Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland
OAR 11, 12, 13 : 1253 - 1564
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laen, jan van der 1 Keyword Summaries 1441  
lage brug 1 Keyword Summaries 1460  
lage dijk 1 Keyword Summaries 1447  
lage rijndijk 1 Keyword Summaries 1450  
lagenwaard 2 Keyword Summaries 1444 1452
lagenwaardse dijk 1 Keyword Summaries 1452  
lagenwaardsedijk 1 Keyword Summaries 1442  
lagenwech 1 Keyword Summaries 1436  
lakes 12 Keyword Summaries 1417 1480
lalaing, heer van 1 Keyword Summaries 1443  
lambert hilbrantszoon 1 Keyword Summaries 1434  
lambrecht jacobszoon 1 Keyword Summaries 1527  
lambrecht lambrechtszoon 2 Keyword Summaries 1416 1421
land abandonment 1 Keyword Summaries 1432  
land seizure 1 Keyword Summaries 1437  
landgenoten 1 Keyword Summaries 1446  
landscheiding 7 Keyword Summaries 1394 1473
lange lant 1 Keyword Summaries 1447  
langebrug 4 Keyword Summaries 1454 1456
langeraar 1 Keyword Summaries 1452  
layken 3 Keyword Summaries 1450 1453
leasing 4 Keyword Summaries 1407 1441
lede 1 Keyword Summaries 1483  
lee 1 Keyword Summaries 1430  
leede 1 Keyword Summaries 1430  
leenen 1 Keyword Summaries 1466  
leeuwen, willem van 4 Keyword Summaries 1363 1465
leeuwenhorst, abbey of 1 Keyword Summaries 1525  
legal process 2 Keyword Summaries 1437 1437
leiden 29 Keyword Summaries 1330 1477
leiden, jan van 1 Keyword Summaries 1410  
leiden, poortmeesters van 1 Keyword Summaries 1384  
leiden, sustern van 1 Keyword Summaries 1439  
leiderdorp 19 Keyword Summaries 1399 1471
leimuiden 4 Keyword Summaries 1435 1451
lelude wetering 1 Keyword Summaries 1430  
lending 1 Keyword Summaries 1437  
letters 1 Keyword Summaries 1443  
liclaes janszoon 1 Keyword Summaries 1460  
lijsbet jansdochter 1 Keyword Summaries 1437  
lijsbet mandemakers 1 Keyword Summaries 1437  
lijsbet reyners weduwe 1 Keyword Summaries 1449  
lijtschouw 1 Keyword Summaries 1456  
lijtwegen 3 Keyword Summaries 1452 1455
lisse 11 Keyword Summaries 1408 1482
lisserbeek 1 Keyword Summaries 1417  
livestock 13 Keyword Summaries 1417 1474
livestock seizure 1 Keyword Summaries 1447  
livestock, confiscation of 1 Keyword Summaries 1448  
loading of sand 2 Keyword Summaries 1463 1469
lodewijc van montfoirde 1 Keyword Summaries 1448  
lodewijck die bastairt 1 Keyword Summaries 1421  
louwerijs dircxzoon 1 Keyword Summaries 1460  
louwerijs janszoon 2 Keyword Summaries 1460 1469
louwerijs willemszoon 1 Keyword Summaries 1468  
luttick geest 1 Keyword Summaries 1472  


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  laen, jan van der  
Date Summary Rec details
1441.09.12 Order the cleanup of the Spaarne between Bamis (1 October) and Omnium Sanctorum (1 November).


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  lage brug  
Date Summary Rec details
1460.02.26 Authorization for Dirc Hoochstraet to maintain the Lage brug (Low Bridge) in Waddinxveen with dirt and wood provided at his own expense at sufficient height for peat and other materials to be transported under it.


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  lage dijk  
Date Summary Rec details
1447.06.27 Permission for heemraden of Alphen to inspect the Lage dijk in a single inspection whenever they deem it necessary.


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  lage rijndijk  
Date Summary Rec details
1450.05.05 Order the schout of Voorschoten to carry out the main and followup inspections of the Lage Rijndijk within Valkenburg and Wassenaar on 18 October and 17 March, and all other inspections according to customary practice.


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Date Summary Rec details
1444.05.05 The schout of Koudekerk may inspect the new wetering and sluice in the Lage Waard section of Koudekerk until heemraden say otherwise.
Date Summary Rec details
1452.05.02 Permission for Koudekerk and others to put culverts through the Lagenwaardse dijk to get rid of surplus water, with basic specifications for the culverts and the clapper doors to be attached.


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  lagenwaardse dijk  
Date Summary Rec details
1452.05.02 Permission for Koudekerk and others to put culverts through the Lagenwaardse dijk to get rid of surplus water, with basic specifications for the culverts and the clapper doors to be attached.


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Date Summary Rec details
1442.12.20 An official of Koudekerk explains that, with consent of the village lord, the schout, the majority of residents of Koudekerk, and the heemraaden of Rijnland, he has sold a kade for the benefit of Gnephoeck (Oudshoorn) for 35 Wilhelmusschilden which money he has laid out for the construction of a new kade at Koudekerk stretching from the Lagenwaardse dike en Ofwegen (Koudekerk).


