Years  |
1425 - 1449 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1425.00.00 |
Keur |
Ordered Hofambocht to reconstruct the road that runs from Heynric Baertsz. buitendijks onto the Nieuwendijk as wide as necessary so that it can accomodate wagons with a good load, and it shall be as high as the outer edg of the Nieuwendijk and shall be completed by 24 June (sinte Jans dach te midsomer). |
21r-a |
005v-b |
#039 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1425.00.00 |
Keur |
A legal announcement or declaration: whenever the dijkgraaf and hoogheemraden of Rijnland see the need for the Woerdersluis to be repaired or reconstructed, either now or in the future, they will issue a summons to representatives from Woerden 8 days in advance to be present for the besteding (contracting out according to specifications) to forestall additional damage. |
21r-b |
006r-a |
#040 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1425.06.24 |
Keur |
Ordered that the Hoge Rijndijk should lie two feet from the bank or the Rijn. It should be nine feet wide at the base and six feet on top, and rise to seven feet above the water. The work must be completed before August 15 (Assumptio S. Marie) and be inspected two days later. |
20r-b-20v |
003v-d |
#036 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1425.06.24 |
Keur |
Instructions concerning payments for dirt, where dirt is to be taken, and other matters related to repairing breaches in dikes. |
20v-b-21r |
023r-a |
#038 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # | |
Consent |
Permission for the heemraden of Oegstgeest to inspect from Oegstgeesterkerk to Saelmonsberch and to issue rules/bylaws concerning the Hogedijk on the Rijwech to be brought to such width and height as is best and most useful for the common good subject to customary fines. Further, they shall inspect from the Oegstgeesterkerk to the Burchgravencamp of the Old Hoeve and establish an dike in the manner above. And this shall remain in effect until the heemraden rescind it. At the same time they are given consent to place posts on the dike to prevent passage if they wish. |
20v-a |
039r-a |
#037 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1426.00.00 |
Rechtsdag |
Testimony taken in inquest done at Lisse into the matter of water being allowed to drain into Rijnland because several had dug through a dune at the request of the houtvesters -- possibly to relieve flooding. |
19v-a |
#032 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1426.09.26 |
Vonnis |
Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it). |
32r-a |
063r-a |
#068 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1429.00.00 |
Consent |
Permission for Zoetermeer to combine two canals into one. |
60v-e 63r-d |
018r-d 046r-b |
#254 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1429.00.00 |
Keur |
Limit on depth allowed in peat digging. |
62v-b |
009r-a |
#266 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1429.00.00 |
Keur |
Order the seizure of livestock grazing on dikes (schutten) with the warning that attempts to circumvent such seizures will be pursued legally. |
62v-c |
009r-b |
05r-e |
#267 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1429.00.00 |
Keur |
Order reconstruction of the Rijndijk to its proper specivications by the St. John's inspection (i.e., Tuesday after St. John the Baptist, 24June). |
62v-d |
004v-c |
#268 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1429.00.00 |
Keur |
A reminder to plant alder (els) before digging peat, as specified in the charters. |
62v-e |
04r-c |
#269 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1429.00.00 |
Keur |
Maintenance responsibilities for the Zwammerdam: the Land of Woerden for one half and Rijnland for the other, with Nieuwkoop doing the earthwork. |
62v-f |
017v-c |
02v-b 07v-f |
#270 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1429.00.00 |
Keur |
Maintenance responsibilities for the Molenaarsbrug or Heimansbrug in Alphen-Oudshoorn, split evenly between the Land of Woerden and Rijnland. |
62v-g |
018r-a |
03r-a |
#271 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1429.00.00 |
Keur |
Maintenance responsibilities for the Does, Zijl, and Klein bridges |
63r-a |
018r-b |
03r-b 03r-c |
#272 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1429.00.00 |
Keur |
The heemraden of Houtrijk order the rebuilding of the Schinkeldijk |
63r-b |
009r-c |
#273 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1429.00.00 |
Keur |
All who drain through Rijnland must pay morgengeld, morgen morgensgelijk. |
63r-c |
018r-c |
#274 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1429.00.00 |
Keur |
When officials seize land to recover unpaid morgengeld assessments, but the seized land is worth less than the amounts owed, they may seize other kinds of property as well. |
63r-e |
018r-e |
07v-a |
#275 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1429.05.15 |
Scheiding |
Settlement of a dispute between the hoogheemraden and the heirs to Gerijt van Bosschuysens concerning money that the late Gerijt, a former colleague, owed to the Hoogheemraadschap. |
59r-f |
094v-a |
#236 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1430.01.07 |
Keur |
Authorization for Spaarnwoude to build a sluis with associated canal through the dike (Hoge Zeedijk or Spaarndammerdijk) at Hofambacht with various stipulations, including a ban on fishing and a requirement that it be used only to discharge water and not to allow it in from outside. |
62r-a-62v |
008r-c-008v |
#265 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1430.01.13 |
Vonnis |
Concerning the reconstruction of the Kerkendijk at Spaarnwoude. Had previously asked if anyone was willing to take on the task for a good financial reward., but no one came forward. Now, Jan Allertszoon, priest and vice curate at Spaarnwoude, with some friends, will take up the task of restoring a section of 15 roeden and 1 foot, for which the hoogheemraden agree to pay 7 nobels per roede. After thinking about it for 14 days and both secretly and publically trying to find others who might do it for less, the hoogheemraden now have agreed. Priest Jan and associates will rebuild the dike to proper specifications. The city of Haarlem offered advice and consent in this matter. |
22r-a-22v |
057v-a-058v |
#042 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1431.00.00 |
Rechtsdag |
List of individuals banished in 1431 |
60v-c |
#252 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1431.00.00 |
Consent |
Permission for Bertelmees Rijnszoon to put a dam through the Rijndijk (possibly to close a gap in the dike). |
60v-d |
#253 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1431.05.21 |
Scheiding |
Settlement of a dispute concerning aardhaling for reconstruction of the Dwarsweren in Lisse: the two parties to share responsibilty equally. |
63r-f |
009r-d |
#276 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1431.09.05 |
Vonnis |
Part of an agreement between Rijnland and Aernt Vechtersz. by which the latter assumes responsibility for maintenance for a portion of the the Spaarndammerdijk near Amsterdam, called Kostverloren, while Rijnland compensates him by giving him a portion of the kade by Kostverloren as a possession. |
26v-a-27r |
#046 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1431.09.05 |
Vonnis |
Part of an on-going regulation of the Kostverloren dike, part of the sea dike at Amsterdam. |
49r-a |
065v-a |
#176 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1431.09.05 |
Vonnis |
Aernt Vechterszoon acknowledges his rights and responsibilities in the Kostverloren dike at Amsterdam. |
49r-b. |
066r-a |
#177 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1432.00.00 |
Scheiding |
Allow recovery of money owed on some land in Zoetermeer belonging to the widow and children of the late Aelbrecht die Mandemaker who have abandoned the land and/or are fugitives. Meynert Dirc Smeetszoon agreed to pay the sum owed and will recover his cost from the property owned by the fugitives. |
60r-c |
098r-a |
#246 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1432.00.00 |
Consent |
Permission for Heynric Jacopszoon to lay a bridge in a road at Rijnsaterswoude |
60r-d |
041r-e |
#247 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1432.00.00 |
Consent |
