Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland
OAR 11, 12, 13 : 1253 - 1564
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oath of office 3 Keyword Summaries 1286 1463
obligations 1 Keyword Summaries 1422  
obstruction of oude rijn 1 Keyword Summaries 1438  
obstruction of spaarne 6 Keyword Summaries 1454 1469
ocker claeszoon 2 Keyword Summaries 1417 1421
oegstgeest 17 Keyword Summaries 1425 1483
oegstgeest, kerk van 1 Keyword Summaries 1452  
oegstgeesterkerk 1 Keyword Summaries 1425  
oernnesse 2 Keyword Summaries 1439 1439
oestgeest, gerijt van 1 Keyword Summaries 1437  
oestgeest, willem van 1 Keyword Summaries 1455  
ofdijken 1 Keyword Summaries 1442  
oghe 1 Keyword Summaries 1388  
old keuren 1 Keyword Summaries 1453  
old practices 1 Keyword Summaries 1394  
olivier aerntszoon 3 Keyword Summaries 1452 1453
ommedijk van rijnland 1 Keyword Summaries 1433  
ommedijken 8 Keyword Summaries 1440 1469
omslag 7 Keyword Summaries 1443 1455
oncost 1 Keyword Summaries 1451  
onderpanden 1 Keyword Summaries 1437  
oostkade 3 Keyword Summaries 1446 1470
oostvaerte 1 Keyword Summaries 1469  
opperen venen 1 Keyword Summaries 1450  
opposition 2 Keyword Summaries 1452 1462
opslag maken 1 Keyword Summaries 1446  
orchards 2 Keyword Summaries 1421 1456
osdorp 13 Keyword Summaries 1405 1477
osdorpwiggert tetenzoon 1 Keyword Summaries 1421  
ot dircxzoon 1 Keyword Summaries 1528  
oude aar 1 Keyword Summaries 1437  
oude beek 1 Keyword Summaries 1436  
oude veen 1 Keyword Summaries 1436  
oude weg 2 Keyword Summaries 1454 1465
oudshoorn 7 Keyword Summaries 1429 1473
outlet 1 Keyword Summaries 1455  
oversight 1 Keyword Summaries 1448  
overtocht 2 Keyword Summaries 1433 1523
overvaart 2 Keyword Summaries 1421 1421
owing money 3 Keyword Summaries 1415 1419
oyen, dirc florijszoon van 1 Keyword Summaries 1444  


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  oath of office  
Date Summary Rec details
1286.02.18 Copy of an original charter issued by Count Floris V confirming that the residents of the territory of Rijnland may construct and maintain a dam in the Spaarne, to be inspected annually by the dijkgraaf (the count's bailiff) and the heemraden and control fishing in the sluices. Further, the heemraden shall name their own replacements and the count shall confirm them by taking an oath of office within six weeks.
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1437.00.00 Oath of office for the hoogheemraden of Rijnland.
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1463.03.01 Standardize how schouten and local heemraden are to conduct their business in Rijnland, including inspection procedures, choosing of heemraden, and compensation for expenses.


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Date Summary Rec details
1422.00.00 Dijkgraaf and heemraden have inspected the damage to and suffering of the good people of Rijnland with respect to their hydraulic works because of warfare (especially south of the Rijn and along the Goude) and they now appoint special lower heemraden in the named ambachten to oversee the reconstruction and to issue keuren, orders, and commands to that effect as necessary.


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  obstruction of oude rijn  
Date Summary Rec details
1438.02.25 Order everyone to remove all fishing apparatus and other equipment from the Oude Rijn within 14 days.