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Date Summary Rec details
1436.02.28 Regulate how the scout and heemraden of Lisse must inspect the oude beek in the oude veen which drained into the lakes and apportion maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen).


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Date Summary Rec details
1417.02.22 Requirement: all who dig peat in Rijnland must plant alder [els] between now and Easter on two hont of every morgen they hold, without exception. The same goes for those near the lakes, and no pit may be wider than four feet [one hont = one-sixth of a morgen].
Date Summary Rec details
1436.00.00 Limit peat digging close from within 50 rods of the lakes, except for Bennebroek, where the limit is 25 rods.
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1436.02.28 Regulate how the scout and heemraden of Lisse must inspect the oude beek in the oude veen which drained into the lakes and apportion maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen).
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1437.09.16 Authorized a canal (waterscup) to be used by Schoot and Korteraar running from the Aar to the Oude Aar.
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1440.06.28 Order Voorschoten to repair the breach in its ommedijk that Reyner marked with a pole, etc.
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1444.02.24 Forgive some of the penninggeld due from Riedwijk and Nieuwerkerk because of the losses they have suffered from flooding by the lakes [Haarlemmermeer].
Date Summary Rec details
1447.05.02 Revision of an old keur prohibiting digging of peat within 50 rods of the lakes (though for Bennebroek within 25 roeden). From now on anyone digging more than 4 dagvelds per morgen will pay a fine of 10 lb. per 10 dagvelds in excess. One dagveld was the quantity of peat excavated from a pit 15 rods long and 10 turves wide and deep.
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1447.06.27 Permission for Sassenheim to assign maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen) for the the dike that extends from the east side of the windmill toward the lakes.
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1464.06.27 Limit peat digging in Sloten and Ostdorp to no closer than 100 rods from the lakes and 500 rods from the dike.
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1466.07.01 Because residents of Hillegom and others have continued to dig too much peat, the hoogheemraden have clarified the keur on limiting peat digging to no closer than 50 rods of the lakes (except for Bennebroek), etc. From thenceforth they may dig only 4 dagvelds of peat per morgen on their own land. One dagveld was the quantity of peat excavated from a pit 15 rods long and 10 turves wide and deep.
Date Summary Rec details
1471.10.08 Permission for schout and heemraden of Lisse to schouw (inspect and maintain) and put in order the beek next to Pouwels Dammeszoon -- should be dredged to old depth beginning at the heul (small bridge or culvert) next to Pouwels house to the Meer. Those residents who don't do their work may be assessed 9 sc.
Date Summary Rec details
1480.05.09 Permission for kerkmeesters of Hillegom to dig a ditch 6 feet with through their land that lies along the lake.


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  lalaing, heer van  
Date Summary Rec details
1443.10.01 Municipal officials of Haarlem and Leiden complained in front of the governor of Holland, lord of Lalaing, about Rijnland's attempts to collect levies from the cities despite their charters which they claim exempt them from such payments. Rijnland countered with charters claiming such authority and also referred, at the very end, to a similar case with Amsterdam in which, presumably Rijnland's claims were upheld.


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  lambert hilbrantszoon  
Date Summary Rec details
1434.05.00 Testimony in a dispute taken by heemraad Meynert Claeszoon concerning the priest Jan Allertsz. of Spaarnwoude who was charged with using more land for the church than he was authorized to use. In early 1430, priest Jan and associates had agreed to rebuild the badly damaged Kerkendijk at Spaarnwoude.


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  lambrecht jacobszoon  
Date Summary Rec details
1527.03.16 Settlement of dispute between Jan van Wijngarden and village officials of Zoeterwoude concerning maintenance of the road/dike between Lambrecht Jacobszoon northward to Koemanskerk.


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  lambrecht lambrechtszoon  
Date Summary Rec details
1416.01.09 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).
Date Summary Rec details
1421.01.08 Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it).


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  land abandonment  
Date Summary Rec details
1432.00.00 Allow recovery of money owed on some land in Zoetermeer belonging to the widow and children of the late Aelbrecht die Mandemaker who have abandoned the land and/or are fugitives. Meynert Dirc Smeetszoon agreed to pay the sum owed and will recover his cost from the property owned by the fugitives.


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  land seizure  
Date Summary Rec details
1437.06.25 Pieter van Busch is ordered to seize land in Zoeterwoude


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Date Summary Rec details
1446.06.28 In the dispute between Willem Bartoen (on behalf of residents of Voorhout) and Albert Nagel (schout of Voorhout), Albert must henceforth choose village officials in consultation with (met inspraak van) the residents of Voorhout, as is done in other ambachten and concerning which a keur is in effect.