Permission for Koudekerk to install a turnstile on the Heimansbrug |
60r-e |
041r-f |
#248 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1432.00.00 |
Consent |
Permission for Leiderdorp to raise the road near Leiden |
60r-f |
041r-g |
07v-b |
#249 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1432.00.00 |
Keur |
Regulate maintenance of a road, location unspecified. Pieter Jorgelszoon is responsible for half of it (i.e., both ends), and the other half in between is assigned to those responsible for it in the past. |
60v-a |
098r-b |
07v-c |
#250 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1433.00.00 |
Vonnis |
An investigation into a dispute between Rijnland and the city of Amsterdam whose merchants had breached the Overtoom (an overtocht or inclined plane with winch to lift a boat over a dike) in the Kostverloren wetering on the southwestern side of the city to facilitate the transport of some bags of wool. Both sides claimed to own the dike in question and each appealed to old charters granting them jurisdiction. In the end, the arbitrators sided with Rijnland. |
23r-a-25v |
058v-a-061v |
#043 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1434.00.00 |
Besteding |
How the Gouwesluis is to be reconstructed and maintained.. |
34r-a |
109r-b-109v 113r-a |
#076 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1434.00.00 |
Consent |
For Zoeterwoude to recover unpaid morgengeld by seizing property of those in arrears. |
61v-d |
041r-i |
#261 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1434.00.00 |
Consent |
Permission for Walich Janszoon to carry off and use the turf that Gerijt Boenenzoon bought from him in Vriesekoop until the latter fulfills his morgengeld and prescribed maintenance work responsibilities. |
61v-e |
#262 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1434.00.00 |
Consent |
Permission for Zoeterwoude to build a road near the St. Nicholas House. |
61v-f |
041v-a |
07v-e |
#263 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1434.02.03 |
Consent |
Permission for a canal in Poelien, to be constructed by Florijs van Boschuijsen. |
61v-g |
041v-b |
#264 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1434.02.03 |
Consent |
Florijs van Boschuijsen declares that he has permission from the dijkgraaf and heemraden to restore a canal in Poelien so that the wild peat lands of Waddinxveen can be drained into the Gouwe. Florijs agrees to maintain it himself according to the requirements specified by the schout of Alphen and the heemraden of the Alphenerwetering (heemraden from Alphen, Boskoop, Hazarswoude, and Waddinxveen). |
03r-d |
#557 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1434.02.03 |
Consent |
The dijkgraaf and heemraden of Rijnland and the Schout of Alphen and the heemraden of the Alphenerwetering (heemraden from Alphen, Boskoop, Hazarswoude, and Waddinxveen) confirm that Florijs van Boschuijsen has permission to restore a canal in Poelien so that the wild peat lands of Waddinxveen can be drained into the Gouwe. |
03v-a |
#558 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1434.05.00 |
Rechtsdag |
Testimony in a dispute taken by heemraad Meynert Claeszoon concerning the priest Jan Allertsz. of Spaarnwoude who was charged with using more land for the church than he was authorized to use. In early 1430, priest Jan and associates had agreed to rebuild the badly damaged Kerkendijk at Spaarnwoude. |
31r-a |
093v-bis |
#064 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1434.05.01 |
Keur |
Prohibit the stacking of freight on or dragging it over the shoring (plaatwerk) at or around the Spaarndam. |
61v-c 63v-a |
004v-d 008r-b |
05r-a 05r-b |
#260 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1434.06.29 |
Consent |
Permission for Noordwijk to close the Zwet with a dam as they did in the past. |
61v-a |
#258 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1434.06.29 |
Consent |
Permission for Rijnsaterswoude to collect morgengeld from some church land (Hielige geest lant). |
61v-b |
041r-h |
#259 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1434.06.29 |
Consent |
Sets payment to heemraden and schout of Alkemade for their inspection work: 12 p and 2 sc., respectively |
64r-a |
041v-d |
#281 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1434.06.29 |
Beveling |
Order Hogeveeners to inspect and carry out maintenance on the Benhuizen canal before St. Jacobs day or Benhuizen will be ordered to block it off. |
07r-d |
#561 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1434.10.03 |
Consent |
A clarification that the wetering that Florijs van Boschuijsen had been authorized to restore earlier in the year is to be inspected by the schout and heemraden of the Alphenerwetering (heemraden from Alphen, Boskoop, Hazarswoude, and Waddinxveen). |
03v-b |
#559 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1435.00.00 |
Keur |
Regulate how local officials should inspect their roads (dikes) in Alphen. |
35v-c |
014v-c |
#093 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1435.00.00 |
Keur |
Prohibition against rotting (reten) of flax or hemp in Oude Rijn or any of its wijken (inlets or coves) between the Rijn dike and the road along the south side of the Oude Rijn. |
35v-d |
004r-b |
04v-b |
#094 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1435.00.00 |
Keur |
An addendum to another keur stipulating how and where flax and hemp may be rotted along the Oude Rijn trajectory |
35v-e |
004r-c |
04v-c |
#095 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1435.00.00 |
Schouwdag |
Inspection of the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other) at Waddinxveen with agreement that it meets standards. |
61r-c |
#257 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1435.00.00 |
Consent |
Authorization for a new canal in Vriesekoop, 12 feet wide, beginning at the Billerdammer weg and running to Heynric Jacopszoons wetering in Rijnsaterswoude. |
63v-b |
041v-c |
#277 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1435.00.00 |
Consent |
Heynric Jacopszoon to carry out inspections in Leimuiden, Vriesekoop, and Rijnsaterswoude with five heemraden instead of seven and to do so twice, once at the expense of the ambachten and the other according to custom. |
63v-c |
044r-f |
#278 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1435.00.00 |
Besteding |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the Heimansbrug. |
63v-d |
112r-a |
#279 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1435.00.00 |
Keur |
Before digging peat, must plant alder [els]. |
63v-e |
003v-a |
#280 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1435.00.00 |
Keur |
Order residents of the 'hogen wilden veen' and Benthoorn (in Benthuizen) to accept their apportionment of maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen) or face the damming off of their drainage outlet. |
64r-b |
018r-f |
07r-a |
#282 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1435.00.00 |
Beveling |
Order Spaarnwoude to carry out its responsibilities with respect to the Nieuwersluis or face a fine of 10 lb. |
64r-c |
#283 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1435.11.28 |
Beveling |
Orders Hazertswoude and Benthuizen to pay what they owe for the maintenance responsibilities they have neglected with respect to the canal by Diewer Stientgens and the bridge in the Rijndijk. |
35v-f |
07v-g |
#096 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1436.00.00 |
Keur |
Limit peat digging close from within 50 rods of the lakes, except for Bennebroek, where the limit is 25 rods. |
36r-f |
002v-b |
04r-a |
#102 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1436.00.00 |
Keur |
Prohibition of peat digging in the Hogenoort. |
36r-g |
002v-c |
04r-e |
#103 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1436.00.00 |
Keur |
Prohibition of peat digging behind Heemstede, Bennebroek, with 4 dagvelds per morgen allowed between the Nieuweweg near Benebroek and Lisse. One dagveld was the quantity of peat excavated from a pit 15 rods long and 10 turves wide and deep. |
36r-h |
002v-d 002v-e |
04r-f 04r-g |
#104 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1436.00.00 |
Keur |
Heemraden instruct the dijkgraaf to block the drainage canal and sluice at Diewer Stientgens that serves Hazerswoude and Benthuizen. |