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  obstruction of spaarne  
Date Summary Rec details
1454.10.08 Because all of Rijnland drains via the Spaarne and the Spaarndam and boats and fish corves attached to bridges hinder water flow, henceforth it is forbidden to moor boats or attach fish corves to to the middle three spans of the Visbrug and the middle five spans of the Langebrug near the Rozenprieel.
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1454.10.08 Order that the width of passage in the Spaarne be maintained throughout as measured in the five spans of the Langebrug. Within this profile, no boats may be moored on pilings and such nor may fish corves be installed.
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1456.05.04 Prohibit placement of fish corves or traps and mooring of boats between the main gaps in the bridges in the Spaarne at Haarlem.
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1456.05.04 Order that the shoring along the Spaarne near the Rozenprieel that was ordered to be pulled in (i.e., moved back to widen channel) must be completed by 24 August.
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1463.10.04 Henceforth, the transferring of sand or shells from small to large ships in the Spaarne, between the Spaarndam and the beginning of the Spaarne in Heemstede, must be done with the help of a sail or linen cloth suspended between the two ships to prevent the materials from falling into the river and eventually hindering flow.
Date Summary Rec details
1469.05.02 Because an earlier keur ordering use of a sail or cloth suspended between boats transferring sand or shells was largely ignored, resulting in the Spaarne being filled up with sand and shells, heemraden have now decided to prevent all transfer of such cargoes between ships in the Spaarne because of how seriously it affects all or Rijnland. Such transfers must be done only in bays off the side of the Spaarne at leat 2 rods away from the main channel.


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  ocker claeszoon  
Date Summary Rec details
1417.ca List of those in Heemstede who were delinquent in paying their morgengeld.
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1421.05.25 Sloten and Osdorp agree to honor the heemraad's decisions concerning the Hoppen.


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Date Summary Rec details
1425.ca Permission for the heemraden of Oegstgeest to inspect from Oegstgeesterkerk to Saelmonsberch and to issue rules/bylaws concerning the Hogedijk on the Rijwech to be brought to such width and height as is best and most useful for the common good subject to customary fines. Further, they shall inspect from the Oegstgeesterkerk to the Burchgravencamp of the Old Hoeve and establish an dike in the manner above. And this shall remain in effect until the heemraden rescind it. At the same time they are given consent to place posts on the dike to prevent passage if they wish.
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1437.09.24 Kroosheemraden of Oegstgeest issue a keur concerning how they will inspect all hydraulic works in the ambacht and stipulate how much it will cost.
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1438.11.15 Permission for Oegstgeest to build a foot bridge over the Maarn.
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1445.05.04 Permission for Katwijk, Oegstgeest, Rietwijk, and Nieuwekerk to carry out inspections in same manner as was allowed for Zoeterwoude in 1435 [actually, 1421].
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1448.02.27 Heemraden accept the resignation of heemraad Boudwijn van Zwieten for health reasons and choose Jan van Poelgeest, schout of Leiden, as his replacement.
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1449.05.06 For the schout and heemraden of Oegstgeest to establish an inspection of all roads and canals.
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1450.06.30 Permission for some residents of Oegstgeest to dig a canal through the Hofbroek, from the sluice in the Hofdijk to the Poel.
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1450.06.30 Permission for Oegstgeest to schouw on the Wednesday instead of the Tuesday after May Day because of urgency of work on the land.
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1450.06.30 Permission for Rijnsburg and Oegstgeest to use their geest (sandy coastal ridges) in the same manner as do Lisse, Voorhout, and Sassenheim, i.e., removing sand to uncover peat underneath.
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1451.10.05 Permission for those along the Maredijk and the canal (de Peol?) behind Endegeest (Oegstgeest) to have the dijk and canal apportioned for maintenance work (verhoefslagen) by the schout
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1452.05.02 Permission for Oegstgeest to graze the three local access roads (lijtwegen) each year for benefit of the church.
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1455.05.06 Concerning the grazing of livestock on the geest (sandy coastal ridges) in Oegsgeest: livestock found grazing on land other than one's own will be confiscated against payment (schutten).
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1455.07.01 Verdict in a long-running dispute between Willem van Oestgeest and his companions and the officials of Oegstgeest concerning morgengeld, penninggeld, and more; the hoogheemraden side with the officials of Oegstgeest.
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1456.05.04 Residents of Oegstgeest, Valkenburg, and Katwijk must confine their livestock to fences on their own land.
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1458.03.14 Specifications for the reconstruction of the Alkmade [Oegstgeest, Lisse, Voorhout, Vennep, and Splinters Ambacht] sluice, to be completed by St. Bartholomew's day (25 August). Adriaen Ghysbrecht and Engebrecht Pieterszoon took on the contract for 685 lb., with Gerijt Rijswijck, Willem vander Does, Florijs Janszoon van Tol, and Ysbrant Symonszoon standing as surety for them, with Zeger Staeszoon as carpenter.
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1472.03.10 In Oegstgeest, sheep may be grazed only on land that one owns or leases.
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1483.07.15 Order the maintenance by Warmond of the Lede and Poel behind Warmond.