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Date Summary Rec details
1394.06.26 Limits on peat digging and burning: forbidden within 10 roeden of the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other).
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1435.00.00 Inspection of the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other) at Waddinxveen with agreement that it meets standards.
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1449.11.18 Permission for the schout and heemraden of Zegwaard to inspect the the section of the new canal built by Rotterdammers that runs through Zegwaard between the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other) and Eggertsland.
Date Summary Rec details
1451.02.22 Hoogheemraden agree to free residents of Hogeveen between Benthorn and Waddinxveense greppel and between the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other) and the count's greppel of Hazerswoude from paying morgengenld because the later have paid 60 English nobels which heemraden have invested in land purchased from Adriaen van der Meije and Jan Splinterszoon located in Alphenerhorn. The residents had insisted they were not required to pay morgengeld because of a charter from Duke Albrecht. This agreement came about because of the arbitration of the stadhouder and Raad of Holland.
Date Summary Rec details
1469.09.28 Copy of a charter from Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, to the hoogheemraden of Rijnland concerning the need to prosecute those digging peat too closely to the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other) . The heemraden should not allow digging within 4 roeden; an old charter set at least a buffer of 10 roeden which must be maintained and the landscheiding itself is to be 10 feet wide.
Date Summary Rec details
1470.02.27 Hoogheemraden issue a decision concerning unauthorized peat digging, too close to the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other), by residents of Waddinxveen, with a brief review of what has happened so far, going back to when Jan van Rietvelt was dijkgraaf (1467-1469).
Date Summary Rec details
1473.10.05 Prohibit running of wagons on the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other) that extends from the Zijdwinde to the end of Zegwaard ambacht, to be regularly inspected by the schout and kroosheemraden of Zegwaard.


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  lange lant  
Date Summary Rec details
1447.00.00 Creation of a polder focussed on a drainage canal (waterschap) to be created in Benthuizen, beginning at the Heinlaan and running across to the Gheer then extending between Engbrecht's holding and the windmill holding up to the mill road and then back to the Heinlaan. Those resident in the polder and benefitting from this canal shall maintain it. This polder, with its bridges (9 feet wide) will be inspected by the schout of Benhuizen with 5 heemraden who are resident in the polder.


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Date Summary Rec details
1454.10.08 Because all of Rijnland drains via the Spaarne and the Spaarndam and boats and fish corves attached to bridges hinder water flow, henceforth it is forbidden to moor boats or attach fish corves to to the middle three spans of the Visbrug and the middle five spans of the Langebrug near the Rozenprieel.
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1454.10.08 Order that the width of passage in the Spaarne be maintained throughout as measured in the five spans of the Langebrug. Within this profile, no boats may be moored on pilings and such nor may fish corves be installed.
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1456.02.24 In Haarlem, along the Spaarne, the insertion of fish corves or traps and the mooring of boats in the 3 middle spans of the Visbrug or the 5 middle spans of the Langebrug (near Rozenprieel) are prohibited.
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1456.05.04 Prohibit placement of fish corves or traps and mooring of boats between the main gaps in the bridges in the Spaarne at Haarlem.


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Date Summary Rec details
1452.10.02 Permission for Ter Aar to give the vruchtgebruik of border embankment (zijdwinde), located in Langeraar, to the church at Ter Aar.


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Date Summary Rec details
1450.05.05 Order the cleaning of the south side of the Oude Rijn as far into the water as can be reached by houwen and layken (the pruning knives and implements used to haul plants out of water).
Date Summary Rec details
1450.06.30 Follows on a keur made on 5 May regarding cleaning of the Oude Rijn with houwen and layken, the long pruning knives and implements used to haul plants out of water; a followup inspection is ordered for the Friday after St. Bartholomew's Day (24 August).
Date Summary Rec details
1453.06.26 All orchards and enclosures must be removed from within 6 feet of the water's edge along both sides of the Oude Rijn by the Friday after St. Bartholomew's (31 August).


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Date Summary Rec details
1407.05.01 Authorization: lease out the ship lock (Spoy) at Spaarndam for two years beginning 1 May 1407 and ending 1 May 1409; includes particulars of the lease as well as the purchase of wine (wijnkoop) for sealing the terms.
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1407.05.01 Authorization, continued: lease of the ship lock (Spoy) at Spaarndam
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1440.10.04 Permission for Leiderdorp to lease out their kadijk to three or four men who will reconstruct it as they see fit; those protected by it will pay the costs.
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1441.06.28 Settlement of a dispute between Claes van Spaarnwoude and priest Jan Allairtszoon concerning lease of church property in spaarnwoude


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Date Summary Rec details
1483.07.15 Order the maintenance by Warmond of the Lede and Poel behind Warmond.


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Date Summary Rec details
1430.01.07 Authorization for Spaarnwoude to build a sluis with associated canal through the dike (Hoge Zeedijk or Spaarndammerdijk) at Hofambacht with various stipulations, including a ban on fishing and a requirement that it be used only to discharge water and not to allow it in from outside.


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Date Summary Rec details
1430.01.07 Authorization for Spaarnwoude to build a sluis with associated canal through the dike (Hoge Zeedijk or Spaarndammerdijk) at Hofambacht with various stipulations, including a ban on fishing and a requirement that it be used only to discharge water and not to allow it in from outside.


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Date Summary Rec details
1466.05.06 Permission for Clais van Hairlem to breach the dike in front of his house that leads to Hogeveen and to bridge the gap with two bridge heads and a bridge surface with railings so that no one will be inconvenienced.


