall inspect the new dike on the north side of the Delft and the waterschap of the Delft with the new culvert, with those in the peatland benefitting from the culvert bearing the costs of maintenance. Further, the Hillegommerweg which runs along the beek up to the woods (in the dunes?) shall remain closed (i.e., the embankment on which the path lies shall not be breached) so that external water will not flow onto the peatland in question. And the three bridges over the Lisserbeek which belong to Noorwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout shall be removed and not rebuilt as long as that is best for the larger generality. For all of this, the peatlands shall pay morgengeld just like all the other lands of Rijnland.
Date Summary Rec details
1434.06.29 Permission for Noordwijk to close the Zwet with a dam as they did in the past.
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1443.05.19 Order the residents of Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout to repair the sluis doors in the Voorhouterwetering in Sassenheim and Warmond.
Date Summary Rec details
1445.05.04 Direct the ambachten of Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout: to keep the sluices in the Sassemerbeek and Klinkenberg closed between 1 April and mid-May and between 1 October and 11 November. This item was cancelled in 1478.
Date Summary Rec details
1449.05.29 Permission for Huge van Berge to put a huel through the Boevesloot.
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1449.11.18 Prohibit schout and village officials of Noordwijk or Noordwijkerhout from contracting for hydraulic work other than their own -- to avoid conflicts of interest.
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1451.03.02 Permission for Aelbert die Viselair to move a road behind the begijnhof in Noordwijk; neither the bode, Pieter van Bosch, nor the villagers objected.
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1452.05.02 Permission for schout and village officials of Noordwijk and Noordwijkerhout to schouw from now on when they think best, without consulting with the villagers.
Date Summary Rec details
1452.05.02 Permission for Noordwijk to inspect and maintain an abandoned road Noordwijk as other local access roads (lijtwegen).
Date Summary Rec details
1456.05.04 Instruct Noordwijk and Noordwijkerhout to treat the lijtschouw (initial inspection, in which work to be carried out is indicated) they usually hold in the summer as an afterschouw (final inspection, in which work that is not completed can be put out to contract at the expense of those who were responsible for the work) instead and to carry it out by 4 July.
Date Summary Rec details
1457.08.25 Hoogheemraden approve the reconstruction work done to the Noordwijk sluice at Spaarndam according to the specifications and contract issued on 17 March of this year.
Date Summary Rec details
1495.06.30 Verdict in a dispute Hughe Hugenzoon van Zwieten, on behalf of Rijnland, and Dirc van Bosche, schout, concerning certain penninggeld


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Date Summary Rec details
1408.06.11 Arbitration of a dispute that Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout had with Lisse concerning a canal named the Delft.
Date Summary Rec details
1412.00.00 Reaffirmation of an arbitration of 1408 concerning a canal named the Delft over which Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout were in dispute with Lisse.
Date Summary Rec details
1417.08.12 Authorization for a culvert with a sluis or gate (scotdoer) to go under the Delft (a canal) so that the peatland between Hillegommerbeek and the Delft can drain into the low peatland. The water above, in the Delft, shall run unhindered toward the Haarlemmermeer, while the culvert underneath shall remain open between sinte Bertijns misse and sinte Pieters misse afterwhich it shall be closed. Similarly each year on 8 May the culvert gate will stand open as well as other times of the year, as long as no one else is damaged by it. And the scout and heemraden of Lisse shall inspect the new dike on the north side of the Delft and the waterschap of the Delft with the new culvert, with those in the peatland benefitting from the culvert bearing the costs of maintenance. Further, the Hillegommerweg which runs along the beek up to the woods (in the dunes?) shall remain closed (i.e., the embankment on which the path lies shall not be breached) so that external water will not flow onto the peatland in question. And the three bridges over the Lisserbeek which belong to Noorwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout shall be removed and not rebuilt as long as that is best for the larger generality. For all of this, the peatlands shall pay morgengeld just like all the other lands of Rijnland.
Date Summary Rec details
1443.05.19 Order the residents of Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout to repair the sluis doors in the Voorhouterwetering in Sassenheim and Warmond.
Date Summary Rec details
1445.05.04 Direct the ambachten of Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout: to keep the sluices in the Sassemerbeek and Klinkenberg closed between 1 April and mid-May and between 1 October and 11 November. This item was cancelled in 1478.
Date Summary Rec details
1449.11.18 Prohibit schout and village officials of Noordwijk or Noordwijkerhout from contracting for hydraulic work other than their own -- to avoid conflicts of interest.
Date Summary Rec details
1452.05.02 Permission for schout and village officials of Noordwijk and Noordwijkerhout to schouw from now on when they think best, without consulting with the villagers.
Date Summary Rec details
1456.05.04 Instruct Noordwijk and Noordwijkerhout to treat the lijtschouw (initial inspection, in which work to be carried out is indicated) they usually hold in the summer as an afterschouw (final inspection, in which work that is not completed can be put out to contract at the expense of those who were responsible for the work) instead and to carry it out by 4 July.
Date Summary Rec details
1495.06.30 Verdict in a dispute Hughe Hugenzoon van Zwieten, on behalf of Rijnland, and Dirc van Bosche, schout, concerning certain penninggeld