36v-b |
020r-a |
#106 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1436.02.28 |
Beveling |
Orders schout and heemraden of Hasertswoude to inspect Boudwijn Steens polder according to old custom. |
36r-a |
105v-a 106r-a |
08r-a |
#097 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1436.02.28 |
Keur |
Regulate how the scout and heemraden of Lisse must inspect the oude beek in the oude veen which drained into the lakes and apportion maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen). |
36r-b |
022v-c 106r-b |
08r-b |
#098 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1436.02.28 |
Consent |
Regulates how those within Lisse should pay morgen morgensgelijk just as if they all had emerged from wilderness. |
36r-c |
039v-a |
08r-c |
#099 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1436.02.28 |
Keur |
Limits the peat digging of citizens of Haarlem in Aalsmeer to four dagvelds per morgen, with no one allowed to dig more than a total of 32 dagvelds. One dagveld was the quantity of peat excavated from a pit 15 rods long and 10 turves wide and deep. |
36v-a |
002v-f |
04r-h |
#105 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1436.03.04 |
Consent |
Permission to residents of Zoetermeer to dig peat in the Groenen Erve section as long as they discharge all perform all prescribed maintenance work and pay all morgengeld. |
36r-e |
039v-b |
#101 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1436.10.01 |
Keur |
Order that all openings including sluices in the Rijndijk be closed within 14 days. |
36r-d |
004r-d |
05v-b 04v-d |
#100 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.00.00 |
Keur |
Oath of office for the hoogheemraden of Rijnland. |
30r-b |
001r-a |
#060 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.00.00 |
Vonnis |
Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it). |
32r-b |
063r-b |
#069 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.00.00 |
Vonnis |
Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it). |
32r-c-32v |
063v-a |
#070 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.02.01 |
Vonnis |
The widow of Meynert Dircszonn, Aechte, agrees to assume responsibility for land and attendant hydraulic requirements of Lijsbet Jans dochter, who abandoned her land and has fled the area. |
64r-d |
069r-a |
#284 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.02.26 |
Rechtsdag |
Lijsbet Mandemakers is pardoned for something not specified. |
64r-e |
#285 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.03.12 |
Keur |
Ordered closing of all breaches in the Stompwijkerwech by Easter (March 31). |
36v-c |
015r-a |
05v-c |
#107 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.05.07 |
Vonnis |
Decision to grant to Clais Jan Wouters z. a section of the embankment on his land at Kostverloren stretching to the Halverwetering |
36v-h |
065v-bis 073r-c |
#112 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.05.07 |
Consent |
Permission to Zoetermeer to build and inspect a canal (maintain to 8 feet wide) above the Groenenwech stretching from the Clootstael westward to the wetering. |
37r-a |
039v-c |
#113 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.06.21 |
Vonnis |
Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it). |
32v-a |
063v-b-064r |
#071 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.06.24 |
Keur |
Orders schout and heemraden of each ambacht to inspect all canals at appointed times to ensure they are kept clean and free to drain; to see to it that residents carry out their duties in this regard. |
28v-e |
014r-b |
#055 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.06.25 |
Consent |
Permission for Pieter Willem Hasen to cut a passage through a road in Waddinxveen so that he can transport his peat by water, on condition that he install a bridge over the gap. |
28r-a |
039r-b |
07r-c |
#050 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.06.25 |
Rechtsdag |
Testimony concerning land against which a lien had been placed because of prescribed maintenance work left undone. |
28v-a |
#051 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.06.25 |
Consent |
Permission to Claes Stientgens to construct a sluice with an automatic gate (wachtdoer: opens by the force of water flowing out) in the kadijk of the Benthuizerwetering; he promised to tend it in such a manner that no one is damaged by it. |
28v-b |
039r-c |
07r-b |
#052 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.06.25 |
Beveling |
Pieter van Busch is ordered to seize land in Zoeterwoude |
28v-c |
#053 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.06.25 |
Keur |
Procedures for getting neighbors to cooperate in keeping ditches in good order. |
28v-d |
014r-a |
#054 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.06.25 |
Scheiding |
Settlement of dispute between Gerijt van Heemstede, lord of Benthuizen, and Willem Bort concerning a waterway in Hogeveen that had been authorized by a charter from Duke Albrecht. Those who do not contribute their share of maintenance responsibilities shall have their drainage blocked off. |
37r-b |
096r-d-096v 098v-b |
#114 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.06.27 |
Keur |
A further unspecified road is to be inspected. |
07v-d |
#562 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.06.29 |
Keur |
Prohibition against mooring boats to the shoring of the sluices at Spaarndam. |
36v-d |
007r-a |
04v-e |
#108 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.06.29 |
Keur |
Regulatation of boat passage through the sluices at Spaarndam: first to arrive is the first to go through. |
36v-e |
007r-b |
04v-f |
#109 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.06.29 |
Keur |
Regulation of boat and barge traffic in and around Spaarndam: no one may stand on the sluice in order to drag a vessel through the sluices. |
36v-f |
007r-c |
04v-g |
#110 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.06.29 |
Keur |
Must pull mast in to six feet before entering the sluice at Spaarndam. |
36v-g |
007r-d |
04v-h |
#111 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.09.03 |
Keur |
Heemraden order that Ghijsbrecht Jansz. be paid one white penny per roed for diking his share along the Halmeer and also for dirt. |
37v-b |
007r-e |
#116 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.09.16 |
Keur |
Authorized a canal (waterscup) to be used by Schoot and Korteraar running from the Aar to the Oude Aar. |
37v-c |
015r-b |
#117 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.09.24 |
Keur |
Kroosheemraden of Oegstgeest issue a keur concerning how they will inspect all hydraulic works in the ambacht and stipulate how much it will cost. |
38r-a |
015v-a |
#119 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.09.24 |
Keur |
Representatives of city of Leiden, Gerijt van Oestgeest, Jan Heerman, and Willem Bort, promise to appear on Wednesday eight days hence to account for the city's actions regarding alder [els] planting, i.e., poeten or poten, a requirement before beginning to dig peat. |
38r-b |
#120 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.10.01 |
Brief |
Pieter Jacobsz. gave Jan Andriesz a note acknowledging that he owed the latter 40 sc. per year for a mortgage on some land. |
38r-c |
#121 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.12.20 |
Keur |
Regulate how Hazerswoude should inspect roads and canals. |
37v-d |
015r-c |
#118 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.12.20 |
Consent |
Procedures: from now on, officials of Boskoop, Middelburg, and Randenburg may apportion prescribed maintenance work for the Spaarndam and the Doeswetering with one instead of three officials. |
38r-d |
039v-d |
#122 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.12.20 |
Keur |
Procedures: officials of Boskoop must record all expenses they incur separately from those recorded jointly with Alphen. |
38r-e |
015v-b |
#123 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1437.12.20 |
Keur |
Procedures: how the officials of Boskoop, Middelburg, and Randenburg are to carry out their inspections |
38r-f |
015v-c |
#124 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # | |
Rechtsdag |