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  leeuwen, willem van  
Date Summary Rec details
1363.08.04 A charter of Duke Albrecht concerning how those on the south side of Woerden, who drain into the IJssel, are to be free of obligations at Spaarndam after the payment of 10 Flemish groten per morgan. Those on the south side who do not drain into the IJssel, along with all on the north side of Woerden, shall pay 5 Flemish groten per morgan and remain responsible for two sluices at Spaarndam.
Date Summary Rec details
1401.05.19 Settlement of an action taken by the dijkgraaf and hoogheemraden of Rijnland against the schout of Alphen along with heemraden of Alphen, Haszerswoude, and Boskoop for an illegal schouw (inspection) that had done on the Bakwetering in Waddinxveen.
Date Summary Rec details
1455.10.07 Permission to Willem van Leeuwen to contruct two bridge-heads in the canal behind his dwelling in Voorschoten.
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1465.03.12 Permission for Willem van Lewen to use the old road near Sint-Nicolaeshuis in Voorschoten, known as the road through Heere Heijrics lant and belonging to Zoeterwoude, and to use it and put a fence on it until relinquished.


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  leeuwenhorst, abbey of  
Date Summary Rec details
1525.09.14 Settlement of a dispute between the achterdorpen that drain into the IJssel and the commons of Rijnland over payment of levies and apportionment of maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen).


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  legal process  
Date Summary Rec details
1437.ca Testimony and a decision in a dispute between Tielman van Buschusen and the ambacht of Zoeterwoude concening whether or not Zoeterwoude had paid Tielman the amount to be collected but which was never turned over to the clerk of Rijnland. Because a credible witness sided with Zoeterwoude, so did the hoogheemraden.
Date Summary Rec details
1437.ca Testomony and a decision in a dispute between Tielman van Buschusen and the ambacht of Leiderdorp concening whether or not Leiderdorp had paid Tielman the amount to be collected but which was never turned over to the clerk of Rijnland. Because the witness sided with Tielman, do did the hoogheemraden, though Leiderdorp could appeal the decision with new evidence within eight days.