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  oegstgeest, kerk van  
Date Summary Rec details
1452.05.02 Permission for Oegstgeest to graze the three local access roads (lijtwegen) each year for benefit of the church.


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Date Summary Rec details
1425.ca Permission for the heemraden of Oegstgeest to inspect from Oegstgeesterkerk to Saelmonsberch and to issue rules/bylaws concerning the Hogedijk on the Rijwech to be brought to such width and height as is best and most useful for the common good subject to customary fines. Further, they shall inspect from the Oegstgeesterkerk to the Burchgravencamp of the Old Hoeve and establish an dike in the manner above. And this shall remain in effect until the heemraden rescind it. At the same time they are given consent to place posts on the dike to prevent passage if they wish.


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1439.07.06 Order construction of a waterway (the Zandsloot) at Katwijk
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1439.07.06 Procedures: the Zandsloot in Katwijk to be inspected in the customary manner.


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  oestgeest, gerijt van  
Date Summary Rec details
1437.09.24 Representatives of city of Leiden, Gerijt van Oestgeest, Jan Heerman, and Willem Bort, promise to appear on Wednesday eight days hence to account for the city's actions regarding alder [els] planting, i.e., poeten or poten, a requirement before beginning to dig peat.


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  oestgeest, willem van  
Date Summary Rec details
1455.07.01 Verdict in a long-running dispute between Willem van Oestgeest and his companions and the officials of Oegstgeest concerning morgengeld, penninggeld, and more; the hoogheemraden side with the officials of Oegstgeest.


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1442.05.01 Symon Heinricxzoon and associates can disassociate themselves from Valkenburg in matters of drainage.


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Date Summary Rec details
1388.08.18 Copy of a charter issued by Duke Aelbrecht in which those within Rijnland who had previously paid morgengeld to build and/or maintain a section of a dike of the Zijpe, between Petten and Oghe, and of the Schagerdijk near Oghe, will now be free of this obligation.


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  old keuren  
Date Summary Rec details
1453.06.26 Replaces older keuren of 1435 (OAR11, 35v-d and 35v-e) by tightening restrictions on rotting flax or hemp in the Oude Rijn.


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  old practices  
Date Summary Rec details
1394.04.26 Confirmation by Duke Albrecht of an agreement between the dijkgraaf (and baljuw) and hoogheemraden of Rijnland and the free ambacht of Nieuwkoop concerning the drainage of Nieuwkoop at Spaarndam. Nieuwkoop will remain under the jurisdiction of Rijnland and may freely drain via the Spaarndam according to old practices because the old ruling concerning Nieuwkoop's earthworks at Zwammerdam remains in force.


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  olivier aerntszoon  
Date Summary Rec details
1452.10.17 Permission for Dirc Humanszoon and Olivier Aerntszoon to schouw a canal in Zegwaard (runs through middle of the land and empties into another watering near the Hoefweg), with their schouw beginning at the land of Egghert Vranckenszoon to that of Meeuw Pieterszoon
Date Summary Rec details
1452.10.24 A number of people oppose the permission for Dirc Humanszoon and Olivier Aerntszoon to inspect and apportion maintenance responsibility for a canal in Zegwaard; the latter two respond that many others support them.
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1453.05.08 Despite some opposition, Dirc Humanszoon and Olivier Aerntszoon may continue schouw of a canal in Zegwaard.