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Date Summary Rec details
1457.03.17 Invitation for contracts with specifications for the rebuilding of the Aalsmeer [Hazerswoude, Sassenheim, and Randenburg] sluice and the Noordwijk [Aarlanderveen, Zegwaard, and Zoetermeer] sluis. The final section, describing how some work was not done to specification on the Aalsmeer sluice may actually date to the required completion, St. Bartholomew's day (25 August). See also next item which seems to approve of the work order for the Noordwijk sluice.
Date Summary Rec details
1457.08.25 Hoogheemraden approve the reconstruction work done to the Noordwijk sluice at Spaarndam according to the specifications and contract issued on 17 March of this year.


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Date Summary Rec details
1421.01.08 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).


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Date Summary Rec details
1443.05.19 Specifications for repair of Aalsmeerdersluis.
Date Summary Rec details
1443.05.19 Specifications for repair of Aalsmeerdersluis.


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  noortich, jan van  
Date Summary Rec details
1438.ca List of heemraden who served as rentmeester from 1432 to 1438, with their backups from 1432-1437
Date Summary Rec details
1450.05.05 Order the cleaning of the south side of the Oude Rijn as far into the water as can be reached by houwen and layken (the pruning knives and implements used to haul plants out of water).
Date Summary Rec details
1452.11.21 Hoogheemraden agree to summon witnesses to a hearing (dagvaarden) at Haarlem on 15 January 1453 to collect information and issue orders concerning how the breaches in the dike between Spaarndam and Amsterdam are to be closed.
Date Summary Rec details
1453.01.15 At a hearing at Haarlem on Monday, 15 January, the hoogheemraden ordered the closing of all dike breaches, both east and west of Amsterdam, as soon as possible, all at the same time, to be coordinated with the trustees of the water board Amstelland. An appended note said the work was to begin on the following Sunday
Date Summary Rec details
1456.04.06 Permission for Zoeterwoude to construct a dam in the canal that the residents of Stompwijk had made from the Brede weer on the Ommedijk because the residents of Zoeterwoude have suffered from too much water coming through the canal.
Date Summary Rec details
1459.04.24 Selection of a new hoogheemraad to replace one who died is made by the surviving hoogheemraden. The person chosen will pay for 32 masses at the monastery in Warmond for the soul of the one who died, as well as other expenses involved in memorializing their late colleague.
Date Summary Rec details
1469.02.28 Invitation for bids to repair the Haarlemmersluis (Koudekerk, 'sBurchgravenveen, Heer Dirks Ambacht van Zuidwijk, Middelburch, Benthuizen, and Valkenburg) with specifications for the work. Clais Dircxzoon van Schoerl took on the work for 719 lb., with Pieter Dirxzoon and Jan Gerijtszoon standing surety for him.
Date Summary Rec details
1469.05.02 Invitation to tender offers for reconstruction of the Riedwijk, Vriesekoop, Ter Aar, Schoot, Albrechts Vierendeel van Bosch, and Outshoorn sluice and the Alphen, Leiderdorp, Warmond, Groenswaard, and Hillegom sluis, with specifications for the work to be done. Dirk Janszoon van der Hoerne took on the Riedwijk sluice for 582 lb., and Willem Reynerszoon took on the Alphen sluice for 598 lb.
Date Summary Rec details
1474.05.14 Selection of a new hoogheemraad, Gerijt van Poelgeest, in place of the late Phillips van Wassenaer.
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1477.12.29 Request that Amsterdam, Diemen, and Weesp consult with Rijnland on possibilities for coordinated action against dike breaks both north and east of Amsterdam.
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1478.06.30 The hoogheemraden issue a decision concerning compensation for dirt requisitioned for dike maintenance (aardhaling) and acknowledge that value of the land played a role in the amouts set. A list of individuals and amounts of aardgeld paid follows.
Date Summary Rec details
1491.03.01 Settlement of a dispute over payment of aardgeld, place unspecified.
Date Summary Rec details
1495.06.30 Verdict in a dispute Hughe Hugenzoon van Zwieten, on behalf of Rijnland, and Dirc van Bosche, schout, concerning certain penninggeld


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  noortich, symon van  
Date Summary Rec details
1441.09.12 Order the cleanup of the Spaarne between Bamis (1 October) and Omnium Sanctorum (1 November).