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Date Summary Rec details
1330.07.12 Requirement that the Hoge Rijndijk, running along the left or south bank of the Oude Rijn, from Zwammerdam to Katwijk, be maintained at 5 feet (roede voete) high and 5 feet wide and lying 2 feet from the water's edge.
Date Summary Rec details
1384.00.00 Apparently information concerning the handling (or mishandling) of certain properties in Katwijk, Leiden, Voorschoten, and Zoeterwoude held in trust for the benefit of the heirs of Aven Dirc Soytgens
Date Summary Rec details
1385.04.01 A certified copy, made 3 January 1437, by Dirc van Wassenaar of a charter first issued in 1385 (original says 1384, but the court of Holland normally began the new year around Easter). The original charter regulated some differences between Hazerswoude and Leiden concerning jurisdiction over lands in Hazerswoude owned by Leidenaars, among other things.
Date Summary Rec details
1400.06.24 Authorized Gerijt Willemsz. of Leiden to construct an embankment alongside the wetering large enough to accomodate the construction needed as part of maintenance.
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1406.06.10 Authorization of canal: from the Noordkade to the city of Leiden; with two bridges with sluices
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1410.00.00 Finding in favor of Trude Baven and Jan van Leiden and associates who hold land outside the Zijlpoort at Leiden -- they may use the bridge and canal as in the past.
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1422.00.00 Dijkgraaf and heemraden have inspected the damage to and suffering of the good people of Rijnland with respect to their hydraulic works because of warfare (especially south of the Rijn and along the Goude) and they now appoint special lower heemraden in the named ambachten to oversee the reconstruction and to issue keuren, orders, and commands to that effect as necessary.
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1429.05.15 Settlement of a dispute between the hoogheemraden and the heirs to Gerijt van Bosschuysens concerning money that the late Gerijt, a former colleague, owed to the Hoogheemraadschap.
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1432.00.00 Permission for Leiderdorp to raise the road near Leiden
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1433.00.00 An investigation into a dispute between Rijnland and the city of Amsterdam whose merchants had breached the Overtoom (an overtocht or inclined plane with winch to lift a boat over a dike) in the Kostverloren wetering on the southwestern side of the city to facilitate the transport of some bags of wool. Both sides claimed to own the dike in question and each appealed to old charters granting them jurisdiction. In the end, the arbitrators sided with Rijnland.
Date Summary Rec details
1437.09.24 Representatives of city of Leiden, Gerijt van Oestgeest, Jan Heerman, and Willem Bort, promise to appear on Wednesday eight days hence to account for the city's actions regarding alder [els] planting, i.e., poeten or poten, a requirement before beginning to dig peat.
Date Summary Rec details
1443.02.24 Continued artibration of dispute between Claes van Sparenwoude and priest Jan Allertzoon with copies of various related documents.
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1443.03.13 Declare that the measurements taken at Hazerswoude shall stand as authentic and be recorded in three books.
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1443.10.01 Municipal officials of Haarlem and Leiden complained in front of the governor of Holland, lord of Lalaing, about Rijnland's attempts to collect levies from the cities despite their charters which they claim exempt them from such payments. Rijnland countered with charters claiming such authority and also referred, at the very end, to a similar case with Amsterdam in which, presumably Rijnland's claims were upheld.
Date Summary Rec details
1445.10.05 Permission for the Friars Minor in the Waard section of Leiden to construct a bridge over the Nieuwe Rijn on the condition that the bridgeheads do not narrow the river.
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1446.10.04 Part of dispute between Rijnland and the cities of Leiden and Haarlem which involved, among other things, a certain Wernbout Janszoon reading out pronouncement in front of the city hall of Leiden after ringing the bells, as if he were a schout, telling the citizens of Leiden not to render morgengeld until the hoogheemraden first revealed their accounts to two members of the Council of Holland and to the cities of Haarlem and Leiden. Wernbout claimed he was authorized to do this by the Court of Holland. Rijnland's response was to fine Wernbout 10 lb. unless he could produce proof of his authorization, which he apparently could not.
Date Summary Rec details
1448.02.27 Heemraden accept the resignation of heemraad Boudwijn van Zwieten for health reasons and choose Jan van Poelgeest, schout of Leiden, as his replacement.
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1448.05.06 For schout of Zoeterwoude to inspect the sloot alongside the Zandweg between Leiden and Ter Wadding.
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1448.06.25 Verdict in the dispute between Vechter Clasezoon, an official of Zoeterwoude, and the burgemeesters of Leiden concerning the assessment of 50 morgens of land that was taken up within the city walls. The hoogheemraden sided with Leiden because, by Vechter's admission, no assessments had been collected on this land for over 50 years, and the rule in place says that if morgengeld is not collected for a third of 100 years, the right to assess the land is forfeited.
Date Summary Rec details
1450.05.05 Order the cleaning of the south side of the Oude Rijn as far into the water as can be reached by houwen and layken (the pruning knives and implements used to haul plants out of water).
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1451.03.05 An act by Jan van Noorde and Heinric Paedsenszoon, magistrates (schepenen) of Leiden, recording the sale by Adriaen van der Mye of 6 morgens of land in Alphen to the hoogheemraden of Rijnland, with mention of nearest neighbors (belengingen).
Date Summary Rec details
1453.06.26 All orchards and enclosures must be removed from within 6 feet of the water's edge along both sides of the Oude Rijn by the Friday after St. Bartholomew's (31 August).
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1453.06.26 Order removal of all 'ruichte, rysen ende dier gelijc' (brushwood, bushes, shoots, etc) that hang over or into the Oude Rijn.
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1454.10.08 Permission for brothers of St. Heronimous in Leiden to construct a water connection to the Oude Rijn along with a bridge in the Oude Weg for better access to their monastery.
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1456.05.04 Permission to keep the bridge in front of the Rijnsburgerpoort (Leiden) open. The regulars of (Maridn)poel and the brothers of St. Hieronymous (Lospen, Leiden) and others who live there may maintain the drain (verlaet) at their own cost on condition that they keep it closed whenever the water in the Oude Rijn is higher than the binnenwater so that no land gets flooded.
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1459.05.08 Order an inspection of the Mare between the edge of Leiden and Warmond on the first Wednesday after Saint Martin's translatio (8 July) and the apportionment of maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen).
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1460.02.26 Order the restoration of the Rijndijk along both banks to be maintained at minimally 18 roede feet wide, and all plantings that have impinged on this width must be removed. Reiteration of earlier orders.
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1460.02.26 Reemphasize the need to remove obstructions or impingements on the Rijn at Leiden.
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1477.12.29 Sloten to close waal at Pieter Cillen's wharf, Osdorp to close the waal at Gerijn Bruynen, and Spaarnwoude, Houtrijk, and Hofambacht to close the waal in Houtrijk behind Gogenct. They will do this without help from others because of the difficulty getting there.


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  leiden, jan van  
Date Summary Rec details
1410.00.00 Finding in favor of Trude Baven and Jan van Leiden and associates who hold land outside the Zijlpoort at Leiden -- they may use the bridge and canal as in the past.


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  leiden, poortmeesters van  
Date Summary Rec details
1384.00.00 Apparently information concerning the handling (or mishandling) of certain properties in Katwijk, Leiden, Voorschoten, and Zoeterwoude held in trust for the benefit of the heirs of Aven Dirc Soytgens


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  leiden, sustern van  
Date Summary Rec details
1439.07.06 Order construction of a waterway (the Zandsloot) at Katwijk