Dijkgraaf and heemraden deal with a man named Pau or Prager, imprisoned for damages he did to ditches and turnstiles between Amsterdam and Spaarndam: because of his poverty and show or remorse, his punishment is relieved with the warning that if he ever does anything against the heemraden or Rijnland again, he will forfeit life and property and be banished from Rijnland and all of Holland |
29r-a |
#056 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # | |
Rechtsdag |
Testimony and a decision in a dispute between Tielman van Buschusen and the ambacht of Zoeterwoude concening whether or not Zoeterwoude had paid Tielman the amount to be collected but which was never turned over to the clerk of Rijnland. Because a credible witness sided with Zoeterwoude, so did the hoogheemraden. |
29v-a |
073r-a |
#057 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # | |
Rechtsdag |
Testomony and a decision in a dispute between Tielman van Buschusen and the ambacht of Leiderdorp concening whether or not Leiderdorp had paid Tielman the amount to be collected but which was never turned over to the clerk of Rijnland. Because the witness sided with Tielman, do did the hoogheemraden, though Leiderdorp could appeal the decision with new evidence within eight days. |
29v-b |
073r-b |
#058 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1438.02.25 |
Vonnis |
Heemraden decide in favor of the dijkgraaf in a dispute with Alphen over the Doesschouw, unless the latter can offer additional proof. |
38v-a |
#125 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1438.02.25 |
Keur |
Order everyone to remove all fishing apparatus and other equipment from the Oude Rijn within 14 days. |
38v-b |
004r-e |
#126 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1438.02.25 |
Beveling |
Order Voorschoten to choose officials in the customary manner within 14 days. |
38v-c |
105v- b |
#127 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1438.05.06 |
Beveling |
Procedures: order the schout of Aalsmeer to inspect the road from Burggravenveen to the Rijsdrecht and to authorize bridges for the road if needed for water transport. |
38v-d |
105r- a |
#128 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1438.05.06 |
Beveling |
Procedures: order the schout of Vennep to inspect all roads during the month of May and at other times as is customary. |
38v-e |
105r-b |
#129 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1438.05.06 |
Keur |
General rule on keeping all ditches and canals clean. |
39r-a |
010v-b 015v-d |
#130 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1438.06.24 |
Consent |
Schoot to carry out inspections with five kroosheemraden. |
39r-b |
039v-e |
#131 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1438.06.24 |
Keur |
Order turnstiles to be set on the Zeedijk to prevent wagon traffic on it. |
39r-c |
007r-f |
05r-d |
#132 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1438.07.01 |
Vonnis |
Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it). |
32v-b |
064r-a |
#072 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1438.11.15 |
Consent |
Permission for Oegstgeest to build a foot bridge over the Maarn. |
30r-a |
039r-d |
#059 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1438.11.15 |
Keur |
Establish how expenses incurred by heemraden while performing their duties are to be reimbursed; certain associates and guests can also be covered. |
30v-a |
001v-a |
#062 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # | |
Verklaring |
List of heemraden who served as rentmeester from 1432 to 1438, with their backups from 1432-1437 |
30v-b |
#063 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # | |
Vonnis |
Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it). |
31v-a |
062v-a |
#065 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1439.06.24 |
Beveling |
Proclaim in all churches: no fishing paraphernalia may be set in any waterways according to the the evidence from the charters and keuren regarding the Oude Rijn. |
39r-d |
#133 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1439.07.06 |
Keur |
Order construction of a waterway (the Zandsloot) at Katwijk |
39r-e |
015v-e-016r |
#134 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1439.07.06 |
Keur |
Procedures: the Zandsloot in Katwijk to be inspected in the customary manner. |
39v-a |
016r-a |
#135 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1439.07.06 |
Keur |
Compensation ordered to those whose land is dug up for the Zandsloot in Katwijk according to the rates established by the heemraden. |
39v-b |
016r- b |
#136 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1440.00.00 |
Keur |
Requires local, village officials to submit their accounts to the heemraden before they levy morgengeld |
35v-b |
010r-e |
#092 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1440.00.00 |
Consent |
Permission for Dirc Smitszoon, Wouter van Ansc, Willem Matijszoon and others from Jacobswoude to construct a bay or inlet with a bridge through the road near Woude Manor (hofstede) with a place to launch their boats. |
06v-c |
#560 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1440.03.23 |
Beveling |
Order the dijkgraaf to seize property in Hogeveen to compensate for arrears in payment. |
39v-c |
#137 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1440.03.23 |
Keur |
A decision made by four heemraden with the dijkgraaf is just as binding as if it were made by all. |
39v-d |
001r-c |
06v-b |
#138 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1440.04.01 |
Keur |
Order the construction/reconstruction of the embankment between Zoeterwoude and the Zoetermeer. |
39v-e |
016r-v-c |
05v-d-06r 06v-a |
#139 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1440.04.01 |
Consent |
Permission for Zegwaard and Zoetermeer to use a ditch as long as its kade is maintained at two spades high. |
40r-a |
06r-a |
#140 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1440.06.28 |
Keur |
Order Voorschoten to repair the breach in its ommedijk that Reyner marked with a pole, etc. |
40r-b |
#141 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1440.06.28 |
Consent |
Extended the jurisdiction that Koudekerk had from 50 to 100 roeden or more as needed along certain ditches. |
40r-c |
039v-f |
#142 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1440.06.28 |
Keur |
Those vested in the Hogenwaardsedijk may keep it in its current location as long as they do the apportionment of maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen) and it accords with the will of the community. |
40r-d |
#143 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1440.08.31 |
Scheiding |
Heemraden arbitrate a dispute between Amsterdam and Sloten about payment of aardgeld. |
40r-e |
095v-b-096r |
#144 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1440.10.04 |
Consent |
Permission for Leiderdorp to lease out their kadijk to three or four men who will reconstruct it as they see fit; those protected by it will pay the costs. |
40r-f |
040r-a |
#145 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1440.10.04 |
Keur |
The stoeling (assessments, assignment of maintenance responsibilities) for Spaarnwoude shall remain as they are as long as they remain outside the territory of Rijnland. |
40r-g |
002v-g-003r |
#146 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1441.06.27 |
Consent |
Allows Dirc van Zwieten to fish on the Noord Aa, but not the Zwiet. |
40v-a |
#147 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1441.06.28 |
Keur |
Heemraden establish dates for their primary inspections: the first Tuesday after May Day, after St. John the Baptist's Day, after St. Bavo's Day, and after St. Peter's Day. |
40v-b |
001r-d |
#148 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1441.06.28 |
Keur |
Zoetermeer has set an example of how the apportion maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen) should be done. |
40v-c |
#149 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1441.06.28 |
Consent |
Bosch Jans z. may cut peat on his own land in Zoeterwoude under certain conditions. |
40v-d |
040r-b |
#150 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1441.06.28 |
Scheiding |
Settlement of a dispute between Claes van Spaarnwoude and priest Jan Allairtszoon concerning lease of church property in spaarnwoude |
40v-e |
093r-bis 096v-b-097r 099r-a |
#151 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1441.09.12 |
Keur |