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  ommedijk van rijnland  
Date Summary Rec details
1433.00.00 An investigation into a dispute between Rijnland and the city of Amsterdam whose merchants had breached the Overtoom (an overtocht or inclined plane with winch to lift a boat over a dike) in the Kostverloren wetering on the southwestern side of the city to facilitate the transport of some bags of wool. Both sides claimed to own the dike in question and each appealed to old charters granting them jurisdiction. In the end, the arbitrators sided with Rijnland.


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Date Summary Rec details
1440.06.28 Order Voorschoten to repair the breach in its ommedijk that Reyner marked with a pole, etc.
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1443.03.13 Permission to take hydraulic measures in Stompwijc as long as they cause no damage to Boudwijn van Zwieten.
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1455.10.07 Permission for Hazerswoude to dig a canal 9 feet wide from the land of Mees Vranckenszoon to that of Jan Aelwijnszoon and then further along the Ommedijk. Thereafter, the schout shall inspect it like all other roads and canals.
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1456.04.06 Permission for Zoeterwoude to construct a dam in the canal that the residents of Stompwijk had made from the Brede weer on the Ommedijk because the residents of Zoeterwoude have suffered from too much water coming through the canal.
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1468.02.23 Permission for Willem Onderwater and his children and Jacob Vranckezoon and his associates to put a sluice (scotduer) in the ommedijk and maintain it without cost to their neighbors.
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1468.06.28 Permission for Zoeterwoude to breach the Ommedijk in the piece of land lying between Vranck Meeszoon and Jan Ailwijnszoon and to place a bridge in the gap on condition that they maintain it themselves.
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1469.10.03 Permission for Dirck Dircxzoon van Beest to encircle his land along the Gouwekade in the ambacht of Zuidwijk known as Splintersambacht (Boskoop) with a dike. Thereafter he may put a culvert or small bridge (heulkijn) through the Gouwekade to let water in and out without damage to anyone else. All damage caused must be compensated via the hoogheemraden.
Date Summary Rec details
1469.10.03 Permission for Jan die Backer to do as Dirck Dircxzoon van Beest has done -- to encircle his land along the Gouwekade in the ambacht of Zuidwijk known as Splintersambacht (Boskoop) with a dike. Thereafter he may put a culvert or small bridge (heulkijn) through the Gouwekade to let water in and out without damage to anyone else. All damage caused must be compensated via the hoogheemraden.


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Date Summary Rec details
1443.10.01 Municipal officials of Haarlem and Leiden complained in front of the governor of Holland, lord of Lalaing, about Rijnland's attempts to collect levies from the cities despite their charters which they claim exempt them from such payments. Rijnland countered with charters claiming such authority and also referred, at the very end, to a similar case with Amsterdam in which, presumably Rijnland's claims were upheld.
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1444.02.24 Regularize the time and manner of collecting assessments in the ambachten of Rijnland.
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1451.05.04 Permission for village officials in Rijnland to report their inability to collect authorized amounts to hoogheemraden; the latter presumably will pursue delinquints.
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1453.02.25 Written arguments that were part of longer processes involving Sasbout Aelwijnszoon and also Daem Janszoon against Vranc Jacobszoon and Eggert Vranckenszoon concerning levies and dues in Zegwaard.
Date Summary Rec details
1453.02.25 Written arguments that were part of longer processes involving Daem Janszoon and also Sasbout Aelwijnszoon against Vranc Jacobszoon and Eggert Vranckenszoon concerning levies and dues in Zegwaard.
Date Summary Rec details
1455.05.06 Permission for residents of Zegwaard who live along the Dwars Nieuwevaart to construct bridges over the canal so they can do their sowing and planting for 14 days beginning with St. Servaas Day [13 May] and again for 14 days in August beginning on St. Lawrence Day [10 August].
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1455.05.06 Permission for 5 or 6 residents of Zegwaard to decide the levy needed for payment to hoogheemraadschap of Schieland for turf digging.