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Date Summary Rec details
1399.03.08 Authorization: construction of and specifications for the Barrepolder and the Wilk canal.
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1399.03.08 Authorization: construction of and specifications for a sluice in the Wilk canal.
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1403.10.08 Authorization: a sluice in the Rijndijk between the Mye bridge and the church at Leiderdorp.
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1422.04.10 Ordered the heemraden of Leiderdorp to redo the assignment of prescribed work (verhoefslagen) for the Dwarswetering because the current assignment was so out of date that no one remembered anymore what work must be done by whom.
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1429.00.00 Maintenance responsibilities for the Does, Zijl, and Klein bridges
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1432.00.00 Permission for Leiderdorp to raise the road near Leiden
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1440.10.04 Permission for Leiderdorp to lease out their kadijk to three or four men who will reconstruct it as they see fit; those protected by it will pay the costs.
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1444.03.04 Permission for the schout of Leiderdorp to announce and carry out the inspection of the sluices and culverts between the Does bridge and the ambacht of Koudekerk.
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1444.03.17 Specifications for rebuilding of the Alphen sluice in the Spaarndam
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1444.10.10 Outline the duties or obligations of the schout and heemraden of Leiderdorp
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1445.05.04 Permission for Koudekerk to sell part of an embankment to be maintained at no expense to the ambacht.
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1446.02.22 Leiderdorp must obey the rules and regulation established by the old keuren
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1452.10.02 Permission for Zoeterwoude and Leiderdorp to construct a bridge over the Oude Rijn on condition that it be as high as the Zijlbrug and as wide as necessary.
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1457.10.04 Permission for Leiderdorp to construct a kade around the polder land known as the Kerckbou according to the ordinances and cedulen that the heemraden previously issued.
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1457.10.04 Permission for those of Achthoeven in Leiderdorp to construct a culvert or small bridge in a dike.
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1461.10.13 Permission for Willem van der Does to construct a stone bridge 14 feet wide in the Rijndijk, next to his house in Leiderdorp, and maintain it at his own expense.
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1462.07.06 Permission for Leiderdorp to schouw in the same manner as Hazerswoude and Zoeterwoude
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1469.05.02 Invitation to tender offers for reconstruction of the Riedwijk, Vriesekoop, Ter Aar, Schoot, Albrechts Vierendeel van Bosch, and Outshoorn sluice and the Alphen, Leiderdorp, Warmond, Groenswaard, and Hillegom sluis, with specifications for the work to be done. Dirk Janszoon van der Hoerne took on the Riedwijk sluice for 582 lb., and Willem Reynerszoon took on the Alphen sluice for 598 lb.
Date Summary Rec details
1471.05.07 Permission for Gerijt Sijmonszoon to put a heule (small bridge or culvert) in the Lage Rijndijk at Leiderdorp on the condition that he keeps his land enclosed so no one suffers from the opening in the dike.


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Date Summary Rec details
1435.00.00 Heynric Jacopszoon to carry out inspections in Leimuiden, Vriesekoop, and Rijnsaterswoude with five heemraden instead of seven and to do so twice, once at the expense of the ambachten and the other according to custom.
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1443.06.29 Officials in Heer Jacobswoude, Leimuiden, Rijnsaterswoude, and Vriesekoop shall announce and carry out their inspections in the same manner as specified for Alkemade.
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1450.05.05 Permission for Martin Dircxz. to maintain the shoring in t,e same manner as is done at Leidmuiden and Ter Aar, at his own cost.
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1451.05.04 Settlement of dispute between Mertijn Dircxzoon and his nephew, Clais Heijnricxzoon concerning responsibility for maintaining the shoring on the Spaarndammerdijk, behind the Kolk (Grote sluis), formerly maintained by Leimuiden and Ter Aar.


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  lelude wetering  
Date Summary Rec details
1430.01.07 Authorization for Spaarnwoude to build a sluis with associated canal through the dike (Hoge Zeedijk or Spaarndammerdijk) at Hofambacht with various stipulations, including a ban on fishing and a requirement that it be used only to discharge water and not to allow it in from outside.


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1437.10.01 Pieter Jacobsz. gave Jan Andriesz a note acknowledging that he owed the latter 40 sc. per year for a mortgage on some land.


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1443.02.24 Continued artibration of dispute between Claes van Sparenwoude and priest Jan Allertzoon with copies of various related documents.


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  liclaes janszoon  
Date Summary Rec details
1460.05.06 Hoogheemraden order those responsible for keeping livestock from the Spaarndammerdijk (the sea dike running from Spaarndam to Amsterdam) to appear before them and declare openly what they have done with respect to enforcing the grazing prohibition and that they will enforce the prohibition by fining those who disobey and keep the turnstiles that prevent access in good working order.


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  lijsbet jansdochter  
Date Summary Rec details
1437.02.01 The widow of Meynert Dircszonn, Aechte, agrees to assume responsibility for land and attendant hydraulic requirements of Lijsbet Jans dochter, who abandoned her land and has fled the area.


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  lijsbet mandemakers  
Date Summary Rec details
1437.02.26 Lijsbet Mandemakers is pardoned for something not specified.


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  lijsbet reyners weduwe  
Date Summary Rec details
1449.07.01 Hoogheemraden agree to the transfer of the sea dike near Amsterdam, known as the Kostverloren, from the heirs of Reijnier Reijnierszoon to Pieter Willemszoon, resident of Sloterdijk. Pieter may not sell nothing up to the last sluice in Kostverloren without permission of the Hoogheemraden. The old act, from which it appeared that the dike belonged to Aernt Vechterszoon, Vechter Aerntszoon, Reyner Reynerszoon and widow Lijsbeth, is hereby cancelled.