Order the cleanup of the Spaarne between Bamis (1 October) and Omnium Sanctorum (1 November). |
40v-f |
007r-g-007v |
#152 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1441.09.12 |
Beveling |
Order: unless the rentmeester of Rijnsburg sees to it that the low road at Noordwijk is repaired within 14 days, the dijkgraaf and heemraden will do it at Rijnsburg's expense. |
40v-g |
105v-d |
#153 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1441.10.03 |
Keur |
Order the repair of the overtocht (inclined plane with winch to lift a boat over a dike) at the grote slius at Spaarndam. |
40v-h-41r |
007v-a |
#154 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1442.05.01 |
Vonnis |
Symon Heinricxzoon and associates can disassociate themselves from Valkenburg in matters of drainage. |
41r-a |
073v-a |
#155 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1442.06.26 |
Consent |
Alphen may build a bridge with two sluices across the old Kerksloot. |
41r-b |
#156 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1442.06.26 |
Consent |
Bartout van Assendelf temporarily appointed as kroosheemraad for Haarlem |
41r-c |
#157 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1442.10.02 |
Keur |
Regulate the construction and maintenance of a new canal and encircling dike at Koudekerk and Oudshoorn. The new construction is to be at the expense of all of Koudekerk except for the Hooge Waard, while its upkeep will be shared by all, including the Hooge Waard. The old dike along the Heymanswetering may be sold off. |
41r-d-41v |
016v-a-017r |
#158 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1442.12.20 |
Vonnis |
An official of Koudekerk explains that, with consent of the village lord, the schout, the majority of residents of Koudekerk, and the heemraaden of Rijnland, he has sold a kade for the benefit of Gnephoeck (Oudshoorn) for 35 Wilhelmusschilden which money he has laid out for the construction of a new kade at Koudekerk stretching from the Lagenwaardse dike en Ofwegen (Koudekerk). |
50v-b |
068r-a |
#184 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.02.24 |
Scheiding |
Continued artibration of dispute between Claes van Sparenwoude and priest Jan Allertzoon with copies of various related documents. |
41v-a |
093v-b-094r |
08r-d-8v |
#159 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.03.13 |
Keur |
Order Zoeterwoude and Voorschoten to repair the dike breach at Stompwijk (presumably along the Zoetermeer). |
41v-b |
023r-b 106r-c |
06r-b |
#160 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.03.13 |
Consent |
Permission to take hydraulic measures in Stompwijc as long as they cause no damage to Boudwijn van Zwieten. |
42r-a |
046v-b 049r-b |
06r-c |
#161 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.03.13 |
Consent |
Declare that the measurements taken at Hazerswoude shall stand as authentic and be recorded in three books. |
42r-b |
046v-c 099v-a |
#162 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.03.13 |
Scheiding |
Regulation of a dispute with Woerden concerning how land is measured and morgengeld is assessed. |
42r-c |
096r-c |
#163 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.05.19 |
Besteding |
Specifications for repair of the Alkemadersluis |
42r-d |
109v-a |
#164 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.05.19 |
Besteding |
Specifications for repair of Aalsmeerdersluis. |
42r-e |
109v-b |
#165 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.05.19 |
Besteding |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the Haarlemmersluis in the Spaarndam. |
42v-a |
109v-c |
#166 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.05.19 |
Besteding |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the Grote Sluis in the Spaarndam. |
42v-b |
109v-d |
#167 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.05.19 |
Besteding |
Specifications for reconstruction of a road or dike called the Wagenweg with dirt to be taken from the Droen. |
42v-c |
109v-e-110r 105v-c |
#168 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.05.19 |
Besteding |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the ship lock (Kolksluis) in the Spaarndam: haul in dirt; repair shoring. |
42v-d |
110r-a |
#169 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.05.19 |
Keur |
Order the residents of Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout to repair the sluis doors in the Voorhouterwetering in Sassenheim and Warmond. |
42v-e |
022v-d |
#170 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.05.19 |
Keur |
Order digging of a ditch of 8 feet along the Voorhout side of the Zwiet, subject to inspection. |
42v-f |
022v-e |
#171 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.05.19 |
Besteding |
Specifications for the construction/reconstruction of the new sluice known as the Hogesluis |
43r-c-43v |
110r-b-110v |
#174 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.06.29 |
Keur |
Instructions on how officials in Alkemade shall announce and conduct their inspections. |
43r-a |
020r-b |
#172 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.06.29 |
Keur |
Officials in Heer Jacobswoude, Leimuiden, Rijnsaterswoude, and Vriesekoop shall announce and carry out their inspections in the same manner as specified for Alkemade. |
43r-b |
022v-b |
#173 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.07.25 |
Vonnis |
Regulate the maintenance of Kostverloren dike, part of sea dike at Amsterdam, in the wake of the death of Aernt Vechterszoon. Picked up by Reyner Reynerszoon. |
49r-c-49v |
066r-b-066v |
#178 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1443.10.01 |
Vonnis |
Municipal officials of Haarlem and Leiden complained in front of the governor of Holland, lord of Lalaing, about Rijnland's attempts to collect levies from the cities despite their charters which they claim exempt them from such payments. Rijnland countered with charters claiming such authority and also referred, at the very end, to a similar case with Amsterdam in which, presumably Rijnland's claims were upheld. |
43v-a-48r |
073v-b-078r |
#175 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1444.02.24 |
Vonnis |
Regularize the time and manner of collecting assessments in the ambachten of Rijnland. |
49v-b-50r |
072r-b 085r-a |
#179 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1444.02.24 |
Keur |
Regulate fishing in the Spaarndam sluices. |
50r-a |
007v-b |
#180 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1444.02.24 |
Consent |
Forgive some of the penninggeld due from Riedwijk and Nieuwerkerk because of the losses they have suffered from flooding by the lakes [Haarlemmermeer]. |
50r-b |
045v-g |
#181 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1444.03.04 |
Consent |
Permission for the schout of Leiderdorp to announce and carry out the inspection of the sluices and culverts between the Does bridge and the ambacht of Koudekerk. |
50r-c-50v |
040r-c |
#182 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1444.03.04 |
Consent |
Schout of Koudekerk to announce and carry inspection of the sluices and culverts in the Hoge Rijndijk in the same manner as consented to for Leiderdorp. |
50v-a |
040r-d |
#183 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1444.03.04 |
Besteding |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the Zijlsluis and the Zijlbrug, both in bad condition, to be completed by the middle of May. |
50v-c-51r |
110v-a-111r |
#185 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1444.03.17 |
Besteding |
Specifications for rebuilding of the Alphen sluice in the Spaarndam |
51v -a-52v |
111r-a-111v |
#186 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1444.05.05 |
Keur |
Prohibit harrasment of officials or workers doing their duty. |
52v-a |
009v-d |
#187 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1444.05.05 |
Keur |
Reemphasize the prohibition against harrasment officials or workers performing their duty. |
52v-b |
010r-a |
#188 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1444.05.05 |
Keur |
Prohibition against residents of Rijnland bringing hydraulic issues to any other jurisdictions. |
52v-c |
010r-b |
#189 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1444.05.05 |
Keur |
In matters for which no charters (handvesten) or keuren exist, should resort to common law until keuren have been established. |