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Date Summary Rec details
1451.05.04 Permission for village officials in Rijnland to report their inability to collect authorized amounts to hoogheemraden; the latter presumably will pursue delinquints.


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1437.10.01 Pieter Jacobsz. gave Jan Andriesz a note acknowledging that he owed the latter 40 sc. per year for a mortgage on some land.


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1446.06.28 Permission for Hazerswoude to eliminate a sluice in the Oostkade on the Hoge Rijndijk for lack of need.
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1453.10.17 Prohibit grazing of livestock along the Gouwekade in Alphen and the Oostkade in Hazerswoude. Livestock found on these dikes will be impounded (schutten).
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1470.06.27 Permission to build a dike in Alphen, from the Oostkade (Hazerswoude) to the Gouwe kade, with two 'naecte sluijsen' (sluices without bridges) and a canal (Watergang der Vier Ambachten) along the dike.


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Date Summary Rec details
1469.02.28 Settlement of dispute between residents of Hogeveen concerning maintenance of the Kijfvairte. The canal must be put in order by all residing between the Westvaart and the geordineerde Oostvaart (Hazerswoude) beginning at the northern streckvaart to the fens (venen) of Florijs van Boschuijsen. All associated costs should be spread over the community members, or at least the majority of them.


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  opperen venen  
Date Summary Rec details
1450.06.30 Settlement of a dispute between Poelien, Groenswaard, and Snijdelwijk, plaintiffs, against Alphen and Boskoop, defendents, concerning maintenance of the Poelienwatering. The canal, near Gouda, has remained useless and uninspected since the war, and the plaintiffs want the old rules (costumen) to be reinstated and enforced. Alphen, referring to old charters, claimed the right to block outside water from entering their waterschap, but the plaintiffs maintained on the basis of the same charters that according to common law they have a right to drain their land as with all other land within the borders of Rijnland -- plaintiffs, after all, contribute to Rijnland's works. The hoogheemraden sided with the plaintiffs -- latter may drain the area 170 morgen large (measured by Ghijstgen the surveyor, and they must make put an embankment around the upper veen to prevent water from it flowing into the area authorized to drain through the canal in question.


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Date Summary Rec details
1452.10.24 A number of people oppose the permission for Dirc Humanszoon and Olivier Aerntszoon to inspect and apportion maintenance responsibility for a canal in Zegwaard; the latter two respond that many others support them.
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1462.10.09 A few months earlier, permission had been granted to residents of the Blocklanden in Benthuizen to dig a new canal on the end of the Blocklanden, beginning on the Gelderswoudse canal through Allart Meeszoons dam and continuing to the road near Benthuizerhorn -- 8 feet wide, with specifications for any bridges, etc. But, because some now opposed it, two heemraden of Rijnland, Jacob van Woude and Jan van Poelgeest, went to have a look. and ordered, in the name of entire college of hoogheemraden, that Allart Meeszoon's dam be raised and provisioned with two hoofden 7 roeden feet apart at the expense of the schout and heemraden of Zegwaard, and the latter shall schouw the canal and road ditch. The old canal belonging to the Blocklanden shall be left un-schouwed.


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  opslag maken  
Date Summary Rec details
1446.05.03 No one may build on the Schinkeldijk


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1421-1434 For Pieter Dever to put a bridge in a road in front of his orchard to be maintained to the satisfaction of the schout and heemraden of the ambacht, unspecified.
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1456.05.04 Order that the shoring along the Spaarne near the Rozenprieel that was ordered to be pulled in (i.e., moved back to widen channel) must be completed by 24 August.