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1456.05.04 Instruct Noordwijk and Noordwijkerhout to treat the lijtschouw (initial inspection, in which work to be carried out is indicated) they usually hold in the summer as an afterschouw (final inspection, in which work that is not completed can be put out to contract at the expense of those who were responsible for the work) instead and to carry it out by 4 July.


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1452.05.02 Permission for Oegstgeest to graze the three local access roads (lijtwegen) each year for benefit of the church.
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1452.05.02 Permission for Noordwijk to inspect and maintain an abandoned road Noordwijk as other local access roads (lijtwegen).
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1455.07.01 Verdict in a long-running dispute between Willem van Oestgeest and his companions and the officials of Oegstgeest concerning morgengeld, penninggeld, and more; the hoogheemraden side with the officials of Oegstgeest.


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Date Summary Rec details
1408.06.11 Arbitration of a dispute that Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout had with Lisse concerning a canal named the Delft.
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1412.00.00 Reaffirmation of an arbitration of 1408 concerning a canal named the Delft over which Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout were in dispute with Lisse.
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1426.00.00 Testimony taken in inquest done at Lisse into the matter of water being allowed to drain into Rijnland because several had dug through a dune at the request of the houtvesters -- possibly to relieve flooding.
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1431.05.21 Settlement of a dispute concerning aardhaling for reconstruction of the Dwarsweren in Lisse: the two parties to share responsibilty equally.
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1436.00.00 Prohibition of peat digging behind Heemstede, Bennebroek, with 4 dagvelds per morgen allowed between the Nieuweweg near Benebroek and Lisse. One dagveld was the quantity of peat excavated from a pit 15 rods long and 10 turves wide and deep.
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1436.02.28 Regulate how the scout and heemraden of Lisse must inspect the oude beek in the oude veen which drained into the lakes and apportion maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen).
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1436.02.28 Regulates how those within Lisse should pay morgen morgensgelijk just as if they all had emerged from wilderness.
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1450.06.30 Permission for Rijnsburg and Oegstgeest to use their geest (sandy coastal ridges) in the same manner as do Lisse, Voorhout, and Sassenheim, i.e., removing sand to uncover peat underneath.
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1458.03.14 Specifications for the reconstruction of the Alkmade [Oegstgeest, Lisse, Voorhout, Vennep, and Splinters Ambacht] sluice, to be completed by St. Bartholomew's day (25 August). Adriaen Ghysbrecht and Engebrecht Pieterszoon took on the contract for 685 lb., with Gerijt Rijswijck, Willem vander Does, Florijs Janszoon van Tol, and Ysbrant Symonszoon standing as surety for them, with Zeger Staeszoon as carpenter.
Date Summary Rec details
1471.10.08 Permission for schout and heemraden of Lisse to schouw (inspect and maintain) and put in order the beek next to Pouwels Dammeszoon -- should be dredged to old depth beginning at the heul (small bridge or culvert) next to Pouwels house to the Meer. Those residents who don't do their work may be assessed 9 sc.
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1482.07.02 Permission for heemraden of Hillegom and Lisse, who now schouw (inspect and maintain) at their own cost to henceforth do three annual schouws and in return receive 1 lb. per schouw -- on 10 July 1498 this apparently was amended to four shouwen per year.


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Date Summary Rec details
1417.08.12 Authorization for a culvert with a sluis or gate (scotdoer) to go under the Delft (a canal) so that the peatland between Hillegommerbeek and the Delft can drain into the low peatland. The water above, in the Delft, shall run unhindered toward the Haarlemmermeer, while the culvert underneath shall remain open between sinte Bertijns misse and sinte Pieters misse afterwhich it shall be closed. Similarly each year on 8 May the culvert gate will stand open as well as other times of the year, as long as no one else is damaged by it. And the scout and heemraden of Lisse shall inspect the new dike on the north side of the Delft and the waterschap of the Delft with the new culvert, with those in the peatland benefitting from the culvert bearing the costs of maintenance. Further, the Hillegommerweg which runs along the beek up to the woods (in the dunes?) shall remain closed (i.e., the embankment on which the path lies shall not be breached) so that external water will not flow onto the peatland in question. And the three bridges over the Lisserbeek which belong to Noorwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout shall be removed and not rebuilt as long as that is best for the larger generality. For all of this, the peatlands shall pay morgengeld just like all the other lands of Rijnland.