52v-d |
010r-c |
#190 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1444.05.05 |
Keur |
Order repair/reconstruction of the Schinkeldijk to same height as the dike at Koudekerk. |
53r-a |
007v-c |
#191 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1444.05.05 |
Consent |
The schout of Koudekerk may inspect the new wetering and sluice in the Lage Waard section of Koudekerk until heemraden say otherwise. |
53r-b |
040r-e |
#192 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1444.10.06 |
Scheiding |
Settlement of a dispute over maintenance of part of the Kostverloren dike which was completely rebuilt: a pole must not be placed in the middle where the former sluice lay; maintenance henceforth to be carried out according to the provisions of the documents issued in this matter, outside the expense of the Rijnland. |
53r-c |
096r-b |
#193 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1444.10.10 |
Consent |
Outline the duties or obligations of the schout and heemraden of Leiderdorp |
53r-d |
046v-d-047r |
#194 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1445.02.23 |
Verklaring |
Explanation that because of civil disorder in Haarlem the Petri ad cathedram (February) inspections were not held. |
53v-a |
#195 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1445.04.05 |
Consent |
Permission Jacob van Rijswijk to build a bridge in the Voorschoterwetering |
53v-b |
040r-f |
#196 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1445.04.05 |
Besteding |
Specifications for reconstruction of the Kleine Zijlbrug |
53v-c-54r |
111v-a-112r |
#197 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1445.04.20 |
Scheiding |
Settlement of a dispute between former and previous heemraden of Woerden |
54r-b-54v |
097r-a-097v |
#198 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1445.04.20 |
Scheiding |
Settlement of a dispute settlement concerning Woerden. |
54v-a |
097v-a |
#199 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1445.05.04 |
Keur |
Instructions on how to choose local heemraden. |
54v-b-55r |
010r-f |
#200 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1445.05.04 |
Keur |
Kaden to stay closed (unbreached) until St. Peter's ad cathedram (22 February) |
55r-a |
017r-a |
#201 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1445.05.04 |
Keur |
Direct the ambachten of Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout: to keep the sluices in the Sassemerbeek and Klinkenberg closed between 1 April and mid-May and between 1 October and 11 November. This item was cancelled in 1478. |
55r-b |
017r-b |
#202 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1445.05.04 |
Consent |
Permission for Koudekerk to sell part of an embankment to be maintained at no expense to the ambacht. |
55r-c |
046r-a |
#203 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1445.05.04 |
Consent |
Permission for Katwijk, Oegstgeest, Rietwijk, and Nieuwekerk to carry out inspections in same manner as was allowed for Zoeterwoude in 1435 [actually, 1421]. |
55r-d |
040v-a |
#204 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1445.06.29 |
Keur |
Clarification of an old keur concerning cleaning of waterways and canals -- removal of duckweed (kroos), etc. |
55r-e |
003r-a |
#205 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1445.10.05 |
Verklaring |
No schouw of the Hoge Zeedijk or Spaandammerdijk because of disorder in Amsterdam. |
55v-a |
#206 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1445.10.05 |
Consent |
Permission for Zoeterwoude and Benthuizen to renew a footbridge (kwakelbrug) on the condition that it be the same as the original. |
55v-b |
040v-b |
#207 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1445.10.05 |
Consent |
Permission for Schoot to perform inspections with 4 instead of 5 people because of lack of residents. |
55v-c |
040v-c |
#208 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1445.10.05 |
Consent |
Permission for the Friars Minor in the Waard section of Leiden to construct a bridge over the Nieuwe Rijn on the condition that the bridgeheads do not narrow the river. |
55v-d |
040v-d |
#209 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1445.10.05 |
Brief |
Cancellation of the dijkbrief (diking contract) of Jan Allertszoon, priest of Spaarnwoude, because he had completed all the specified work. |
55v-e |
#210 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1446.02.22 |
Consent |
Permission for Schoot to announce upcoming inspections on one Sunday instead of three in the three nearest churches. |
55v-g |
040v-e |
#211 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1446.02.22 |
Keur |
Leiderdorp must obey the rules and regulation established by the old keuren |
56r-a |
022v-b |
#212 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1446.02.22 |
Keur |
Commend Jan van Haarlem, shout of Spaarndam, for repairing (repairing the shoring, adding dirt and fencing it off) the piece of dike between the Kolksluis (Grotesluis) and his dwelling, at his own cost, but he is not to do any further building on the site. |
56r-b |
#213 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1446.02.27 |
Besteding |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the Gouwe sluice at Alphen |
56r-c |
112v-a-113r |
#214 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1446.05.03 |
Consent |
Permission for Kaagdorp (Kaag) to perform inspections in the same manner as does Alkemade. |
56v-b |
040v-f |
#215 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1446.05.03 |
Consent |
Permission for Woubrugge to carry out inspecticions as simply and cheaply as possible |
56v-c |
040v-g |
#216 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1446.05.03 |
Keur |
No one may build on the Schinkeldijk |
56v-d |
019v-a |
#217 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1446.05.03 |
Keur |
Order that the sluice on the end of the Schinkeldijk remain closed so no water can enter Rijnland through it |
56v-e |
019v-b |
#218 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1446.06.28 |
Consent |
Permission for Hazerswoude to eliminate a sluice in the Oostkade on the Hoge Rijndijk for lack of need. |
56v-f |
041r-a |
#219 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1446.06.28 |
Scheiding |
In the dispute between Willem Bartoen (on behalf of residents of Voorhout) and Albert Nagel (schout of Voorhout), Albert must henceforth choose village officials in consultation with (met inspraak van) the residents of Voorhout, as is done in other ambachten and concerning which a keur is in effect. |
57r-a |
#220 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1446.06.28 |
Rechtsdag |
Take testimony in a dispute between the residents of Alphen and those of Randenburg, Groenswaard, and Snijdelwijk concerning maintenance requirements in the Gouwesluis at Alphen, with a copy of an old charter from 1284 brought into play |
57r-b |
#221 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1446.08.24 |
Schouwdag |
Inspection of the Hoge Zeedijk (Spaarndammerdijk) |
57r-c |
#222 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1446.10.04 |
Vonnis |
Part of dispute between Rijnland and the cities of Leiden and Haarlem which involved, among other things, a certain Wernbout Janszoon reading out pronouncement in front of the city hall of Leiden after ringing the bells, as if he were a schout, telling the citizens of Leiden not to render morgengeld until the hoogheemraden first revealed their accounts to two members of the Council of Holland and to the cities of Haarlem and Leiden. Wernbout claimed he was authorized to do this by the Court of Holland. Rijnland's response was to fine Wernbout 10 lb. unless he could produce proof of his authorization, which he apparently could not. |
57r-d |
078v-a |
#223 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1446.10.04 |
Keur |
All land in Rijnland, regardless of quality, falls under the jurisdiction of dijkrecht as is written in another document, here appended |
57v-b-58r |
017r-c-017v |
#224 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1446.10.04 |
Keur |
All whose lands drain with Rijnland through the Spaarndam, but have not yet paid their part, must make an appearance to receive their apportionment of maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen), acknowledged in writting, or face having their drainage blocked -- all according to the charters of Rijnland. |