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Date Summary Rec details
1405.09.29 Copy (badly damaged) of a charter issued by Margaret of Cleves [Margaretha van Kleef] in which the ambachten of Sloten, Polanen and Osdorp, along with all ambachten between Amsterdam and the Spaarndam responsible for maintenance of the Spaarndammerdijk, must obey the keur calling for the common repair of dike breaks and prevent the formation of walen (deep washouts).
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1417.03.05 After taking much testimony, settlement of a dispute concerning Gerijt Zoegevoets dike in Osdorp: Gerijt only owned a house and hofstede along the dike which he sold to Gerijt Claes Louwerijszoon. The latter now be responsible for the dike in question.
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1421.05.25 Sloten and Osdorp agree to honor the heemraad's decisions concerning the Hoppen.
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1421.05.25 Instructions concerning size of work force required from Sloten and Osdorp, presumably to work on the Hoppen.
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1421.05.25 Permission to take dirt that is closest and best for work needing to be done, and anyone who opposes this shall be dealt with as the heemraden see fit.
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1421.05.25 Order to pay for dirt according to the value established by the the heemraden
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1421.05.25 Order to pay for the costs of shoring and dirt according to what the heemraden establish.
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1425.06.24 Instructions concerning payments for dirt, where dirt is to be taken, and other matters related to repairing breaches in dikes.
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1438.06.24 Order turnstiles to be set on the Zeedijk to prevent wagon traffic on it.
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1453.01.15 Permission for Spaarnwoude, Hofambacht, and Houtrijk, because of their remote location and difficulty for others to get there, to close the waal at Houtrijk by themselves, without the others usually responsible for maintenance there. Sloten and Osdorp allowed the same for walen in their territories. They must not stop work until it is competed. Because it will be difficult for the poor to meet their obligations, the hoogheemraden have generously give 70 gulden (of 10 plaken-worth), half to go to Spaarnwoude, Hofambacht, and Houtrijk, and half to Sloten and Osdorp.
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1460.05.06 Hoogheemraden order those responsible for keeping livestock from the Spaarndammerdijk (the sea dike running from Spaarndam to Amsterdam) to appear before them and declare openly what they have done with respect to enforcing the grazing prohibition and that they will enforce the prohibition by fining those who disobey and keep the turnstiles that prevent access in good working order.
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1464.06.27 Limit peat digging in Sloten and Ostdorp to no closer than 100 rods from the lakes and 500 rods from the dike.
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1477.12.29 Sloten to close waal at Pieter Cillen's wharf, Osdorp to close the waal at Gerijn Bruynen, and Spaarnwoude, Houtrijk, and Hofambacht to close the waal in Houtrijk behind Gogenct. They will do this without help from others because of the difficulty getting there.


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  osdorpwiggert tetenzoon  
Date Summary Rec details
1421.05.25 Order the restoration of the Hoppen, especially its shoring or plaatwerk, in Sloten and Osdorp to the specifications indicated.


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  ot dircxzoon  
Date Summary Rec details
1528.10.22 Settlement of dispute between Waddinxveen, Broek, Tuylnesse and Korterakkeren vs. Coenencoop over building of windmills and horse mills in Coenencoop.


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  oude aar  
Date Summary Rec details
1437.09.16 Authorized a canal (waterscup) to be used by Schoot and Korteraar running from the Aar to the Oude Aar.


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  oude beek  
Date Summary Rec details
1436.02.28 Regulate how the scout and heemraden of Lisse must inspect the oude beek in the oude veen which drained into the lakes and apportion maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen).


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  oude veen  
Date Summary Rec details
1436.02.28 Regulate how the scout and heemraden of Lisse must inspect the oude beek in the oude veen which drained into the lakes and apportion maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen).


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  oude weg  
Date Summary Rec details
1454.10.08 Permission for brothers of St. Heronimous in Leiden to construct a water connection to the Oude Rijn along with a bridge in the Oude Weg for better access to their monastery.
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1465.03.12 Permission for Willem van Lewen to use the old road near Sint-Nicolaeshuis in Voorschoten, known as the road through Heere Heijrics lant and belonging to Zoeterwoude, and to use it and put a fence on it until relinquished.