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1417.05.03 Order the seizure of any sort of livestock (schutten) grazing on the Hogen dijk because of the damage that they do to the dike.
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1429.00.00 Order the seizure of livestock grazing on dikes (schutten) with the warning that attempts to circumvent such seizures will be pursued legally.
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1447.06.27 Amounts to be paid for redeeming livestock seized (schutten) because they were grazing on the Rijndijk.
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1449.06.05 Prohibit grazing of livestock on the Zeedijk (Spaarndammerdijk) between Velsen and Amsterdam; those found will be seized (schutten).
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1452.05.02 Prohibit removal of dirt, grazing of livestock, or removal of sod outside the Spaarnwoudersluis as far as Florijs van Spaarnwoude's Wael.
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1453.10.17 Prohibit grazing of livestock along the Gouwekade in Alphen and the Oostkade in Hazerswoude. Livestock found on these dikes will be impounded (schutten).
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1455.05.06 Concerning the grazing of livestock on the geest (sandy coastal ridges) in Oegsgeest: livestock found grazing on land other than one's own will be confiscated against payment (schutten).
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1455.07.01 Permission for those of Benthuizen to put bridge heads 7 feet wide at water level in the Notsloot and two new canals to allow the transfer of cows and hay.
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1455.07.01 Verdict in a long-running dispute between Willem van Oestgeest and his companions and the officials of Oegstgeest concerning morgengeld, penninggeld, and more; the hoogheemraden side with the officials of Oegstgeest.
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1456.05.04 Residents of Oegstgeest, Valkenburg, and Katwijk must confine their livestock to fences on their own land.
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1460.05.06 Hoogheemraden order those responsible for keeping livestock from the Spaarndammerdijk (the sea dike running from Spaarndam to Amsterdam) to appear before them and declare openly what they have done with respect to enforcing the grazing prohibition and that they will enforce the prohibition by fining those who disobey and keep the turnstiles that prevent access in good working order.
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1472.03.10 In Oegstgeest, sheep may be grazed only on land that one owns or leases.
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1474.06.28 Order the seizure of livestock (schutten) grazing on the Nieuwe Kade at Alphen against a payment of 5 sc.


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  livestock seizure  
Date Summary Rec details
1447.00.00 Order the seizure of loose livestock (schutten) against 2 sc. per head on the Schinkeldijk at Spaarndam.


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  livestock, confiscation of  
Date Summary Rec details
1448.05.06 Permission for the schout of Zoeterwoude to put his son in charge of keeping livestock off (schutten) the Rijndijk.


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  loading of sand  
Date Summary Rec details
1463.10.04 Henceforth, the transferring of sand or shells from small to large ships in the Spaarne, between the Spaarndam and the beginning of the Spaarne in Heemstede, must be done with the help of a sail or linen cloth suspended between the two ships to prevent the materials from falling into the river and eventually hindering flow.
Date Summary Rec details
1469.05.02 Because an earlier keur ordering use of a sail or cloth suspended between boats transferring sand or shells was largely ignored, resulting in the Spaarne being filled up with sand and shells, heemraden have now decided to prevent all transfer of such cargoes between ships in the Spaarne because of how seriously it affects all or Rijnland. Such transfers must be done only in bays off the side of the Spaarne at leat 2 rods away from the main channel.


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  lodewijc van montfoirde  
Date Summary Rec details
1448.05.06 Permission for Lodewijc van Montfoorde, lord of Hazerswoude, to regulate usage and maintenance of a canal and bridge in Hazerswoude. All who drain through it will pay their share in Rijnlands assessments.


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  lodewijck die bastairt  
Date Summary Rec details
1421.05.25 Sloten and Osdorp agree to honor the heemraad's decisions concerning the Hoppen.


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  louwerijs dircxzoon  
Date Summary Rec details
1460.05.06 Hoogheemraden order those responsible for keeping livestock from the Spaarndammerdijk (the sea dike running from Spaarndam to Amsterdam) to appear before them and declare openly what they have done with respect to enforcing the grazing prohibition and that they will enforce the prohibition by fining those who disobey and keep the turnstiles that prevent access in good working order.


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  louwerijs janszoon  
Date Summary Rec details
1460.05.06 Hoogheemraden order those responsible for keeping livestock from the Spaarndammerdijk (the sea dike running from Spaarndam to Amsterdam) to appear before them and declare openly what they have done with respect to enforcing the grazing prohibition and that they will enforce the prohibition by fining those who disobey and keep the turnstiles that prevent access in good working order.
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1469.05.02 Invitation to tender offers for reconstruction of the Riedwijk, Vriesekoop, Ter Aar, Schoot, Albrechts Vierendeel van Bosch, and Outshoorn sluice and the Alphen, Leiderdorp, Warmond, Groenswaard, and Hillegom sluis, with specifications for the work to be done. Dirk Janszoon van der Hoerne took on the Riedwijk sluice for 582 lb., and Willem Reynerszoon took on the Alphen sluice for 598 lb.


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  louwerijs willemszoon  
Date Summary Rec details
1468.11.12 Settlement of an unspecified dispute between the schout of Oudshoorn vs. Louwerijs Willemszoon, Claes Daemszoon, and Dirck Aelbrechtszoon; both parties have turned to the hoogheemraden for a ruling which both promise to accept.


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  luttick geest  
Date Summary Rec details
1472.05.05 Permission for Katwijk aan de Rijn to put a fence on the road in Zevenhuizen, in the bend near Luttickgeest. The fence must be made so it can be opened and closed but remain unlocked.



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William H. TeBrake
Maine, USA, June 2006
OAR11, OAR12, OAR13