58r-a |
017v-a |
#225 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1446.10.04 |
Vonnis |
Some decisions in a long-standing dispute between the small villages along the Gouwe and Alphen concerning the maintenance of the Gouwe sluice at Alphen. It was put in order in this year as described, and it was concluded that, for the moment, this is probably the best way to continue doing it. |
58r-b |
068v-a |
#226 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.00.00 |
Keur |
Forbid the removal of the road near Floertgen along Zoetermeer lake. |
59v-a |
#237 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.00.00 |
Keur |
Order the seizure of loose livestock (schutten) against 2 sc. per head on the Schinkeldijk at Spaarndam. |
59v-e |
007v-d |
#241 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.00.00 |
Consent |
Permission for Gelbairt Pieterszoon to build two bridges, locations unspecified. |
59v-f |
041r-d |
#242 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.00.00 |
Scheiding |
Verdict in a dispute concening aardhaling and aardgeld in Sparenwoude between Rijnland and the heirs of Vrank van Zanen who own the land (and thus are also responsible for the obligations associated with it). |
59v-g |
097v-b |
#243 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.00.00 |
Keur |
Regulate maintenance of the Ghierendijk according to provisions established earlier. |
60r-a |
#244 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.00.00 |
Scheiding |
Settlement of a dispute concerning payment for dirt used in dike repair. |
60r-b |
094v-b |
#245 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.00.00 |
Keur |
Must plant alder [els] before digging peat. |
60v-b |
003r-c-003v |
#251 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.00.00 |
Keur |
Creation of a polder focussed on a drainage canal (waterschap) to be created in Benthuizen, beginning at the Heinlaan and running across to the Gheer then extending between Engbrecht's holding and the windmill holding up to the mill road and then back to the Heinlaan. Those resident in the polder and benefitting from this canal shall maintain it. This polder, with its bridges (9 feet wide) will be inspected by the schout of Benhuizen with 5 heemraden who are resident in the polder. |
61r-a |
017v-b |
#255 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.00.00 |
Keur |
Order the Kerksloot near Haarlem to be restored to one roede wide and as deep as is thought necessary. |
61r-b |
008r-a |
#256 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.02.28 |
Keur |
Must not harrass officials performing their duty |
58r-c |
010r-d |
#227 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.05.02 |
Vonnis |
The dijkgraaf had accused Willem Kuser of Boshuizen for fishing with eel traps in Rijnland. The latter claimed he did so just as the rentmeester of Noordholland did, referring to old customs. Further he claimed that he should be judged by an offical of the Court of Holland, not of the Hoogheemraadschap. After looking into the matter, the hoogheemraaden claimed jurisdiction and decided that the dijkgraaf should proceed according to old charters. |
58r-d-58v |
079r-b-079v |
#228 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.05.02 |
Keur |
Revision of an old keur prohibiting digging of peat within 50 rods of the lakes (though for Bennebroek within 25 roeden). From now on anyone digging more than 4 dagvelds per morgen will pay a fine of 10 lb. per 10 dagvelds in excess. One dagveld was the quantity of peat excavated from a pit 15 rods long and 10 turves wide and deep. |
58v-a |
003r-b |
#229 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.06.27 |
Vonnis |
Verdict in the matter of Jan Boem, procurator of the Commanderij van Sint-Jan, in a dispute with the heemraden of Hogeveen concerning land they both claim. In the end, the hoogheemraden sided with Hogeveen. |
58v-b-59r |
067r-b-067v |
09r-a |
#230 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.06.27 |
Consent |
Permission for Benthuizen to carry out inspections from now on with 5 instead of 7 heemraden. |
59r-a |
044r-b |
#231 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.06.27 |
Consent |
Permission for Zoetermeer to carry out inspections in same manner as does Zoeterwoude. |
59r-b |
044r-c |
#232 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.06.27 |
Consent |
Permission for heemraden of Alphen to inspect the Lage dijk in a single inspection whenever they deem it necessary. |
59r-c |
044r-d |
#233 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.06.27 |
Consent |
Permission for Sassenheim to assign maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen) for the the dike that extends from the east side of the windmill toward the lakes. |
59r-d |
044r-e |
#234 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.06.27 |
Keur |
Amounts to be paid for redeeming livestock seized (schutten) because they were grazing on the Rijndijk. |
59r-e |
004v-a |
05r-f |
#235 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.10.03 |
Keur |
Regulate responsibility for and maintenance of a dike and ditch that ran from the Rijndijk into the ambacht of Wassenaar, with warnings against breaching the dike (presumably for ease of water transport). |
65v-a |
018v-a |
08v-a |
#287 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1447.11.14 |
Vonnis |
Against Pieter and Clais Vogelair for destroying a turnstile on the Spaarndammerdijk. |
66r-a |
079r-a |
#288 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.02.27 |
Keur |
Prohibit riding on the Hoge Rijndijk between Katwijk and Zwammerdam (fine of 1/3 of 10 lbs.) and removing any protective poles on the dike (fine of 10 lb.. |
66r-b |
004v-e |
#289 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.02.27 |
Consent |
Permission for Zuidwijk [Wassenaar] to narrow the distance between bridgeheads of a bridge over the Kersch (Kaswetering?) from 10 feet to 8 feet. |
66v-a |
041v-e |
#290 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.02.27 |
Consent |
Permission for Zoeterwoude to inspect the Nieuwe Wetering and the Ommedijk from the Nieuwe Weterting to Meestgen Vranckenszoon in the same manner as they inspect other canals and roads. |
66v-b |
041v-f |
#291 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.02.27 |
Vonnis |
Heemraden accept the resignation of heemraad Boudwijn van Zwieten for health reasons and choose Jan van Poelgeest, schout of Leiden, as his replacement. |
66v-c-67r |
070v-a |
#292 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.05.06 |
Consent |
Permission for Lodewijc van Montfoorde, lord of Hazerswoude, to regulate usage and maintenance of a canal and bridge in Hazerswoude. All who drain through it will pay their share in Rijnlands assessments. |
67r-b |
042r-a |
#293 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.05.06 |
Consent |
Hoogheemraden inform the village officials of Zegwaard that they have begun a process against the hoogheemraden of Schieland because the latter, despite the prohibitions of Rijnland as well as previous agreements, convened oversight sessions in Zegwaard (which spanned the two hoogheemraadschappen) and, as a result, the Rijnland residents of Zegwaard now refuse to pay Rijnland's assessments. |
67v-a |
046r-c |
#294 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.05.06 |
Keur |
Endorsement of an earlier keur requiring submission of last year's accounts from Rijnland's ambachten to the hoogheemraden before they can order new assessments. Now is added a time period for submission and a 10 lb. fine if the accounts are not properly submitted. |
67v-b |
#295 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.05.06 |
Keur |
Reissuance of instructions to all ambachten of Rijnland that when choosing new officials, one should remain on board until the next time -- to ensure continuity. This seems to be a reissuance of an earlier keur from 1445. |
67v-c |
005r-a |
#296 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.05.06 |
Keur |
The earlier keur to clean all ditches for a length of 50 roeden applies only to those directly connected to the ditches involved until some other regulation is provided. |
68r-a |
010v-c |