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Date Summary Rec details
1429.00.00 Maintenance responsibilities for the Molenaarsbrug or Heimansbrug in Alphen-Oudshoorn, split evenly between the Land of Woerden and Rijnland.
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1442.10.02 Regulate the construction and maintenance of a new canal and encircling dike at Koudekerk and Oudshoorn. The new construction is to be at the expense of all of Koudekerk except for the Hooge Waard, while its upkeep will be shared by all, including the Hooge Waard. The old dike along the Heymanswetering may be sold off.
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1442.12.20 An official of Koudekerk explains that, with consent of the village lord, the schout, the majority of residents of Koudekerk, and the heemraaden of Rijnland, he has sold a kade for the benefit of Gnephoeck (Oudshoorn) for 35 Wilhelmusschilden which money he has laid out for the construction of a new kade at Koudekerk stretching from the Lagenwaardse dike en Ofwegen (Koudekerk).
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1445.05.04 Kaden to stay closed (unbreached) until St. Peter's ad cathedram (22 February)
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1468.11.12 Settlement of an unspecified dispute between the schout of Oudshoorn vs. Louwerijs Willemszoon, Claes Daemszoon, and Dirck Aelbrechtszoon; both parties have turned to the hoogheemraden for a ruling which both promise to accept.
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1469.05.02 Invitation to tender offers for reconstruction of the Riedwijk, Vriesekoop, Ter Aar, Schoot, Albrechts Vierendeel van Bosch, and Outshoorn sluice and the Alphen, Leiderdorp, Warmond, Groenswaard, and Hillegom sluis, with specifications for the work to be done. Dirk Janszoon van der Hoerne took on the Riedwijk sluice for 582 lb., and Willem Reynerszoon took on the Alphen sluice for 598 lb.
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1473.03.17 Dirc van Bosche, apparently the heemraad's assistant, acknowledged that he holds a hundred Rijnsche gulden that his late father, Pieter, also the bode, had collected on behalf of Rijnland. Apparently, he will pay back at the rate of 5 gulden per year. A note at the end says this document was replaced by another because Rijnland sold the obligation (mortgage) to Meeus Pieter Ruyscher


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1455.07.01 Verdict in a long-running dispute between Willem van Oestgeest and his companions and the officials of Oegstgeest concerning morgengeld, penninggeld, and more; the hoogheemraden side with the officials of Oegstgeest.


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1448.05.06 Endorsement of an earlier keur requiring submission of last year's accounts from Rijnland's ambachten to the hoogheemraden before they can order new assessments. Now is added a time period for submission and a 10 lb. fine if the accounts are not properly submitted.


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1433.00.00 An investigation into a dispute between Rijnland and the city of Amsterdam whose merchants had breached the Overtoom (an overtocht or inclined plane with winch to lift a boat over a dike) in the Kostverloren wetering on the southwestern side of the city to facilitate the transport of some bags of wool. Both sides claimed to own the dike in question and each appealed to old charters granting them jurisdiction. In the end, the arbitrators sided with Rijnland.
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1523.11.10 Settlement of dispute between residents of Alphen west of the Gouwe and village officials of the south end of Waddinxveen and Coenencoop concerning the Binnenkade and the overtocht (inclined plane with winch to lift a boat over a dike) of the Goudkade to the Nesse, alongside the culvert.


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1421.05.25 Requirement that anyone having an overvaart or wagon path over the hoge rijndijk should make it twice as high as the dike itself.
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1421.05.25 No one can have wagen path over another's dike without permission; with permission, nevertheless responsible for all damage


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  owing money  
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1415.01.09 A promisory note -- the hoogheemraden owe Witte Jacob Buzenz. 142 lb. 10 sc. for food and drink
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1415.01.09 A promisory note: heemraden owe Robbrecht Claesz. of Haarlem 172 lb. 5 sc. for food and/or drink.
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1419.10.02 A promisory note: heemraden owe Willem Dobbez. 100 English nobles for which he will be repaid 10 nobles each year plus unspecified interest until the entire principal is paid.


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  oyen, dirc florijszoon van  
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1444.03.17 Specifications for rebuilding of the Alphen sluice in the Spaarndam



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William H. TeBrake
Maine, USA, June 2006
OAR11, OAR12, OAR13