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  noortzijde vanden rijn  
Date Summary Rec details
1447.00.00 Must plant alder [els] before digging peat.


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Date Summary Rec details
1450.06.30 Schout, kroosheemraden, and community of Benthuizen ask heemraden of Rijnland to settle a question concerning the keeping of a nootweg (access road for agricultural purposes) and a ditch. Schout Jan van Heemstede, village lord, gave permission for it in the past, but now much of the land near it has disappeared and the nootweg may be next. Some want to keep it, the ditch, and an 8-foot buffer because they still keep dwellings there.
Date Summary Rec details
1452.05.02 Permission for Vechter Claeszoon, official of Zoeterwoude, to breach a nootweg (access road for agricultural purposes) near the Zoeterwoude church on the condition that villagers are not harmed by this. Further, he may do so yearly, as necessary, presumably so that he can sail/float to his land.


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Date Summary Rec details
1455.07.01 Permission for those of Benthuizen to put bridge heads 7 feet wide at water level in the Notsloot and two new canals to allow the transfer of cows and hay.


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  nuwe kade  
Date Summary Rec details
1474.06.28 Order the seizure of livestock (schutten) grazing on the Nieuwe Kade at Alphen against a payment of 5 sc.


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  nuwen water molen  
Date Summary Rec details
1483.03.04 Permission for Willem Hendricxzoon, Pieter Dircxzoon, Wouter Janszoon, and Claes Janszoon to pump water with a new mill at Hazerswoude as long as no one is harmed by it.


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  nuwer kade  
Date Summary Rec details
1474.05.10 Consent for residents of Alphen inside the new dike (polder between the Oostkade and the Gouwekade) to put a water mill on their land with which to pump into the Oude Rijn on condition that the new dike remain closed and that no water from the Watergang der Vier Ambachten comes through.


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Date Summary Rec details
1448.02.27 Permission for Zoeterwoude to inspect the Nieuwe Wetering and the Ommedijk from the Nieuwe Weterting to Meestgen Vranckenszoon in the same manner as they inspect other canals and roads.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.10.08 Permission for Gelderswoude to dig a new canal, 9 feet wide, on the north side of the Broekweg, running from the Kerklaan to the dam for the reservoir (boezemwater) of Zegwaard, to be inspected by the schout of Zoeterwoude along with the heemraden of Gelderswoude in the same manner as is done with other roads and canals.
Date Summary Rec details
1449.11.18 Permission for the schout and heemraden of Zegwaard to inspect the the section of the new canal built by Rotterdammers that runs through Zegwaard between the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other) and Eggertsland.
Date Summary Rec details
1462.10.09 A few months earlier, permission had been granted to residents of the Blocklanden in Benthuizen to dig a new canal on the end of the Blocklanden, beginning on the Gelderswoudse canal through Allart Meeszoons dam and continuing to the road near Benthuizerhorn -- 8 feet wide, with specifications for any bridges, etc. But, because some now opposed it, two heemraden of Rijnland, Jacob van Woude and Jan van Poelgeest, went to have a look. and ordered, in the name of entire college of hoogheemraden, that Allart Meeszoon's dam be raised and provisioned with two hoofden 7 roeden feet apart at the expense of the schout and heemraden of Zegwaard, and the latter shall schouw the canal and road ditch. The old canal belonging to the Blocklanden shall be left un-schouwed.


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Date Summary Rec details
1448.02.27 Permission for Zoeterwoude to inspect the Nieuwe Wetering and the Ommedijk from the Nieuwe Weterting to Meestgen Vranckenszoon in the same manner as they inspect other canals and roads.
Date Summary Rec details
1456.06.29 Permission for Zegwaard to use and maintain a piece of the Banwetering lying near the road in the Ruckenveen.



Author Publication Home
William H. TeBrake
Maine, USA, June 2006
OAR11, OAR12, OAR13