#297 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.05.06 |
Keur |
The hoogheemraden decided to send their assistants (dienres) to inspect the Does this time while they and village officials who had no problems to point out along the Does remained in Leiden to carry on with legal and other matters. |
68r-b |
005r-b |
#298 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.05.06 |
Consent |
Permission for the schout of Woude [Woubrugge] to schouw in the same manner as the schout of Alkemade does, and he is given a copy of the relevant keur from the book. |
68r-c |
042r-b |
#299 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.05.06 |
Consent |
To schout of Zoeterwoude to henceforth inspect the Zwiet and the Zwette on the Friday instead of the Tuesday after St. John's day (June 24). |
68r-d |
044v-a |
#300 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.05.06 |
Consent |
For schout of Zoeterwoude to inspect the sloot alongside the Zandweg between Leiden and Ter Wadding. |
68r-e |
046v-a |
#301 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.05.06 |
Consent |
Permission for the schout of Zoeterwoude to put his son in charge of keeping livestock off (schutten) the Rijndijk. |
68r-f |
042r-c |
#302 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.06.25 |
Vonnis |
Verdict in the dispute between Vechter Clasezoon, an official of Zoeterwoude, and the burgemeesters of Leiden concerning the assessment of 50 morgens of land that was taken up within the city walls. The hoogheemraden sided with Leiden because, by Vechter's admission, no assessments had been collected on this land for over 50 years, and the rule in place says that if morgengeld is not collected for a third of 100 years, the right to assess the land is forfeited. |
68v-a-69r |
072v-a-073r |
#303 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.06.25 |
Vonnis |
Decision in the dispute between Alphen and the smaldorpen (small villages: Groenswaard, Boskoop, Snijdelwijk, and Randenburg) concerning the maintenance of the Gouwesluis in which Alphen is found in the wrong, in the light of a earlier finding made in 1446. |
69r-b |
078v-b-079r |
#304 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.07.04 |
Consent |
Permission for Dirck Aelbrechtszoon of Stompwijk to construct a huel (bridge or culvert) through the road/dike in front of his door. |
69r-c |
047r-a |
#305 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.07.04 |
Consent |
Permission for Ysebrant de Cuyper and associates to put a footbridge over the Vliet bij Dirck Yscax's place |
69v-a |
044v-b |
#306 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.10.08 |
Keur |
Decision to block the drainage from Hogeveen into the Oude Rijn because Hogeveen, even after 3 warnings, has refused accept its apportionment of maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen) or to pay its share in the drainage costs of Rijnland. |
69v-b |
018v-b-019r |
#307 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1448.10.08 |
Consent |
Permission for Gelderswoude to dig a new canal, 9 feet wide, on the north side of the Broekweg, running from the Kerklaan to the dam for the reservoir (boezemwater) of Zegwaard, to be inspected by the schout of Zoeterwoude along with the heemraden of Gelderswoude in the same manner as is done with other roads and canals. |
69v-c |
042r-d |
#308 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1449.02.25 |
Consent |
Permission for Jacob Claeszoon of Zoeterwoude to put a bridge/culvert through the road on the south side of the church where his prescribed maintenance share is located, on the condition that he maintain it himself, outside of anyone else's cost. |
70r-a |
042r-e |
#309 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1449.05.06 |
Consent |
For the schout and heemraden of Oegstgeest to establish an inspection of all roads and canals. |
70r-b |
042v-a |
#310 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1449.05.29 |
Rechtsdag |
Unless she repays twice the amount of money that the schout of Vriesekoop put up on her behalf, Geertruyt Geryt Goemen will be banned from Rijnland. |
70r-c |
#311 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1449.05.29 |
Rechtsdag |
Six men banned from Rijnland until they pay double the amount that the dijkgraaf put out on their behalf. |
70v-b |
#312 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1449.05.29 |
Consent |
Permission for Huge van Berge to put a huel through the Boevesloot. |
70v-c |
042v-b |
#313 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1449.06.05 |
Consent |
Permission to put a sluice [zijl] through the Spaarndammerdijk between Florijs[van Sparenwoude]waal and Mijchielswaal. |
70v-d |
042v-c |
#314 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1449.06.05 |
Keur |
Prohibit grazing of livestock on the Zeedijk (Spaarndammerdijk) between Velsen and Amsterdam; those found will be seized (schutten). |
70v-e |
009v-c |
05r-g |
#315 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1449.07.01 |
Keur |
Ordering the removal of woods along the Schinkelweg in Zegwaard to a distance of 2 rods from the road, because the shade from the woods leaves about 30 rods of the road in bad shape for parts of the year. |
71r-a |
019r-a |
#316 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1449.07.01 |
Vonnis |
Hoogheemraden agree to the transfer of the sea dike near Amsterdam, known as the Kostverloren, from the heirs of Reijnier Reijnierszoon to Pieter Willemszoon, resident of Sloterdijk. Pieter may not sell nothing up to the last sluice in Kostverloren without permission of the Hoogheemraden. The old act, from which it appeared that the dike belonged to Aernt Vechterszoon, Vechter Aerntszoon, Reyner Reynerszoon and widow Lijsbeth, is hereby cancelled. |
067r-a |
#493 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1449.11.18 |
Keur |
Everyone responsible for maintaining the Spaarndam between the Grotesluis and the Velserdijk must make it as high as it is in front of Dirc Havicxzoon's place within 14 days. |
71r-b |
009r-e-009v |
#317 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1449.11.18 |
Keur |
Probit the removal of dirt set aside for raising the Spaarndam or for other hydraulic matters without indicating so to the hhraden or one of their assistants. |
71r-c |
009v-a |
#318 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1449.11.18 |
Keur |
Middelburg must discharge it maintenance responsibilities on the Schinkeldijk (Spaarndam) within 14 days. |
71r-d |
009v-b |
#319 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1449.11.18 |
Consent |
Permission for the schout and heemraden of Zegwaard to inspect the the section of the new canal built by Rotterdammers that runs through Zegwaard between the landscheiding (watershed embankment between Rijnland on the one side and Delfland and Schieland on the other) and Eggertsland. |
71v-a |
042v-d |
#320 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1449.11.18 |
Keur |
Decision regarding Hogeveen which had long refused to assume its responsibilities in Rijnland's common works and, as a consequence, had been threatened with having its drainage route dammed off. In February 1449 (OAR14, 38v-a) it had been delayed until Easter. Now, a group from Hogeveen has petitioned to have it further delayed while some sort of agreement is worked out. The heemraden, with this keur, agree that the damming will be put off until St. Peter's schouw (24 February 1450) if the Hogeveeners agree to pay morgengeld at the same rate as do their neighboring ambachten and also abide by peat digging regulations such as posting bond, etc. |
71v-b |
019r-b-019v |
#321 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1449.11.18 |
Keur |
Prohibit schout and village officials of Noordwijk or Noordwijkerhout from contracting for hydraulic work other than their own -- to avoid conflicts of interest. |
020r-c |
#331 |
Date |
Type |
Summary |
OAR 11 Folio |
OAR 12 Folio |
OAR 13 Folio |
Rec # |
1449.11.18 |
Vonnis |
The hoogheemraden declare that, before 22 February 1450, Clais Dircxzoon must pay Claes Willemszoon for injuries done to the latter's son, Willem Claeszoon. The son, a skipper's helper, was injured when Clais Dircxzoon let the sluice door of the Grote sluis at Spaarndam fall while repairing the sluice. |
131r-a |
#555 |